Chapter 11

Prince Of Thieves

On the chair, a man was sitting grinning at the helpless sleeping figures and walked towards them. Tao and Kris were half awake when he heard someone approaching. His eyelids fluttered open and was disgusted at the sight before him as the man held his face with his dirty finger, tilting it up, facing his ugly fat glasses.

"Are you awake now little one?" he smirked and used his other back hand to trace his face which made poor Tao shiver with fright at the contact and glared at him with eyes that could match Kris's when he was mad,"Don't. EVER. TOUCH. ME. WITH. THOSE DARN. FILTHY. HANDS. OF YOURS." he spat which earned him a tight smack across the face, trickles of blood trickled down from his mouth.

"Yah! Don't hurt him!" Kris shouted and felt the man's gaze on him, his smile which twisted into a terrible smirk. 

"Ouh... This is going to be interesting~" he sang," Now proceed to inform the prize... Siwon is going to pay me lots of money once he's caught by - MUAH!" he said and let out a evil laugh.

*Siwon huh?* they thought and felt themselves being blindfolded.


Luhan let out a long sigh and played with his hair. "Ah~ Where are they?It's been like hours away from the meeting time. 

"Do you think anything might happen to them?" Kai asked worriedly getting up and ready to find them when he felt Minho's hands shot up to grab his end of the robe tugging it hardly making him fall down with a loud grunt. 

"Chill down, let's just wait for a while more and see okay?" Minho said cooly and gave him a small smile hoping to comfort him. "But- What if they get injured or hurt or something?" Kai asked and - saw something moving towards him at tremendous speedan arrow shot between Kai and Minho and hit against the tree. The arrow had a sense of danger neverless including the paper it was carrying-

If You Want Them Alive Bring Me 20,000,000 tons of silver at the deserted alley next to the Patbingsu store. Whethet you want to belive this is entirely up to you.

No way... Was this really true?Was this the reason why they were late?Well one thing for sure, they were going to find out.


Sehun's head was acheing for some unknown reason and shook his head lightly *Did I drink alchol? No... If I did Baekhyun would have stopped me... Hmmm... Ah!*


Baekhyun opened the door and saw that the rest of them were having breakfast. "Baekhyun? Why are you here? Did something happen?" Kris asked getting up. Baekhyun shook his head, "No, there are change of plans."

Baekyun was about to enter the house when he heard Chanyeol scream,"Intruders! They found out! RUN!"

Everyone immediately ran to the back exit and what greeted them was a foggy place,"Should we split teams?" Baekhyun suggested and managed to see Kris hyung nodding his head and I quickly followed Baekhyun,Chanyeol and D.O to the opposite direction to find that there was definately something wrong with the forest. 

I slowly closed my eyes and concentrated on the air, I could remeber what their footsteps were but strangely I could also hear other small footsteps approaching... quicker and faster. I opened my eyes and screamed,"Run! They found us!" We ran and ran until they somehow manage to surround us.

With our backs facing each other we got into our position which Suho trained us to and fought with them as hard as we could but little did we know, that they were protecte but pure metal which was a quite difficulty to hit but thanks to that, their movements were slow.

We fought our hardest an being unarmed, it was a little difficult. 

Then out of the blue, I felt something shining and turne to look at it but felt Chanyeol push me away with his hands and it struck his arm. He grunted painfully and got on his knees. This was their chance as they took advantage of us and quickly struck us on the back or head making us unconcious...

End of flashback


Back to Luhan and Kai....

"But how are we going to get that amount of money?" Luhan questioned.

"Well we don't."Luhan raised an eyebrow at Kai's smirk and immediately understood.

"Ahh~ I see what you're getting at..." Luhan nodded giving him a smirk and they both went to the destinated meeting place. SHINee said that they would get help so Kai and Luhan just went ahead without them. To be honest, the three most top fighters were Tao,Kai and Luhan due to the fact that they faced more danger as compared to the rest Suho was also the best but was better at debates as compared to fighting...

For Tao who was the best fighter to lose was a big disgrace and embarrassment  to his clan and family who taught him everything he needed to know and he was very regretful. Okay so the plan was to free everyone and fight together as EXO and then make it to the competition on time...

They entered the deserte alley next to the patbingsu store and entered the big warehouse which could fit at lease 60% of the SM family in it. Yes it was THAT big. They approached it with careful and wary steps, eyebrows furrowing when they entered and eyes as big as D.O.'s shocked expression when they saw the rest of their family- in a bloody mess.

Everyone except Sehun was no where to  be found."Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to my beautiful event!" a voice spoke and that made everyone wake up surprised to be blindfolded and tried to struggle but to no avail. 

"Shall we play?" 


A/N> Please comment or subscribe to my fic! Did a double update! And sorry for not giving it to you guys yesterday... I made some changes and just for your info, I decided to put BlockB and B.A.P inside the competition too! Then now instea of a shooting competition, there'll be a fight for survival! 

Please do look forward to it!

Please SUBSCRIBE N COMMENT ! Kamsamida! N if you like my story, please upvote!









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Chapter 7: NICE!
Update soon..
Chapter 7: Ooooo! Thanks for the update!
I wonder if Luhan or KAi is going to do it.
Are you going to have the competition be like the traditional story of Robin Hood and have it be a bow shooting contest? Or no?
Chapter 5: Oh! And thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 5: Ahaha, I might be stupid, but I just noticed the poster! :D I like it!
Gah. If I were them, I'd be wonderstruck too! Taeyeon is gorgeous!
Chapter 4: OOOOOooooooooooooooOOOO!
What's going to happen NEXT? :O
Who's going to retrieve that arrow?
OR MAYBE, did it puncture someone? That'd be bad, lol.
Thanks for the update, SunnyGoddess! I can't wait for the next one.
Oh, and Baekhyun and Chen got Sehun Make-up? Ahaha! xD
Hello, you had said that comments were good, and I just wanted to suggest that you should say WHY the people wanted Suho. Why do the people wait for Suho? Maybe mention that Suho is amazing or something? That he has been known to be the nice guy? Something. And maybe something more about the plot? All I get from the foreword (which is what I only read) is that Siwon is a sadist and his people like Suho better... Okay, what about it? What about them living in terror and that Kai helps steal things for the poor? What is this going to be about? Is it two stories combined? Kai and Suho's? Or is it all aobut Robin Hood? Or is it about a prince who wants his rightful throne back? Who is the main dude? Kai? If it is, why is Suho's story included? Or at least included BEFORE Kai's. And Luhan and Taeyeon are before Suho, which I had thought Suho would be the main. (In Character Descrips.) Also, why isn't Suho coming back? Why isn't he stopping Siwon from doing all of these bad things? Explain his situation.
Sorry if I was harsh, but I just wanted to comment. :D
Otherwise, it seems like you've got a good story going!