That Call :D

Bitter Sweet Memoirs


Busaaaan! Ok. I just got too excited! We’re here now! After1245678821784357498373 years! Haha. I don’t know how long it took us to reach this paradise, all I know was that all throughout our journey I was texting Youngmin Oppa! <3 haha. I’m so sorry it’s just that I have the biggest crush on him! <3 I don’t know how I managed to stay up all night (we travelled during the night) with him but I did! I was like asking him the whole time if he already wants to sleep and he said no. Always no. . Nocturnal. Vampire! Haha. But now, 6am. He just said he’s feeling a little bit  drowsy so I said he should sleep and he did, now I’m feeling bored :/

We freshened up a bit and took a bath as we finished settling our things. If you’re asking why there is a need for settling when in fact we are only here for a camp, well then here’s the answer. :D We are checked in a prestigious hotel and we opt to stay here for five days. Yes, FIVE days, it’s quite a long time. :D We were also given the time to rest, we are done registering since we wouldn’t be allowed to enter nor be assigned to a room if we aren’t. By the way, the rooms for the boys and girls were separated so Teacher Jang wouldn’t have anything to worry about haha. Kidding. Even if we weren’t put in to different rooms, she doesn’t have anything to worry about.

After all those I decided to sleep just to catch up for the sleep I lost last night because of my Vampire Oppa. Haha. I’m calling him Vampire from now on :D I slept for I don’t know how long. I was only woken up by Minwoo, he said I needed to eat but instead of listening, I just threw a pillow on him and continued dreaming of Youngmin Oppa :D Kidding! I just went on my sleep since I really didn’t sleep last nght. I feel so tired! The next thing I know, my phone was already singing, I mean RINGING! XD I assumed it was my Umma so I accepted the call without even opening my eyes. “Umma, I already texted you a while ago but you didn’t respond. We’re here now and I am sleeping.” I said in a rather sleepy voice.

“So let me get this straight, you sleep talk?” – caller

“Umma, you sound like a guy. Are you sick?” – I said, still sleepily.

“Yep. You definitely sleep talk.”- caller

Wait. Something’s not right. I checked my phone to see who the caller was, and to my horror, it was Youngmin Oppa! I got up from bed like a ninja and fixed myself as if he could see me from the other line.

“Oppa! Jeongmal Mianhae!” I said and heard a chuckle from the other line.

“You should’ve told me last night that you were sleepy, didn’t you know how I had a hard time staying up that late?” What?! BUT…

“But I thought you weren’t sleepy! You even said so!”

“Because I was actually having fun talking to you, besides, you asked me if I wanted to sleep, I said no, because I still didn’t want to. You never asked me if I was sleepy!”

“Well, that makes sense.”

“So were you sleeping the whole day?”

“Kind of, how about you? Were you sleeping the whole day too?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Yep *laughs* You’re funny. First you were a granny and now you just called me Umma! *laughs even harder*” Ish. This guy.

“But that was because Umma haven’t called yet so I thought it was her.” I defended myself.

“Aw. The little girl’s afraid of being away from her Umma I guess?”

“Aniyo. I’m just not used to it.”

“Are you sure? You know if you need to talk to your Umma but she’s busy I am always here for you.” Wow. He really knows how to deal with girls huh?

“I guess that’s what you always tell your girlfriend so she’d feel safe huh?” I laughed but I don’t think I would want to hear his answer, what if he says yes?! And why am I worried about it? :/

“Silly, your Oppa doesn’t have a girlfriend *laughs*”

“You don’t?” Wait, I just realized what he said, MY OPPA?! Haha. Why am I laughing?! I just a

“Wae? Is there something wrong?” he asked.

“Aniyo. It’s just kind of impossible *fake laugh*”

“I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended.”

“Yah! What I meant was, you’re handsome!”

“Waeyo? Do you fall for looks? Looks can be deceiving you know.”

“I do know that, my point is when you first see a person, it’s the looks the you notice first. You don’t look at a person and then immediately figure out his personality. I mean, look at you, when I first saw you, I thought you were a very cold person…”

“Ok, continue”

“But you turned out to be kind of caring.”

“Kind of?”

“It’s because I haven’t figured out your personality yet. I know you still have so much more in store. So much more than your handsome face.” I smiled as if he could see me.

“You know, you’re thousands of miles away from me but I can still feel your warm smile.”

“You’re funny.”

“I’m serious, perhaps that’s why people fall for you?”


“well—“ he was cut by whatever he was supposed to say when someone called me pretty loud enough for him to hear.

“I guess someone needs you? Can I just call you again later?

“I think we have so many things scheduled to be done tonight. We night finish them late.”

“It’s Ok. I can wait.”

“Aw. I would love to but I think we need to sleep right after the activities? You kno, for the next morning?”

“O. Yea, I kind of forgot you’re still in a camp. I’m sorry.”

“Ani Oppa. Gwenchana. But I have to go now.”

“Ok. Take care, arasseo?”

“Arasseo. You too!”



“Who was that?” Minwoo said as I opened the door.

“Who was who?” I said.

“The one you were talking to. I thought you were the only one awake” he said trying to take a look at our room and it was true, I was the only one awake. Everyone else was sleeping.

“O. YOungmin Oppa called.”

“The one you have a crush on? Why?”

“Welll. To be honest, I really don’t know. He didn’t say anything, we just talked.”

“Talked about what?”

“Random stuffs. Why are you asking me all these questions?” I blurted out, kind of irritated of how he’s acting.

“I’m just curious. How long have you been talking?” I glared at him and instead of answering his question I said:

“How long have you been here?”

“Well, I was here before you even wake up.”

“So you heard everything?”

“Well, I really didn’t understand what you were talking about since I can only hear you.”

“Ever heard of privacy?” I said and shut the door in his face. I got completely irritated at the fact that he has been eavesdropping and still acted innocently. I mean, it would have been fine if he got mad at me for talking to some other guy, even better if he made his presence known right away. But the fact that he waited for the conversation to last? What the h*ll dude?! That’s just UGH!

Ok. I’m sorry but I don’t want to talk to him right now. It’s not like I am doing anything bad but he could’ve at least respected me. He’s not even my boyfriend to begin with :/ Well, maybe yes, he can be my boyfriend but even those in a relationship value each other’s privacy. We should be doing the same.

I texted Youngmin Oppa and told him all the things I have in mind. I think I even sounded really mad, well I am really mad! And guess what he said?

“YO. Easy there kiddo. He may not have the right to be since you said you’re not officially together, but he’s human, HE IS JUST JEALOUS. Is that hard to understand? Haha. You should go out of that door and say sorry.”

“I don’t wanna. He still should respect my privacy.”

“Then tell him about that. And if he does it again next time then go punch him!”

“Yah! I’m not that harsh! Haha. You’re crazy.”

“There, I guess you’re all fine now? You even laughed. :D”

“I was fine all along :/”

“Says who? Just as how I could feel your warm smile a while ago, I could also feel the atmosphere being hot because of all the tense coming out of your body!”

“Ain’t it just because I’m HAWT (hot-hawt) hahaha.”

“There. You’re all fine. Take a deep breath and go talk to your boyfriend now,  Miss :D”


“All so you could smile :D”


Like what he said, I took a deep breath and made my way to the door. I reached for the knob and stayed like that for I don’t know how long. I can’t seem to find  the courage to turn it and open the door. Perhaps I have gone unreasonable? What if he’s mad at me? :/ Ugh. Now I know, this is why they always say never to decide when your emotions are at high. Well, I have to do this. I closed my eyes and slowly turned the knob, opened the door and I was about to open my eyes when I felt a warm hug.

“I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry it won’t happen again.” And I felt a tear fall on my shoulder. Aw. I thought he would be mad. L Now I’m feeling worse, I even made him cry.

“Yah! You crybaby! You’re ruining my shirt!” I said hugging him back.

“I’ll buy you a new one, just please forgive me L”

“I’m sorry too.”

“You know I was just—“

“Jealous?” I said without letting him finish what he’s about to say.

“I was going to say curious, but yea. I think Jealous is better.”

“Silly. You know you’re the only one that I love, right?”

“I know :D”

“Yah! You ruined the mood :/ It’s Ok to be humble sometimes you know.”

“Well, what else would I say? I really know you love me---“

“Yah!” I yelled as I hit his arm STRONGLY.

He held me tight in an embrace and said: “But you should know I love you waaaaaay more than you love me.” And he kissed my forehead.

Well I guess you all know now why I love him so much right? Haha. Because he loves me more :P Bad girlfriend, am I? At least I have a loving and cute boyfriend :D Not to mention he’s soooooooo patient to have stood someone like me. I can be all so childish and insane most of the time but guess what? He just told me he loves me :D


Still short? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting! I would love to read some new comments! Saranghae!

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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha