
Finding EXO rings


At your uncle place.

Since Kai left in search for you, his brothers and sisters stayed at your uncle house.

They really love staying with your aunt and uncle.

Kai appeared at the house and went straight to the kids that were playing.

Your uncle heard him.

“Did you find her?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Good, but did she found any of the rings?”

“I don’t know for sure but there was one that stopped the time and one that could move me with his mind, I think.”

“Two of them! You need to take them from her, I don’t know, take them in a place where no one is and don’t let them go.”

“But they have powers, how can I stop them from escaping?”

“I don’t know. You do it.”

“While you are taking care of the two boys I’m going to take my fighters and capture her.”

“Capture her, what did she do wrong?”

“You don’t need to know, just take care of those two. Before you go, tell me where she is.”

Kai told him everything about the place she is at and the boys that are with her.


At the motel.

“Who was that boy?” Lay asked Tao.

“You said it was your friend but he said something else.” Luhan joined.

“Well, I wanted to be friends with him, I never knew that there were 12 guys with similar powers like me and when I saw him I wanted to stay together. Since I was little no one wanted to be friends with me. The older boys always beaten me, that is why I learned wushu.”

“It’s okay now, you have us.” Kris told him.

“What do you think he wanted?” Xiumin asked Tao.

“He was following Mi. I don’t know what he wanted from her.”

D.O, Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun came from the market.

“I’m going to make food.” D.O said.

“I will help you.” Sehun said.

“You can help, but please don’t eat before it’s done.”

“Okay, okay.”

Coming in the living room.

“I told you, I think those were following us.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun.

“Why would they be following us, wait, maybe they want a room.” Baekhyun said.

“If they wanted one they would come here, they stood hidden.”

“I think that you are hungry you are seeing things, maybe they wanted to steal our baozi.” Baekhyun said sarcastically.

“Baozi, no one steals my baozi.” Luhan screamed.

“What is wrong Chanyeol?” Suho asked.

“I think that we are followed.”

“Kai came back?” Tao asked.

“I don’t think it was Kai, it where more than one person, I think that maybe Kai was send to find where you are and now these men are here to capture you.” Chanyeol said to you.

“Don’t scare us, especially her, we will go and find out who they are.” Chen said hugging you.

“Then I and Tao will go with you.” Luhan said to Chen.

“I will go with Kris and Xiumin.” Said Sehun.

“We will go with D.O then.” Chanyeol said.

“Okay, but eat first, I made it so I won’t let it get cold.” D.O said.

“I think that D.O is right, we need to be fully prepared, and beside I can’t fight with empty stomach.” Sehun said.

“He is right.” Chanyeol agreed.

“It is really good.” Tao said.

After they ate they walked on the streets to see if they were still there.


Chen, Luhan and Tao’s side.

“Let’s go this way, if they were to hide they would do it in the forest, don’t you think?” Chen said.

“Let’s go, the boys are in the village anyway, it won’t hurt if we try there.” Luhan said.

They didn’t know that beside the fighters your uncle sent, Kai was too, only that he was after them not you.

“Look, there, we found 5 of them.” Tao said.

The fighters didn’t saw them but were heading to the motel place. Luhan and the boys then tried to make them run after them.

“Hey, you 5 ugly men over there, why don’t I show you how fighting should be.” Tao screamed to them.

From the other side Luhan appeared.

“What’s wrong, you are afraid?”

Two of the men’s came after Tao and one after Luhan.

The other two tried to escape running to the motel.

The sky started to turn black and lightning strike the ground before them.

“Where are you going?” Chen asked.

One of them came straight to Chen and they started fighting. Chen wasn’t so good at fighting but managed to strike another lightning in his head. He then saw that the other one was running. He a lot more lightning’s to stop him, he hit a tree that fell on him making him unconscious.


Kris, Xiumin and Sehun’s side.

They were at the fountain.

“I think I ate too much.” Sehun said complaining of stomach pains.

“Who made you eat all that food?” Xiumin said to him making him sit on the fountain.

“I’ll go look over there.” Kris said leaving Tao and Xiumin behind.

“While you stay here I will go to look too, if you see anything come after us.” Xiumin said.

Kris saw that behind a house there were some people, He approach them slowly and saw that they were more than 10 man's. He flew back to Sehun but they heard him and saw them. Flying back he saw that there was a man coming behind Xiumin trying to hit him with a bat in his hand. Kris yelled at Xiumin.

“Xiumin , behind you.”

Xiumin turned and made the man freeze.

Sehun saw that sky turned black, he knew that the others must have found some of them. He then heard Kris and saw Xiumin freezing the guy. Looking at Kris he saw that a lot of men were behind him.

“Kris, stay out of the way.”

Kris turned to see the ones behind him and flew to Sehun’s side.

Sehun made a strong wind around them, making them not being able to move. Kris took a string, tied them and put them in the fountain that was not so deep but enough for them to not be able to get out.

Kris then started to fly above the village to see what are the others doing and if there were any more man's hiding.


Baekhyun, Chanyeol and D.O’s side.

“Let’s go there, I saw them in that place.” Chanyeol said showing an abandoned house near they’re motel.

Chanyeol entered the house trying to not make to much noise. They didn’t knew that that house was they’re hiding place, and that there where more that 20 man's inside.

Baekhyun and D.O entered in the house too. The house was dark and it seemed that no one was inside. Chanyeol walked up the stairs and heard some talking coming from one of the rooms.

“The boss said to do what that man is telling us, I don’t get why he is helping him, who is that man?” one of the guys said.

“If he is helping him maybe he is powerful or maybe even better, he is rich.” Another one said too.

“If our boss is saying to us that we need to do it then we need to do it.”

“Let’s go take the girl and we are done.”


“We need to eat first, I still have a little left from the noodles.”

“You and your appetite.”

Chanyeol heard a lot of voices coming from the door.

Downstairs while searching in other rooms, D.O made a noise, it wasn’t big but enough for the ones upstairs to hear.

They started coming out of the room. Chanyeol hid behind the open door.

After the last one came out Chanyeol knew he needed to prevent the other two so he shoot a big flame to the last ones. Being an old wood house and a narrow hall the last 4 man's clothes were in fire and the house was too, a little but it was. The others started running downstairs. The two downstairs heard them.

“Fire, fire, hurry, go out.”

“Hurry, they are more that 10 man's here.” Chanyeol screamed from upstairs.

Hearing him D.O then put his hand on the floor and made a little earthquake enough for the floor to break down forming a hole in the middle of the house.

The house was in fire. The fighters felt the shaking but didn’t saw the hole in the floor. Baekhyun saw them coming down and threw them a light that made them blind and so they fell in the hole. Baekhyun and D.O went out from the house to see it burning.

“Chanyeol, Chanyeol is still inside, I’ll go get him.” Baekhyun said scared.

“Hey, wait you want to get in fire too, remember there is a hole inside.” D.O said.

They hurried on the other side of the house where was a window on the floor Chanyeol was on. Chanyeol, while they were down stairs taking care of the fighters, had climbed on the roof.

Kris flying saw a house in fire and Chanyeol on the roof.

“Kris, happy to see you.” Chanyeol said with a happy face as if nothing happened.

He took him from there and put him on the ground next to Baekhyun and D.O that where yelling for him.

“Chanyeol, Kris.” D.O yelled.

“Chanyeol, sorry I left you alone up there.” Baekhyun hugged him.

“It’s okay, the fire won’t do anything bad to me, remember, and I really liked up there.” Chanyeol said with a smile on his face.

“Ya, I was worried for you.” Baekhyun hit his arm.

“Let’s go to Mi, they are after her, I don’t think they were the only ones.” Chanyeol said.

‘You go back, I’ll look after the others.” Kris said flying away from them.


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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!