Lesson Three

Out Of The Normal
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[Minho's POV]

I laughed as Kibum tried going in and out of the cones while kicking the soccer ball.

"You don't have to get through the cones so fast!" I yelled out as I sat and drank water.

"What?" Kibum turned to look at me as he ended up tripping on the ball and landing on his . "Oww!"

I quickly ran over to him as his face turned red.

"Are you ok?" I babied him as he hit my arm.

"H-hey, don't distract me like that!" I chuckled at his cute little stutter as he hit my arm again.

"Stop laughing at me and help me up." He pouted. I smiled as I looked at his adorable pouty lips and helped him stand up.

"Ok, I want you to slow down. This isn't a race, Key!" I ruffled his hair as Kibum stared at the soccer ball with a determined look.

He grabbed the ball, moved to the very first cone, and started the obstacle again. He started slow and finally started to speed up as confidence flowed through him. He looked at me and smiled once he reached the very last cone. I gave him a thumbs up and smiled.

"Now do it again."

Kibum sighed at my words, but did as I instructed.

After awhile I signaled Kibum to take a break and sit next to me on the grass.

"You're doing good!" I patted his back, but Kibum shook his head.

"I think I prefer basketball." He replied before jugging down the water in his pink water bottle.

"Well you can be the basketball captain at school and I'll be the soccer captain!"

"But you're the basketball captain! Actually you're the captain of all the sports teams."

"It's tiring." I shrugged.

"Yea, I can imagine." He laughed. Kibum did a little eye smile and pinched my cheeks. "Is Minnie tired?" He cooed.

My face turned red at the feeling of his touch.

Oh gosh. He called me Minnie. Is he giving me a nickname? It's cute! Wait, he's cute! Wait, what am I thinking?

"N-no, I'm fine. I'm just saying it's a lot of work." I tried playing it cool, but Kibum heard my stutter.

"Haha ok, whatever you say, Minnie." He winked. I nodded my head, desperately hoping he wouldn't notice how much my face heated up.

"Enough break time! We're going to work on kicking the ball straight into the goal post.

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Charliee94 #1
Please tell me this story will find its happy ending
Chapter 17: cute story I really love it.
Chapter 17: Update please! Sob...Sob...Sob...
DivaQuinzel #4
Chapter 16: Yes! Finally a Kiss <3<3<3
Chapter 16: omgomg they kissed yayy !!! /kiss author/ and thank you for the karma points :')))
aitrazo24 #6
Chapter 15: please update soon <3
salome620 #7
Chapter 15: waeeee? why d'you cut it where you did? i was so looking forward to knowing their sleeping arrangement, and if something "interesting" will happen. (*sobs*)

aish... - thanks for the update. hope we get to see the next part soon.
nanaminkey #8
Chapter 13: wow,key and minho doesn't realise that they both are GAY....so cute...minho starting jealouse to minah..hehe like it..thanks for update friend and please get update soon lol...
yulianiyuli #9
Chapter 13: oh God I love this story, kibum seems so happy at myeong dong, and Minho's reaction when ke grab his arm was too cute hehe I love it
Chapter 13: OMG this is so cute ! i love it. i loved the part where key tells taemin that he always overhears that girls conversation hahaha