Chapter 1

Prince Of Thieves
Times were hard for the people in Korea.King Suho was out battling an there was still no news about him. His brother, King Siwon the first was in a Prison Cell. Trying to gather information on Kai.
"When are you going to stop being so silly and just tell me some information on the magician." Siwon asked with a bored expression.
The prisoner looked at Siwon with eyes full of hatred "Nev- Ah" he cried in pain as Siwon took the metal whip and whipped him painfully and quickly again and again never stopping.
Each whip left a terrible gash everywhere on his body blood oozed out from the cuts and was dripping down very quickly.
"What about now?"Siwon asked smiling devishly as he heated the metal whip. "I would never betray him, our only saviour to save us from the likes of you! " The prisoner spat and felt it, darkness soon took over him as he felt the heated whips striking painfully on his already rotten skin. 
While one the other side of the village lived a small town...
Luhan's POV
*Minister of Jeum eh... What an idiot* Luhan thought as he looked at Mr Jeum's stupid anxious face well obviously he wasn't patient since he kept tapping his shoes on the ground.
"So? What do you see?"he asked his lips nervously eyes completely focused on him. *Aish... Time to stall time for Jongin...* 
Kai's POV
I sauntered over the carridge and carefully went in. I looked at the bags full gold coins with big eyes. *Omo... No wonder the taxes these days rose... Argh damn you Siwon* Jongin cursed in his head before walking over towards them.
Kai grabbed all of the bags and pushed it in the carridge that Luhan and Kai were taking.*Wonder what nonsence Luhan's saying right now...* he thought rolling his eyes before something caught his eye.*Aww. Damn.*
Luhan's POV
"Ahh! I see it! All of your men you brought with you today will vanish from the earth's surface. Something you love will be taken away from you! Ahhhh!" Luhan said acting like he was pocessed.
"What the heck do you mean? That's impossible. All of my men are the best! "Mr Jeum boasted proudly tossing a small bag of money to Luhan with a smirk. 
"What a waste of time." Mr Jeum said and went back to his carridge.
*Naive. I'll make sure everything will come true*
Luhan was still smirking as he wondered what would happen once the stupid Minister realizes that eveything he claimed was true? Ah~ A smirk formed on his lips just thinking about the traps he had set-up half hoping to use it just to see the look on Mr Jeum's face.And no I'm not a sadist thank you very much.
No One's POV
"I can't believe you Kai! How the heck did a guard even spot you?" Luhan asked half screaming while sprinting towards where his trap was.
"Well at least now you can put your traps into a good use now right?"Kai smiled breathelessly and stopped running. 
He took his bow and arrow. With one eye closed, he looked at the 3 guards coming their way. He pulled the string hard looking at the guards once more before releasing the string.
The arrow aimed perfectly at the guards with one shot. "Just like magic." Kai muttered to himself and ran behind a tree. "NOW!" Kai shouted before Luhan started his plan which brought the remaining guards down.
*That's all the guards.* Luhan thought and went over to Kai proudly with a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Good job! Your traps never fail to surprise me."Kai complimented and ruffled Luhan's hair.
"Aww hyung! Don't touch my hair." he whined flipping his hair giving his a frown.
The carridge trotted back to the small village and Kai immediately handed out the gold coins back to the villagers.
Mutters of thanks and praises were heared as Kai shot everyone a big smile and performed small little magic with his arrows and rings. Everyone in the village celebrated and danced around the bonfire which was set up not long after Kai's return.
"Thank you Kai! "Everyone chorused before he left.
Hello Everyone! I'm SunnyGoddess with the first Chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Do leave a comment/ subscribe/UPVOTE my story!

I'm still a newbie and need more improvement so... Fighting!~


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Chapter 7: NICE!
Update soon..
Chapter 7: Ooooo! Thanks for the update!
I wonder if Luhan or KAi is going to do it.
Are you going to have the competition be like the traditional story of Robin Hood and have it be a bow shooting contest? Or no?
Chapter 5: Oh! And thanks for the update. :)
Chapter 5: Ahaha, I might be stupid, but I just noticed the poster! :D I like it!
Gah. If I were them, I'd be wonderstruck too! Taeyeon is gorgeous!
Chapter 4: OOOOOooooooooooooooOOOO!
What's going to happen NEXT? :O
Who's going to retrieve that arrow?
OR MAYBE, did it puncture someone? That'd be bad, lol.
Thanks for the update, SunnyGoddess! I can't wait for the next one.
Oh, and Baekhyun and Chen got Sehun Make-up? Ahaha! xD
Hello, you had said that comments were good, and I just wanted to suggest that you should say WHY the people wanted Suho. Why do the people wait for Suho? Maybe mention that Suho is amazing or something? That he has been known to be the nice guy? Something. And maybe something more about the plot? All I get from the foreword (which is what I only read) is that Siwon is a sadist and his people like Suho better... Okay, what about it? What about them living in terror and that Kai helps steal things for the poor? What is this going to be about? Is it two stories combined? Kai and Suho's? Or is it all aobut Robin Hood? Or is it about a prince who wants his rightful throne back? Who is the main dude? Kai? If it is, why is Suho's story included? Or at least included BEFORE Kai's. And Luhan and Taeyeon are before Suho, which I had thought Suho would be the main. (In Character Descrips.) Also, why isn't Suho coming back? Why isn't he stopping Siwon from doing all of these bad things? Explain his situation.
Sorry if I was harsh, but I just wanted to comment. :D
Otherwise, it seems like you've got a good story going!