Bitter Sweet Memoirs


I haven’t mentioned it right? There was this organization which would facilitate a nationwide camp for all the “junior scientists” in the country.  And I don’t have a single idea why I was invited. I was even having trouble with one of my science subjects, but they told me that those who were invited are the ones who have been active during the school year. A lot from us of course were those who are in the top ten. The rest are either club members or class officers, I am the secretary by the way. And Minwoo is the President. We, together with the other officers prepared for the sports fest and the prom and such. Haha. I didn’t mention about the prom ‘coz it wasn’t really a good experience for me. My first prom and someone is looking/staring at me like I don’t deserve to be there. Like I am not human at all.


I woke up rather early for today’s event. It’s the Junior-Senior Prom! I am sooooooo excited! It’s our first prom :D And I should be proud to say that I and my friends have been through a lot of troubles just so we could push this one. :D It’s been so tiring, last night we even stayed at school until almost 9pm, we decided we should decorate the hall ourselves so we could put what we want, not to mention it would be more practical since paying for decorators would be very expensive. :D So! I think I’m too excited? Ms. Lee and Mr. Jang said we shouldn’t be going to school in the morning, the prom starts at three and would probably end by twelve. :D  It’s kind of a reward since we’re already done with preparing the things that need to be prepared :D

So I woke up at around 8 am. What? This is early for me :D. I received a text from Minwoo. He said he can’t wait for the prom. I and said that he means he couldn’t to see me. Haha. I am such a feeler. Joke. XD Ok so we texted for a while (about 15 mins) when  I said I have to get going. It was his turn to tease me and said I was the one excited. Well, I wouldn’t be getting ready this early but my makeup Unnie told me that we should meat by 10. It is a thirty-minute ride and knowing me (duh. Of course you know yourself :/-- shuddup conscience, I am trying to tell a story here. :/), I really act so slow. So it would be best if I start to get ready now.

So, it’s 10am. I just arrived at the salon. I bought some Blueberry float and burger for me and my makeup Unnie  :D. And just as I expected, I was greeted by three 5 pairs of eyes and 5 flashing smiles. I only have one makeup noona but the others do my nails and my hair, I have been coming here at their salon since forever so everyone’s already familiar with me. I asked Unnie why she asked me to come over so early and she said because she has a lot of work to do with me. Now I don’t know if should be happy ‘coz she wants me to be pretty or should I get offended ‘coz it somehow says that I REALLY DO NEED A LOT OF WORK TO BE PRETTY? Naaah. I’ll take the first one :D She was also the one who got me prepared for the pageant AT SCHOOL. Since they didn’t allow us to have our own makeup artists in the next pageant that I joined :D

“Ta-daaaaah!” she said turning my chair so I could see my own reflection in the mirror. Woah. She really is good with her job! :D I can hardly recognize myself XD Am I being too much? Haha. I’m sorry, I am not pleasing myself, I’m stating my compliments to my makeup Unnie. XD She’s just. Woah! Amazing! Okk. So, so much for that, I put my gown on. Haha. I am totally a gir right now. LIKE, I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! I was about to reach my castle (wow. Castle. Big word. I said shaddup conscience, go tell your own story! Don’t steal mine!) Anyways, I’m Cinderella, haha, in my dreams! XD But they told me that it’s already time. I checked my watch and OMO! It’s already 3! We were supposed to start the Prom at 3! So I quickly put my shoes on and went outside, there was a brief magical moment when I felt like everyone’s looking at me. Strangely enough, I felt someone gazing at me so I turned around only to be shocked by my Umma who is standing right behind me, smiling like she has seen a pot of gold in front of her. Haha. “Do you believe that I am cute now? :D” I innocently said and the smile in her face vanished. “Let’s go, you’re late.” She said while dragging me inside the car. But I could still see a hint of smile in her face. Haha. My Umma always says I am ugly of course it doesn’t hurt me ‘coz we look alike haha. That’s why I always tease her.




Yah! Umma! Am I not pretty? :(”

“It’s ok. You kind of look like you’re human today. But I still believe that’s your Unnie’s and her skills’ miracle. Haha.”

“Appa! :(”

“You look pretty. Can we move on?” Appa said in a rather “ok, your pretty. Stop talking” way. L WOW> Thank you guys for loving me sooo much! :/ haha

We were in the gym, and it’s already 3:15 when I saw my adviser, man I was scared to death! I was late for 15 minutes for Pete’s sake! But to my surprise, she just smiled at me and said that I look pretty :D She also reminded me that the event is not yet over.  We still need to take a look at things and that I should get going and check the souvenirs. So I went inside and I accidentally bumped at Minwoo, he bowed his head and said “Sorry, Miss.” WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?! Didn’t he like how I look today? L T.T I was really disappointed about what he just did and just proceeded to check the things I need to check, whatever they are, and if I still could check them. I am really upset now!

I was about to go to my friends when I felt my pouch vibrate. I checked it and saw Minwoo’s name on the screen which made me a little more upset. But I hate to be rude so I just opened the message. It was like this:

“Where are you? L I want to see now L “ –M

“Pabo, you just bumped into me! :/” –L

“You were that pretty girl?!” –M

“You didn’t know it was me and you said she was pretty?!”-L

Then I felt someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around only to see Minwoo looking at me, smiling like a total idiot.

“Stop that, you look stupid,” I said ‘coz he won’t stop looking at me.

“Guys, Ms. Lee is looking for you.” JJ said.

“Both of us?” –M

He nodded and we both went to where he told us to go. Well, Ms Lee didn’t really need us that much, she just wanted to make sure everything is set and that nothing will go wrong. To be honest, I am quite nervous too. I want the seniors’ last prom to be ruined. This should be something they would remember and something they would be proud to tell others of.

So, we were going back to our seats when Minwoo’s Umma called him, for a moment there I saw her look at me like asking “Why the h*ll are you with my son?!”

I also accidentally heard Minwoo and his mother’s conversation since Eunbae Unnie talked to me where Minwoo left me.

“Is she Kim Hye Lim?” –Minwoo’s Umma (MU)

Ah. Nae Umma, s-sh-she is.” –M. He can’t even confidently admit it to his Mom? My tears were about to fall when I realized I was with Unnie, she pat my shoulder, realizing what I just heard, well I think “HEARING” what I just heard is better since her voice is quite loud. AT least loud enough for the both of us to hear. “You’re pretty, always remember that. “ she said with a reassuring smile.

I smiled and told her I was fine. Haha. The prom hasn’t even started yet and I already felt my heart being broken into pieces. I feel like going home already. Then a senior guy went to us and ask me and Unnie to take a picture with him. I said yes and so did Unnie. The next thing I know there are already a number of guys around asking us for a picture too. I was feeling tired of smiling when someone called me from behind. For a moment there I felt like thanking her, whoever she is (it’s a girl’s voice) but as soon as I turned around and realized a pair of eyes looking at me like she could eat me alive, I felt like punching the one who called me. But of course I can’t do that. :/ So I just smiled and ask Abby (who turns out to be the one who called me) to go with me to our seats.

*End of Flashback*

Well, I have told you the beginning already. Yes, it was his Umma who gave me those two death glares. At that time, I really felt like I didn’t belong there. It’s funny how a single person make me feel out of place. I also heard her at the washroom, talking to some parent. The other asked her if she knows the one in red, “The one sitting beside your son” she said. I was inside the cubicle that time and I chose to remain in there the whole time they were there. It wasn’t because I wanted to hear what they’re talking about because believe me, it was a total pain in the a*s. But it was because I didn’t want them to know I was there. At the moment, I almost wished I get swallowed by the bowl (EEEw! Shaddup conscience, I am serious here!)

“O, that girl, I heard her name is Kim Hye-Lim” –MU

“O. She’s really pretty! Is she Minwoo’s girlfriend?”- Parent

O. No. She’s just his classmate. But Ji Soo looks stunning tonight, doesn’t she?”-MU.

That Hye-Lim is pretty too.” –P

“Yea. I should get going. Bye then :D”

Yes. I am her son’s classmate. Not even a friend. Just a classmate.

It’s up to you to imagine how it went when Minwoo asked me to dance with him. It was the first song. Whenever I try to search for my Umma upstairs (where the audience should be) I would always look accidentally to where Minwoo’s Mum is. IT’s really awkward and I swear, if looks could kill,… I don’t want to talk anymore.

And my say about that? I just wish I didn’t go to that prom. I don’t know. I felt so down. I feel degraded.

But there were also fun part! There was this strange guy. He wore a mask. He was dancing with my friend, but his looking at our direction (I was dancing with one of my classmates that time). And when the music stopped the guy with the mask and my partner led me and my friend to our seats, I saw the masked guy approaching me but it seems like a guy was already waiting at my place and immediately ask me for a dance. Of course it would be so rude if I said no so I accepted his offer. What was funny is that I saw masked guy (it’s not like I was looking at him—Yes, you were looking at him, how else would you see him!—Stop it conscience!) Anyways, I saw him aske the same girl (my friend) and they were slowly heading near us. When they git near us, the guy asked my partner to switch partners with him. The guy didn’t want it first and the masked guy was already talking too much just so my partner would agree. My partner finally said yes and the masked guy took my hand and smiled at me like an idiot. I asked him who he is and he said it’s not yet the time to reveal his identity. I just said it’s ok but to be honest it kept me thinking the whole night. Because after our dance, after he led me to my seat, he said good bye and I never saw him again. :/ Ok, I was a bit disappointed but I can’t do anything right?

ENOUGH WITH THOSE. Anyways, we are on our way to Busan now! :D It is where the camp will be held! Wish us luck! :D <3 I am so excited!


I finally made an update after23446348949043988 years! It’s so short though :( I’m sorry! I hope you would keep reading this! <3



Anyways, do I have any Filipina reader here? :D 

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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha