4th ring

Finding EXO rings


The next morning you woke up early because you wanted to make breakfast for the boys, so you went to the village, you knew that it will take you 4 hours to be there that’s why you left early in the morning.

You reached the village and the first think you saw was a old lady that was selling baozi on the streets. You remembered that Luhan’s favorite food, specially at breakfast is baozi so you went to her to buy some.

“Good morning, can I have 8 baozi?” you said to her but she didn’t respond.

“Grandma, why are you awake, you need to sleep I can take care of the baozi, come inside and take a rest.” Someone from inside the house was yelling.

The old lady then turned around and went into the house leaving you outside all alone.

“Excuse me, can someone help me?” you yelled hopping that the one inside will hear you.

A head pooped out from the door, was a cute boy.

“Yes, sorry I didn’t know that someone was here this early, actually not many people come to buy baozi so we never have costumers.” He said while reaching for baozi.

“How many do you want?”

“Eight please.” You said.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” He said.

“Why don't people buy baozi, they are very good.” You said while eating one.

“Because of me, I ruined everything, my grandma’s pleasure to sell baozi to everyone from this village, to have a lot of friends.” He said while eating a baozi and sitting down.

“What could you do to ruin something like that?” you asked him and sitting next to him.

“Why are you so curious? I have work to do, I need to take care of her.” He said while standing up and taking out five baozi for you.

“Here, take, it’s because you bought from us.” He said while reaching out his hand to give them to you.

You noticed the ring on his hand, it was like a snowflake.

“Wait! Where do you have that ring from?” you asked him.

“This?” he looked at the ring.

“This is what made everything go bad. From the day if fell on my head 8 years ago I was able to do thinks that I didn’t wanted and that made everyone afraid of me.” He said while squeezing his fist like he wanted to break it.

“You have powers? So is one of the rings.” You said with a smile on your face.

“Mi, Mi, there she is.” You heard a voice.

“Lay, why are you here? You should be at the house, I left a note that I will be back quick.” You said.

“Yes you left one but I couldn’t let you alone, remember I need to take care of you.”

“Yes I know, but look he has one of the rings.” You pointed the boy.

Both of you were looking at him smiling.

“My ring? What are you talking about?”

You then told him the entire story about your father and how your grandfather asked you to bring back all 12 rings. He listened but behind him his grandma was listening too.

“You need to come with us.” You said to him.

“I can’t leave my grandma alone, she doesn’t speak to anyone but me.”

“My dear grandson, if you want to go you can go, I can take care of myself, actually I am glad that you found friends and maybe this is what you need to do.” She said while coming out from the house.

“Grandma, you were there! But what will you do alone? I can’t leave you alone.” The boy said to her.

“I have baozi, and I promise you that I will start talking with people, all this time I didn’t want to do it because all they said was about how weird you are and I didn’t want you to fell bad, but now I don’t care because you have a gift so they can say whatever they want.”

“Grandma, then I will leave.” He said holding his tears.

“Here is a baozi, don’t cry.” She said stuffing a baozi in his mouth.

The three of you started going back after buying other stuff for the breakfast and went back to Sehun’s house.

“Wait, I don’t know your name.” you said stopping the horse.

 “You don’t know his name, what were you talking about then all this time.” Lay said.

“My name is Xiumin, but I don’t know yours either.” He said while laughing.

“That’s right, well his name is Lay, and as you see he doesn’t speak to much but he’s a good boy and he has a ring too, he has the power of healing, and my name is Chunmi but you can call me Mi.” you said to him.

At Sehun’s house.

“Where were you? You left me alone with this boy and his dog and with no food, I though that you left without me” Luhan said while hugging you.

“Hey, get away from her, you were not alone for a long time. When did you woke up?” Lay asked him.

“Two hours ago.” Luhan said.

“We are gone for more than eight hours so you don’t have the right to cry.” Said Lay.

Luhan turned to you.

“Why is he like that? You could have woke me up to come with you.” Said to you.

“I left alone, but look what I bought.” And you showed the baozi in Xiumin’s hands.

“Baozi, where did you got them from. You knew I love them. I love you Mi.” Luhan said while hugging the baozi.

“Who is he?” Sehun asked from the other side of the room pointing at Xiumin.

“He has one of the rings and has powers too.” You said.

“You look like a baozi, I will call you baozi from now on.” Luhan said to Xiumin, making all of you laugh, well except Lay who is stil at Luhan “I love you” part.

You ate and after two hours you started moving on to other places.

Before leaving.

“I can’t believe how fast we found two of the rings, now we have four founded, eight more and we can go back home. I hope grandpa is waiting for us, he will not leave us, no?” you asked Lay.

“We will find them, and your grandpa is waiting, remember he waited for you to turn 18 to let you go in this journey.” Lay said looking in your eyes and that made you calm.

Mongu came with you but he went back in Sehun’s house.

“Mongu, come back!” Sehun yelled.

“Let him go back, he will wait for you.” You said.

“I’ll go and leave him some food.” He turned back home and left Mongu food and then came back to you.


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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have read....love it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!