First ring

Finding EXO rings


“Mom, do you like them?” showing the flowers that you took from the garden.

“My little angel, if you like them so much you shouldn’t break them because they will die faster, you should watch them grow and bloom in the garden.” She said to you while hugging you and showing you the garden full of beautiful flowers.

Everything looked so perfect, the flowers in the garden make it so beautiful and perfect like a piece of heaven and having your mom and dad so close to you was everything you ever wanted.

Your Grandfather was the king of exo planet but he was very ill, you always liked making him smile because you saw that he was worried for the kingdom and that’s why he stopped being the smiling grandpa that loved playing with his grandchildren’s.

Your father had a twin brother but they were like water and oil. Your father was hardworking, maybe too hardworking, every time someone needed help he would do it not thinking about himself and his health. He had a best friend that he treated like a brother because his own brother never understood his way of thinking about others and not at the throne. Your uncle was always thinking that he would take the throne seeing your father not caring about it. He had a son,  Chen, but Chen was to into singing that made his father not care about him and talking bad to him. But Chen always liked staying with you in the garden and singing for you and that made you very happy.

You didn’t had a lot of friends other that Chen and the son of your father best friend, Lay, but Lay was always so quiet that he looked like a statue when he was with you but one day you caught him dancing in the garden. He looked so happy being alone and dancing that you always though that he doesn’t like staying with you. But seeing him smiling even at distance was enough for you to care about him.

It was a rainy day and everything outside was quiet but in the palace was not. It seems that your grandpa has something to say to you. He called all of you in the big room.

“Dear sons and daughters, and my two little grandchildren, I know that my time is over and I know that I have to put someone on the throne before I die.” My grandfather said. Hearing that every one in the palace remained silent and worried that you could hear the rain outside.

“I don’t want to make a rash decision so I’m going to test my two sons” he said.

“Test, what test father?” your uncle said.

Then he stood up and turned to the rock where the diamond is and took the 12 rings out of their places, turned to you and said:

“This are the 12 rings with the 12 signs that can open the rock, I am going to put EXO ring inside the rock, and only the one that has all 12 rings can be the king. The rings stayed on this rock for a long time but I’m going to let them find they’re owners so they together with the king can protect the planet and the people. No one until now wanted to do it because they never trusted the rings to be able to find the right owners but now I really believe them and you my sons that you can make this happening. So I’m going to throw them so be ready my sons cause this will be the beginning of a new chapter in Exo’s planet history.” After that he went to the tower and with the help of the wind outside the rings disappeared .

“Father, you understand what you did? What if we don’t find them? You should have picked without doing this king of thing. You could just give me the throne since my brother here seems to not care about it.” Your uncle said.

“Don’t worry dad I will make everything to bring them back and brother don’t worry the throne is yours so help me find them.” Your father said while heading outside.

Your uncle hearing what he said made him happy but also mad because only the one that brings all of them can become king.

he was thinking.

Your father with his best friend are outside on their horses.

“ My lovely wife and daughter, I promise you that I will be back and after this we will go to a place where a lot of flower will make my daughter smile and where we will be happy together, I promise.” Your father said with a smile on his face that even this day you remember.

Your uncle seeing him on his horse started to follow him hopping to take all the rings that he finds.

You remained with your mom, Chen and Lay while looking at the sun hopping that they will be well and bring the 12 rings back.

At that time you had only 10 years old so for you was like your father was going on a trip.

After a while you went inside with your mom and Chen, but Lay stayed outside. You saw that he remained single in the garden so you decided to watch him like you always did and left your mom. While he was outside he started dancing but now it wasn’t the happy Lay, he was crying while dancing, that made you cry, after a while he stopped and fell on the ground, a light fell on him that scared him and you. You started running to him and screaming:

“Lay, Lay are you okay?”

He looked at you scared and showed you his hand and in it was a ring with a unicorn.

“Woow, Lay. Is this one of the rings? “ You asked with a smile on your face.

The scared Lay looked at you and not knowing what to do he stood there like a stone.

You saw that he didn’t know what to do you hugged him.

“This is great. I found one of the rings. So my father will be home quick.” You said while hugging him.

Seeing you happy he smiled, the first time he smiled to you, it was better that the ones before.


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Chapter 19: I can't believe it's over...this is my first story I have it!
Chovinna #2
Chapter 19: Gentle Kris is always awesome :)
Chapter 19: Its.....o-over......
Great story!
Chapter 17: A-almost over!!?? Omg.... *crying*
Chapter 16: Oh yesss!! Kai stoped his job, chen's dad became nice!!! Thanks for the update author nim!! Cant wait for the next chap.
Chapter 13: Kai's g-gonna be a t-traitor??!
Chapter 12: Thanks again for the update!
Chapter 9: Oh yeah! Thanks for the update author-nim!
Chapter 8: And kai my bias was the secret weapon , i hope he will be with the good pnes!
Chapter 8: And than u updated again! Hooray!