
Out Of The Normal
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[Narrator's POV]

Kibum walked through the school halls and sat through his classes, but his mind was not at all there.

"Are you okay, Key?" Jinki asked as he chewed on a piece of chicken.

"Yea." He replied without looking up from his untouched lunch.

"Are you sure? You seem out of it." Taemin worriedly asked again.

"Yea, I'm not hungry. I think I'm going to get some air outside." Kibum threw away his food and left the cafeteria, leaving his two friends clueless.

Kibum walked outside and sat underneath a big tree. He looked around and saw the soccer field. He watched as he saw Minho kick the ball and make a goal, followed by high fives from his friends and compliments from the coach.

Kibum looked at how perfect Minho seemed. Even sweaty and exhausted, he looked perfect! Kibum soon started thinking about this morning. He soon became so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize when someone sat next to him.

"And I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Kibum's head turned as he saw Minho sitting next to him under the tree.

"I said that I was dumb to get drunk last night and I'm not sure how I ended up at your house, but it was probably cause I felt guilty for missing our tutoring session and I'm sorry."

"Ohh it's fine." Kibum shrugged. He didn't want Minho to know that he was actually hurt that he would choose drinking over tutoring him. But he couldn't blame Minho. Who would want

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Charliee94 #1
Please tell me this story will find its happy ending
Chapter 17: cute story I really love it.
Chapter 17: Update please! Sob...Sob...Sob...
DivaQuinzel #4
Chapter 16: Yes! Finally a Kiss <3<3<3
Chapter 16: omgomg they kissed yayy !!! /kiss author/ and thank you for the karma points :')))
aitrazo24 #6
Chapter 15: please update soon <3
salome620 #7
Chapter 15: waeeee? why d'you cut it where you did? i was so looking forward to knowing their sleeping arrangement, and if something "interesting" will happen. (*sobs*)

aish... - thanks for the update. hope we get to see the next part soon.
nanaminkey #8
Chapter 13: wow,key and minho doesn't realise that they both are GAY....so cute...minho starting jealouse to minah..hehe like it..thanks for update friend and please get update soon lol...
yulianiyuli #9
Chapter 13: oh God I love this story, kibum seems so happy at myeong dong, and Minho's reaction when ke grab his arm was too cute hehe I love it
Chapter 13: OMG this is so cute ! i love it. i loved the part where key tells taemin that he always overhears that girls conversation hahaha