Our Fated Meeting by KimYunaa

EXO - Review Shop (Closed)



Reviewed by Jihan


Story Title → 3 of 5

Your story title isn't that special but it matches your storyline.

Main Image → 5 of 5

It's nice and simple :)

Foreword & Description → 9,5 of 10

The foreword is great but it dosen't describes the story that much but I somehow understand why you didn't write that much 'cause your story itself is very short.

Characters → 10 of 20

Not much to say, since there is only one chapter, so...

Apperance → 10 of 10

It's good nothing to complain about...

Originality → 20 of 20

It's really original since I've never read this kind of story :D and there aren't that much Kyungsoo stories so you choose the right characters!

Plot→ 15 of 20

Too fast and unrealistic...You know how it can be better? For example you can write that the girl is cuddling happily with her husband Kyungsoo and then she asks him if he remembers how they met...and then you can put a flashback :D

Reviewer Bonus → 5 of 10

It was somehow funny, I don't know why but you got me giggling :) oh yeah and the part where you wrote that the girl was reading one of your stories I fell of the chair and couldn't stop laughing xD what a hilarious idea???


Totall: 77, 5 out of 100!!!!!Thank you for requesting you made me smile, I really enjoyed it :DD 

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Skaifall #1
i requested... but i realised that you guys were closed D: sorry for my blindness... i just noticed the huge CLOSED in your title...and i didnt read the foreword since ive requested here before.. just ignore my request then (:
hello! i already filled up the request form. :D
Maudmoonshine #3
Sorry i wasnt able to comment right away, but i requested :)
I requested ~ ^-^
I requested! ;)
Chapter 20: Hi! Thank you for your review! I'm so happy about the grade! :)
About the tittles, they have names of food because the main tittle name: "Anthology: Spice of Life" so for each story, I'll pick a different spice for it, xD.
Requested :-)
Hi, I've just requested :)
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review and sorry about that lack of chapter as i haven't been able to update to due to my exams :)
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review ^^ and i'm also excited for exo's comeback *Q* i mean D.O and baek just-