Until we meet again.... by KatyMikayla

EXO - Review Shop (Closed)





►Reviewed by Emy



Story Title → 3 of 5 

It's not eye catching and it's too simple therefore...

Main Image → 5 of 5

I like it. It gives you this warm romantic feeling :D

Foreword & Description → 10 of 10

Well done! 

Characters → 16 of 20 

Hmm, they are okay but not that unique. I can tell much since the girl changed into Euning and there are only 8 chapters.

Apperance → 10 of 10 

Everything in the right place also the font you use at the top of the chapter is nice:)

Originality → 18 of 20

Okay at first I was like :"Oh god not again those stories!"
And then the 5 chapters were quite not that interesting but then I was like: "Okay there is something differnt!" 
Nice idea with the whole idol and dream thingy.

Plot→ 15 of 20

Okay the plot is good but the first 5 chapters were not that enjoyable. But your writing skills are very good!

Reviewer Bonus → 0 of 10

Hmm to be honest, there was nothing special about your story...




Total: 77 out of 100!!! Thanks for requesting and sry for late review since I was busy :D




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Skaifall #1
i requested... but i realised that you guys were closed D: sorry for my blindness... i just noticed the huge CLOSED in your title...and i didnt read the foreword since ive requested here before.. just ignore my request then (:
hello! i already filled up the request form. :D
Maudmoonshine #3
Sorry i wasnt able to comment right away, but i requested :)
I requested ~ ^-^
I requested! ;)
Chapter 20: Hi! Thank you for your review! I'm so happy about the grade! :)
About the tittles, they have names of food because the main tittle name: "Anthology: Spice of Life" so for each story, I'll pick a different spice for it, xD.
Requested :-)
Hi, I've just requested :)
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review and sorry about that lack of chapter as i haven't been able to update to due to my exams :)
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review ^^ and i'm also excited for exo's comeback *Q* i mean D.O and baek just-