Three rings

Finding EXO rings


Next morning.

You came down stairs and saw someone in the kitchen.

“Good morning, I didn’t know someone else was in the house.”

He turned to see you, it was Chen, he looked at you and you at him.

“Yaaaa, Chen what are you doing here?” you yelled.

“Mi, I missed you, you don’t know how much.” He said while hugging you.

“Mi, what’s wrong?” Lay came in the kitchen.

He saw you being hugged by a boy, he couldn’t see the boy but his face looked like he wanted to punch the boy.

You saw Lay looking really pissed and thought that the screaming made him pissed.

“Sorry for screaming but look who is here.” You said showing him Chen.

He looked at Chen.

“Chen, what are you doing here? Nice to see you.” Lay said with a happy smile on his face.

His happy smile was either he really missed Chen or he was happy that Chen was the one that hugged you and not any other boy.

“I came to prevent you, my father seems that he still wants the throne, and want’s to find you.”

You Lay and Chen went to living room.


One by one entered the kitchen.

“Waaahhh, I need food.” Sehun said yawning and stretching.

“Me too.” Chanyeol said.

“Finally I slept in my own bed.” Luhan.

“Where is D.O I’m hungry too.” Xiumin said.

“Me too. Where are my baozi's?” Said Luhan.

“Food? Where is the food?” Suho came in the kitchen.

“Ya, I couldn’t sleep at all. And that boy is still lying in the bed.” Said Baekhyun.

“D.O, come down right now.” Sehun yelled.

“Is D.O the cook?” Suho asked Luhan, because he was closer to him.

“Well, kind of.” Answered Luhan.

“Wait, who are you?” everyone in the kitchen yelled.

Suho jumped on his seat.

“Aaa,….hello….my name is Suho.”

“Aaa, he is one of the boys that rented last night a room.” Baekhyun said.

The boys where to busy thinking about the food to realize him.

“Coming, coming!” said D.O coming down.

You entered the kitchen too, followed by Lay and Chen.

D.O started preparing the breakfast.

You all sat at the table.

“Everyone, this is Chen, my cousin.” You said.

“And he is Suho.” Chen said.

“Hello.” Everyone said not paying attention.

“Excuse them, my name is Xiumin and I’m the oldest here, nice to meet you, he is Luhan, he can’t talk because he can’t stop eating, as you see.”

“I love baozi.” He said.

“The two over there are Sehun and Chanyeol, the tall one is Chanyeol, they are waiting for the food so they can’t think of anything else right now. The one cooking is D.O and the one sleeping on the table is Baekhyun, I think you know him.”

“I’m Lay, nice to meet you Suho.” Lay said.

You all sat and eat.

After the breakfast.

“I see that you made friends.” Chen said while the two of you where walking around the town.

Of course you are not alone, the boys are out too. Lay, Luhan, Suho and Xiumin are looking for a baozi shop. D.O is buying vegetables and meat for dinner, followed by Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.  

You looked at them.

“You can say I made friends. But I see you made one too.” You said.

“I have something to say to you.”


He showed you his ring.

“I have one of the rings and the power of lightning, and Suho has one too, he can control the water.”

You though about the dream.

“Are you saying that I found two more rings?”

“Two more? You found one already?”

“Well all the boys have one.” with you two I found already 9 rings.”

“Chen, can you come here?” Suho asked Chen.

He went to Suho.


You saw some flowers around a fountain. You thought about your mom and what she is doing. While thinking in another place you didn’t realize that someone is coming your way with big boxes in his hands. He didn’t saw you either so you two bumped in each other.  

His boxes fell on the ground and he on top of you.

“Aaa.” You yelled when you bumped with him.

“Sorry miss, are you okay?” he lifted you from the ground.

“I’m okay.” You said while your face was red.

“I’m really sorry, it was my fault, I should pay more attention on the road, especially when such a beautiful woman is walking on it.” He said while taking your hand and kissing it.

You’re face was red.

“I’m okay.”

“Are you sure, I can take you to a doctor if you want me to.”

“No, she doesn’t need a doctor, she has me.” Lay came and took your hand from his.

“Hello to you too, I was only concerned about her.”

“I’m really okay.”

“Your boyfriend is really jealous.” He said while leaning to your ear.

You made big eyes.

Lay saw him coming closer to you and hugged you so he won’t come closer anymore.

“Thank you for your concern but like she said she is okay.”

He left you because Luhan screamed for him.

“Whenever you need help you can ask me, my name is Kris and I love flowers, as you see, I take care of these flowers.”

“I love flowers too, but I like to see them in the ground.”

“I think the same as you, but here take this flower, I give it to you because it is as beautiful as you.” He said cutting a daisy and giving it to you.

You took it and saw at his finger a ring.

“I like your dragon ring.”

“I got it from my father before he died. My mom died giving birth to me so he thought me to take care of flowers, I know he wanted to learn to take care of everything around me, he really missed my mother and maybe that is why he left me too. From when I had 14 years I took care of myself and flowers.”

You looked at the flower and smiled.

He looked at you.

“Can I tell you a secret? I think I can tell it to you, I don’t know but I fell like I should.”

“Tell me.”

“Actually this ring gave me powers too.”

You looked at him.


“You don’t believe me, I see.”

“Tell me what powers?”

“I can fly.”

You smiled very big.

“Lay, Lay come here.” You screamed.

“Yes Mi, what’s wrong?”

“He has a ring and he can fly, this means I have only two more rings to find.”

You told all the story to Kris and he promised you that he will come with you.

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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!