2nd ring

Finding EXO rings



While in they’re way to finding the rings your father saw a light coming down from sky on a house in the forest. It was a little wooden house. Your father went into the house leaving his best friend outside with the horses not knowing that his brother was behind him all the time. He entered the house and saw a old woman at the fire sleeping and on the other side of the house a little kid playing with some rocks. Your father remained silent seeing the little boy raising the rocks in the air not touching them. He then walked up the old woman telling her to keep quiet. She looked over to the little boy:

“Luhan, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Grandma, look, a ring fell from the roof, I took it and put it on and now the rocks are flying.” He said playing with the rocks.

Your father realized that that ring is one of the rings, so he decided to take the little boy to the palace.

“Can I take the boy with me, madam? I am one of the kings sons and I left the palace to search 12 rings and their owners and you’re grandchildren seems to be one of them.” Your father said.

“Palace? 12 rings? Luhan? Well okay you can take him but only to promise me that you will take care of him. I feel that I can’t do it anymore so I knew that one day I will leave him be alone.” She said.

“Grandma!” Luhan crying.

“ It’s time that you will know other people than me.”

“No! I won’t let you alone!”

“You need to, you can visit me anytime you want.” She said with a smile but with a tear in her eye.

“Then we will go because I have 11 more rings to find and I have to take him to the palace.” Your father said.

“Fine, go Luhan, follow him.” She said.

“Be well grandma, I will visit you soon.” Said Luhan with a smile that made his grandma smile too.

While going outside Your father saw his best friend fighting with his brother. He put Luhan on a horse and told him to go to the palace. Luhan left not knowing what is happening.Your father then went to his brother and asked.

“What are you doing, he is on our side.”

“No he is on your side.” Your uncle said while putting a knife on his neck.

“Stop, don’t hurt him.” Your father said.

“Who was the boy, don’t tell me you found one of the rings. I saw the light and I’m sure you wont tell me if I’ll ask you.” He said while hurting your father best friend and heading to your father.

“Yes he has one of the rings, but why don’t we search for them together? We may find them quicker.” Your father said while trying to take his sword.

“Why do you want your sword, so you’re not that good how our father thinks, come on you want to kill me, come try it, let’s see who will win, the one that helps everyone or the one that is training from the childhood.” your uncle said while going closer and closer with his knife. 

“I want my sword just so I can defend myself, because it seems you want to kill me.” Your father said in a laud voice so his friend to wake up.

‘Yes, you are right, I do want to kill you” he said starting the fight.

They started fighting but even though your father had a sword he couldn’t fight like his brother. His friend woke up and tried to help your father but your uncle cut one of his legs while turning making him fell on the ground, Your father rushed to him to see if he is okay and seeing his brother trying to stab him he protected him while the knife went into his heart. Your uncle seeing what he did he stepped back and not knowing what to do he started running.

Your father was bleeding and his best friend tried to wake him up, but he wouldn’t so he started crawling to the house in the forest pulling your father with him. He arrived after a while and put him on the bed.

“What happened, why is he hurt, where is Luhan, you are bleeding too? I’ll bring something to stop the blood.” Luhan grandma said.

“Someone ( he didn’t want to say that it was the other prince) stabbed him and cut my leg and if you are referring to a little boy he is on his way to palace, he is on prince’s horse so he will be okay, but we have to go to palace quick so the doctor will heal him.” He said while cleaning your father wound.

“Sorry to say this, but I think he is dead already, the knife most likely cut his heart so I don’t know if he will be healed, even if a magic will be done I don’t think he will be fine.” She said while looking into his crying eyes.

“No, he will be fine, I will take him to the palace right now.” He said rising up and falling due to his leg,

“I see, you really care about him.” She said.

She then stood up and helped him to go to the horse and waved them.

“Be well and take care of Luhan for me.” she said before the horse started running.

In the palace was very quiet, it was morning and the smell after the rain was still in the air. You stood on the bridge while looking at your reflection in the water. You heard your father horse coming near the bridge but it wasn’t your father it was a boy.

You where so happy for a moment but when you saw that it is not him you put your head down.

“Hello, do you know where the palace entrance is?” he said to you with a smiling face, he looked like an angel.

“What are you doing on my father horse? Who are you?” You said while screaming at him.

Lay heard you and came running.

“What’s wrong, ChunMi,” he said to you the he saw him on the horse.

“Who are you and where is the horse owner?” he said.

The boy got down from the horse.

“My name is Luhan and I came here on the horse that a man gave to me. He said to come to the palace. And he said something about some rings.” He said.

“Rings?” You asked.

“Yes, look, I have one. And I can do this too.” Lifting a rock from the ground.

It was amazing. Then you looked at Lay and he seemed sad.

“Lay, what’s wrong?” You asked him.

“If he can lift the rock then maybe I can do it too.” and started to move his hands but nothing happened.

“What is the meaning of this unicorn? I can’t do anything? Why?” he said it looking sad.

“Maybe your power is not something physical, you will find sooner or later.” Luhan said it smiling.

“Come inside to show to the grandpa the rings.”You said.

In the palace every one was happy seeing that 2 of the rings are found.

“You are the boy that came with my son’s horse, then can you say to us where is he now.” Your grandpa asked him.

“He put me on the horse and told me to come here then he headed to a man.” Luhan said.

Your mother then said to go to eat. So you went to the dining room and ate, after the meal you heard a horse. 

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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have read....love it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!