Chapter 7

Prince Of Thieves

A/N }Did you guys enjoyed my late April Fool's Prank? Kekeke! Anyways don't worry this will be an update so don't worry~ Today there will be a special guest start since today is his birthday!!!! Kya!!!!! Hope you guys enjoy this kay? 


They quickly gathered back to headquaters anxiously waiting for Baekhyun and Sehun's return since it was the first time ever that Baekyun had called for an emergency meeting. Murmurs were heard between the whole of Exo and when they finally arrived, everyone's voices died down.

"I found her." Baekhyun finally said after he settled down on the main chair.

Everyone's eyes opened wide especially Kai's except for Luhan and Sehun.

"Who's 'her'?" Luhan asked curiously breaking the moment.

"She was... "Baekhyun glanced at Kai nervously before continuing," Kai's sweetheart."

Luhan looked at Kai with eyes as wide as D.O's."Bwoh?Hyung had a girl???" He squealed like a little girl.

"Is she hot?" Luhan asked Sehun who nodded his head furiously.

"Yah! She's my girl we're talking about!"Kai said fuming.

"Just joking hyung. I'll never touch your girl. I swear."he swore .

"You better, now back to the topic," Kai said seriously,"Where is she?"

Baekhyun bit his lower lip,*Kai's not gonna like this...*"At the maid's Chamber..." he said cringing when he saw Kai's eyes full of hatred as he slammed the table which shook under his impact.

"BWOH????? Are you SERIOUS???" Kai exploded.

Baekhyun nodded his head slowly."Then why didn't you bring her back with you?" He asked moving towards him.

"She made a contract with Siw-" Baekhyun was cut short when Kai grabbed his shirt pulling it up."Then carry her, knock her unconsious! Wae didn't you bring her back to me????!!!"Kai snarled and everyone felt shivers run down their spine as it was another rare time for them to see Kai mad.

"Mianhe Hyung..." he muttered looking down as tears streamed down his face, to him, Taeyon noona was his savior who found him starving at the corners of the deserted alley. She was his savior, it hurt him too knowing the fact that he was unable to save her. He felt so damn useless, so damn weak. Why didn't he just carry her back? Like what Kai hyung said.

"I'm so sorry hyung!"Baekhyun sobbed out loud breaking down. Kai finally realised what he was doing and dropped Baekhyun down."Baekhyun ah... I- I'm sorry I was... "Kai 's voice trailed off as he felt the latter crying harder.

*Is that girl so important that Kai had to lose his cool?*Luhan thought while looking helplessly at the scenario.For the rest of the day, Kai stayed beside the crying Baekhyun trying to cool him down. Apologizing for his actions and muttering words of comfort towards him.

Luhan went to find Lay since he was bored and found him completely imersed with his newest painting. The painting was a picture of a girl with short flowing hair. Her smile was as bright as daylight and it felt like she was smiling at him making his heart flutter. Luhan placed a hand at his chest feeling his heart pounding very fast like a rollarcoaster.

"Hyung, who is she?" Luhan asked sheepishly.

"She's Taeyon noona."he answered,"She was the noona Kai was angry about."

After hearing the words, Luhan's heart sank. *So she was the noona huh... No wonder.*

Luhan gulped and slowly approached him,"Hyung, care to tell me what happened?"

Lay looked at Luhan sighing," Okay, it started like this, before we found you and Sehun..."


Lay- The narrater 

It started when both Kai and Taeyon were born. Taeyon and Kai were childhood friends who grew up together. To Exo, Taeyon was our savior. She saved Baekhyun and me from dying, Kris and Tao from being killed, Chen and D.O from starving,Xiu Min and Chanyeol from... The prison cells.

You see, Xiu Min and Chanyeol were Kai's best friends besides Taeyon and when one day, they were caught by the guards for loitering around the royal ground, they were put into the prison cells. At that time Suho hyung went into battle for who knows why and we were devestated.

So one day, noona went into the prison cells.

I heard she was caught but fortunately they released her. She saved Xiu Min and Chanyeol from the prison cells of hell. She was our goddess and we loved her. Kai loved her to death, until one day...

No One's POV

The sun was smiling at the new day ahead of us and as I ran towards Taeyon's house, I felt the cool breeze welcoming me. *Taeyon~~~ * He sing sung.

He skipped towards her house and knocked on her  door expecting her warm smile to be shown making his heart pound hard for her. But there was no answer. Obviously Kai grew suspicious and decided to knock again but again there was no reply.

He quickly climbed up the tree, which was his secret pathway to her house. But what greeted him was just a messy room. Without thinking twice, he knocked down her window entering her room with a note on the table saying-

Mianhe Kai oppa. 

And after that, Kai immediately broke down. Just yesterday they were walking together hand in hand towards the city, kicking guards butts and helping the city.

How could you? Kai wondered. Taeyon just left just like that when he suddenly remembered,

"Kai~ If one day I were to leave you... Just forget about me okay?" Taeyon said to him seriously.

"You'll never leave me, even if you were to leave me,I swear on the moon that I'll find you until my death. Because you'll be my only one~" Kai said nuzzling her neck as Taeyon softened at his words. Aw Kai...

Was this what she meant? Leaving him??? Kai wanted to scream, shout, swear... "I swear on Athena, I'll find you. I swear to the moon!" he screamed.

-End Of Flashback-

"So she just left?Just like that?" Luhan asked Lay who nodded his head sadly.

"We searched for her everyday and eventually, it lead us to both you and Sehun."

"Then why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you."Luhan asked anger boiling within him.

"Kai didn't want to get you guys affected." Lay reasoned.

Luhan snorted. "Are you trying to say that we weren't good enough?" he asked as Lay's eyes went big. "No! It's just that-"

"Forget it I understand."Luhan mutterd walking away slaming the door hard.


"Kai hyung, I'll prove to you that I'm good enough to be part of EXO." Luhan muttered walking towards the market.

Luhan hod woke up early from yesterday and none of the rest of Exo had woken up yet. Luhan sighed again and continued walking until he saw a poster.

Ladies and GENTLEMEN!

There will be an upcoming shooting event where King Siwon himself has decided to do.

Who ever wins will win a chance to eat at the Royal Palace and also get a chance to meet the lovely-

Miss Taeyon.

The competition will be held in Hurold Village at 10 o'clock sharp. 

Please be there early.

"Are you interested?"A guy asked Luhan.

Luhan hesitated before replying,"Yes.".

"I provide free transport to Hurold Village with only a small price." the guy said softly but loud enough for him to hear and he tightened his hold of his hood.

"Why should I believe you?"Luhan raised an eyebrow.

"Aww hyung... You don't remember me?" the voice was familiar yes but Luhan just couldn't seem to remember it until he took off his hood giving him a smirk which would send all girls to haven anytime.

"J-Jonghyun?" He breathed.

"Yo!"he smiled.



Jonghyun SPAM

"What day is it today?"


"GO Check~"Minho said laughing at his stupidness.


/Checks/ "Ouh it's my birthday!I'm so stupid!"- "See?"


"Bye I'm off to celebrate my bday!"  Anneyong peeps~







Isn't Jjong just the sweetest thing?kekeke~ ^^


Have a nice day~ Remember to subscribe , comment and Upvote ~~ Saranghaeyo


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Chapter 7: NICE!
Update soon..
Chapter 7: Ooooo! Thanks for the update!
I wonder if Luhan or KAi is going to do it.
Are you going to have the competition be like the traditional story of Robin Hood and have it be a bow shooting contest? Or no?
Chapter 5: Oh! And thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 5: Ahaha, I might be stupid, but I just noticed the poster! :D I like it!
Gah. If I were them, I'd be wonderstruck too! Taeyeon is gorgeous!
Chapter 4: OOOOOooooooooooooooOOOO!
What's going to happen NEXT? :O
Who's going to retrieve that arrow?
OR MAYBE, did it puncture someone? That'd be bad, lol.
Thanks for the update, SunnyGoddess! I can't wait for the next one.
Oh, and Baekhyun and Chen got Sehun Make-up? Ahaha! xD
Hello, you had said that comments were good, and I just wanted to suggest that you should say WHY the people wanted Suho. Why do the people wait for Suho? Maybe mention that Suho is amazing or something? That he has been known to be the nice guy? Something. And maybe something more about the plot? All I get from the foreword (which is what I only read) is that Siwon is a sadist and his people like Suho better... Okay, what about it? What about them living in terror and that Kai helps steal things for the poor? What is this going to be about? Is it two stories combined? Kai and Suho's? Or is it all aobut Robin Hood? Or is it about a prince who wants his rightful throne back? Who is the main dude? Kai? If it is, why is Suho's story included? Or at least included BEFORE Kai's. And Luhan and Taeyeon are before Suho, which I had thought Suho would be the main. (In Character Descrips.) Also, why isn't Suho coming back? Why isn't he stopping Siwon from doing all of these bad things? Explain his situation.
Sorry if I was harsh, but I just wanted to comment. :D
Otherwise, it seems like you've got a good story going!