Chapter 2

Prince Of Thieves

At Siwon's castle

"Ah~ I want NEWS OF THAT MAGICIAN! What's his name again?" Siwon asked playing around with his fingers like a conductor.

"Kai, sir. And also I heard that they changed again. This time to fortune tellers." One of the Ministers said.

Siwon raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"

"Since the very start my lord. It's just that you kept assuming that he was a magician. "The Minister replied cooly and bowed his head.

"WHAT?!!!!!!" Siwon flared his nostrils and banged his hand on the table, causing it to shake.

"My deepest apology sire but-"

"No excuses! How dare you talk cooly in front of me? Now off with your head." Siwon declared and snapped his fingers together which signalled guards to carry the minister out.

Siwon walked towards the mirror and started admiring himself when,"But Sire! I have important news about... The Highness!"The Minister bargained with a hidden smirk.Siwon's ears immediately perked up and bit his finger nails. "The H-h-h-high-highness??????" Siwon stammered.The minister nodded his head eagerly and waved his hand dismissing the guards.

"So? What did you hear about omma?" Siwon asked desperately curious.

"She's coming back..."

Siwon's breath hitched and slowly asked,"When?"

"Tomorrow at dawn sire."

"Ah! No~~~ Ettoke?" Siwon cried slapping his forehead.

"I don't wanna~~~ Stop her from coming! Delay her time! DO SOMETHING!" Siwon whined with frustration.

"Yes sire," the minister bowed and retreated back to his quaters.

*That demon's coming! ! ! !!!!* Siwon screamed in his head and his thumb cutely.


Short chappie but than again, I enjoyed it!

This was somewhat the same reaction Siwon had when he heard that his omma was coming-



"Do something about it!!!!" Siwon cried


Siwon admiring himself~


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Chapter 7: NICE!
Update soon..
Chapter 7: Ooooo! Thanks for the update!
I wonder if Luhan or KAi is going to do it.
Are you going to have the competition be like the traditional story of Robin Hood and have it be a bow shooting contest? Or no?
Chapter 5: Oh! And thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 5: Ahaha, I might be stupid, but I just noticed the poster! :D I like it!
Gah. If I were them, I'd be wonderstruck too! Taeyeon is gorgeous!
Chapter 4: OOOOOooooooooooooooOOOO!
What's going to happen NEXT? :O
Who's going to retrieve that arrow?
OR MAYBE, did it puncture someone? That'd be bad, lol.
Thanks for the update, SunnyGoddess! I can't wait for the next one.
Oh, and Baekhyun and Chen got Sehun Make-up? Ahaha! xD
Hello, you had said that comments were good, and I just wanted to suggest that you should say WHY the people wanted Suho. Why do the people wait for Suho? Maybe mention that Suho is amazing or something? That he has been known to be the nice guy? Something. And maybe something more about the plot? All I get from the foreword (which is what I only read) is that Siwon is a sadist and his people like Suho better... Okay, what about it? What about them living in terror and that Kai helps steal things for the poor? What is this going to be about? Is it two stories combined? Kai and Suho's? Or is it all aobut Robin Hood? Or is it about a prince who wants his rightful throne back? Who is the main dude? Kai? If it is, why is Suho's story included? Or at least included BEFORE Kai's. And Luhan and Taeyeon are before Suho, which I had thought Suho would be the main. (In Character Descrips.) Also, why isn't Suho coming back? Why isn't he stopping Siwon from doing all of these bad things? Explain his situation.
Sorry if I was harsh, but I just wanted to comment. :D
Otherwise, it seems like you've got a good story going!