Chapter 12

Prince Of Thieves

Sorry for not updating! I had some problems so yeah... Mianhe! Hope that you enjoy this chapter!


"Shall we play?"


"Play my ! How dare you do this to EXO!" Luhan snarled balling his fist up as anger filled him looking at his friends who were bruised and covered in blood. Kai's eyes were as cold as dry ice and was ready to take the man's head anytime.

"Hope that you've got my money ready... Or else-" he pulled Sehun out from behind and took out a knife making their eyes widen.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him!" Kai warned dangerously eyes piercing at the leader-Man, if only looks could kill, it it have been so usefeul right now- which resulted in a punch in the stomach.

"Don't you dare give me orders you weakling." he snorted and took out a knife placing it on Sehun's face."Do what I say or I might have to leave an ugly scar on his pretty face."


Luhan's eyes burned with anger and swiftly took out a dagger throwing it recklessly towards the man making the man release his grip on Sehun,"Hyung!"he cried and ran towards them. The man grunted but an idea suddenly struck him and a smirk was plastered on his face.

"Ouh no... It seems that you did the wrong move. You still have a chance you know? Hand over the money.Or else you could risk everything by playing a small game with me." he smirked and laughed like a hyena before settling down on the chair.

"What game are you trying to play?" Kai asked.

"Ouh it's really simple~"he sang," You just need to solve this riddle." *Which Siwon had given before I can be promoted...*

"Oh yeah?''

"Yeah, if you can't think of this then, all of you will die~ and you only have 20 seconds to think of it."

"Lay it out on us." Luhan said.

"It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die. What is it?" he asked grinning at their confused faces.

"20...19...18...17..."he counted down while smiling.

For him it was certainly a win- win solution you know why?King Siwon did not know anything about his plan to capture the thieves and if he actually brought Kai's head, he would earn a promotion. But if he failed, he would still earn Siwon's promotion by solving that damn riddle that was given to his 2 years ago.

No matter how hard he tried to solve it, nothing just seems frankly speaking, Kai's head an the promotion would be a sure 'get'.

"12...11...10...9..."He counted down boredly.



*Think Kai think!*he thought and closed his eyes trying to remember this awfully familiar riddle. *Where have I heard it from?*He tapped his fingers and looked at the man. He scanned him and his eyes landed on the man's sword which resembled the letter, 'T'

Suddenly memories of Taeyon rushed into him and it finally struck him why it was familiar.*Thanks Taeyon.*


"I know the answer!"Kai shouted.


A/N do you know the answer? 10 karma points would be given to the correct person! And also! It's a first come first serve basis N NO Cheating please

Hope that you enjoy my Chapter though it's a short one!

N also have you seen EXO's teaser? Its awesome! Kai!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kya~~~~>//////< My feels~~



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Chapter 7: NICE!
Update soon..
Chapter 7: Ooooo! Thanks for the update!
I wonder if Luhan or KAi is going to do it.
Are you going to have the competition be like the traditional story of Robin Hood and have it be a bow shooting contest? Or no?
Chapter 5: Oh! And thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 5: Ahaha, I might be stupid, but I just noticed the poster! :D I like it!
Gah. If I were them, I'd be wonderstruck too! Taeyeon is gorgeous!
Chapter 4: OOOOOooooooooooooooOOOO!
What's going to happen NEXT? :O
Who's going to retrieve that arrow?
OR MAYBE, did it puncture someone? That'd be bad, lol.
Thanks for the update, SunnyGoddess! I can't wait for the next one.
Oh, and Baekhyun and Chen got Sehun Make-up? Ahaha! xD
Hello, you had said that comments were good, and I just wanted to suggest that you should say WHY the people wanted Suho. Why do the people wait for Suho? Maybe mention that Suho is amazing or something? That he has been known to be the nice guy? Something. And maybe something more about the plot? All I get from the foreword (which is what I only read) is that Siwon is a sadist and his people like Suho better... Okay, what about it? What about them living in terror and that Kai helps steal things for the poor? What is this going to be about? Is it two stories combined? Kai and Suho's? Or is it all aobut Robin Hood? Or is it about a prince who wants his rightful throne back? Who is the main dude? Kai? If it is, why is Suho's story included? Or at least included BEFORE Kai's. And Luhan and Taeyeon are before Suho, which I had thought Suho would be the main. (In Character Descrips.) Also, why isn't Suho coming back? Why isn't he stopping Siwon from doing all of these bad things? Explain his situation.
Sorry if I was harsh, but I just wanted to comment. :D
Otherwise, it seems like you've got a good story going!