Two more rings

Finding EXO rings


On you’re way to the next village in you’re list.

You passed Xiumin’s village, of course Luhan took baozi to eat on the jurney, and you are now, after 10 hours, in a motel kind of house.

Even though in the house there are no other people staying right now, except the 5 of you and the two boy’s that are renting the rooms for you.

“Guys, I understand why Lay stays in my room, he never leaves me alone even if I want him to, but you know that there are other rooms, no?” you asked them while Xiumin lay’s on one of the bed’s in the room, Luhan eats a baozi listening to you, Lay stays on a chair waiting for them to get out of the room and Sehun just listens to you.

“But I want to know more about you, can’t I stay here too?” Sehun asked you.

“mmhdgtdt me.” Said Luhan with his mouth full, he swallowed and said.

“No, you can’t, the one that will stay with Lay and her is me.”

“Guys, don’t fight, let me sleep.” Said Xiumin putting the pillow on his head.

“Everyone out, right now, there are only two beds so as you can see even if you would stay you don’t have where.” Lay yelled at them opening the door for them to go out.

“Why are you the one that stays with her? I can sleep on the floor I don’t mind.” Said Luhan putting a pillow on the floor.

Lay looked at him then at Sehun that did the same and at Xiumin that allredy fell asleep on the bed. So he took a pillow too and did the same but in the space between the beds. You sat on your bad and looked at them with a smile on your face, then you fell asleep.

“You are walking on the stairs in you’re palace with a thirsty mouth, you get yourself in the kitchen and poured the water in the glass but while lifting the glass the water inside started moving flying in the air around you then going towards a boy in the big hall, it looked like he is controlling the water, you went closer to see his face but you couldn’t because a light came from outside the window. You then walked to the balcony and tried to see who is making it but again you couldn’t. You had a feeling that someone is next to you that before wasn’t, you turned to see a figure but it was staying in your shadow and you couldn’t see him, he came to you but you got scared so you fell from the balcony and found yourself in hands of another boy that was flying putting you down on a beach. You got scared not knowing where you are and started running but the clouds started moving faster, the rain started pouring and a lightning hit the sand right next to you making you stop. You saw a boy that seemed to control the place where the lightning hits so you started running again. The sand seemed to move and it felt like a earthquake, you fell on the ground to see another boy who’s face you couldn’t see, again. You saw a boy coming to you but in his footprints the where flames, you got up quicly and started running again and it felt like it will never stop. At that time the sand next to you started moving around you seeing Sehun smiling to you, you wanted to go to him but you felt yourself flying but it wasn’t the boy it was you, you looked down and saw Luhan lifting you in the air like wanting to play with you. Luhan put you down next to Xiumin that made some of the rain drops ice and gave them to you. You wanted to take them but you couldn’t move, a boy looked at you with scary eyes that anyone can remember after seeing them. You couldn’t move but all the boys that you saw where there placing themselves in a line looking at you. There were ones that you knew like Luhan, Sehun, Xiumin but the others you couldn’t see them again. You looked at them but you couldn’t see Lay, you started scaring yourself only to see him moving to you with his hand stretched like he wants to touch you, his hand seemed warm and you felt that everything will be okay, he came closer and closer…”

You opened your eyes to see Lay caressing your cheek, you stood up.

“What are you doing?” you asked him hiding your red cheeks.

“You looked like you had a nightmare so I wanted to help you wake up.” He said looking worried.

“ I need water, I’m thirsty.” You said while going out of the room.

You though about the dream you had. It seemed so real. While coming down the stairs the light went of and you freaked out thinking about the dream.

You stayed there and heard some voices downstairs and some light coming from the kitchen, even though the light in the house wasn’t working. You walked slowly to the light and heard them.

“Don’t tell me you forgot to buy candles, you know that because of the rain the light is always making problems.”

“Baekhyun, can you stop yelling at me, you can wake up our visitors, I know I bought but I just don’t remember where I put them, you just need to help me and make more light for me, please.”

“Okay, I will shut up now.”

“I found them, I knew I bought them, happy now?”

“Okay, can you please light the candles I can’t hold the light anymore and I don’t want anyone to see me either.”

“Okay, you can stop now.”

The light went down but the flames in the boy hands got your attention making you walk in the room more and more. The candles are now on. The boys looked at you, you looked at them, it was silent.

“I’m thirsty, that baozi was good but I need water.” Luhan walked in the silent kitchen like nothing happened.    

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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!