It's Near.

Bitter Sweet Memoirs


Jo Youngmin's POV
It has been 3 weeks since the break up. I must admit it hurts me to see her at school. But I guess I don't have any choice. I can't stop going to school and I can't keep her from coming to school too. Lol. That would've been so patethic. So, know what I do? I always disappear suddenly whenever the bell rings. Yes I don't spend my free times at school. I don't even eat my lunch at the cafetria anymore because I know she and her friends are always there. Haha. I just disappear immediately. I'm like a ninja and I am so proud of myself. *smirk*
Anyways, the day of the pageant is fast appraching, This is the last week so we meet at the studio every after our classes. Some of us have classes until five so the assembly time is 5:30 and we start the practice at 6. It has been a very tiring week but at least it keeps me bus so I can hardly think of the break up now. Plus, I am enjoying the candidates' company. especially those from ******* State University. Haha, I won't tell you the name of their school, so you can't seal my friends. XD It's where Niel and the Green Girl studies. I have always heard about their school since I got here. In fact I wanted to take the entrance exam at their shool but I was too late, and the school is strict so there weren't any special exams. You see, I am not originally from this province. I came from Seoul, but when Umma decided to marry another man (because Appa, well, let's not talk about him), I asked her to take me to my Grandparents and I am living with them now. They have been sooooo good to me so I don't really feel sad. I miss my Umma, that's natural but my grandparents filled the spaces in my heart when I decided to get away from her. Ehem. Too much drama. I don't wanna cry. XD 
Back to Earth, it's our free time so we are chatting about our school life with the rest of the gang. Niel is talking about how they "cheat" haha. Yes, the school is popular for bright students. To be honest, we didn't know they have such jolly personalities. We thought they were kind of weird. You know the studious types. But knowing all these stuffs about them, it kind of lowered my respect for the school... Just kidding. Haha. Well it made everyone of us feel comfortable with these bunch of braniacs. At first we were really, really intimidated that no one wanted to approach them. Not to mention a lot of the guys have crushes on the girls from their school. They can hardly breathe when they ask something from them. Well that was before we can actually interact with everyone. Now we feel comfortable with each other's company. As for me? Sometimes I do what I do at school. I just suddenly disappear. Haha. Well, I guess I got used to it? But now I am bonding with them. Niel is now talking about strategies on cheating. Haha. These guys are experts!  
"Have you ever been caught?" I heard one of the guys ask the Green Girl. 
"Nope. We are a total expert inside the class!" She said and the senior girl high-fived her. So she cheats too?! She looks so innocent. I was unable to keep my mouth shut. 
"You cheat too?!" I suddenly exclaimed. 
"Yes. you know Oppa, we can't survive inside the school if we don't ask for help from each other." and she laughed with that.
"Liar! You can totally survive without copying! She's from the first ection. Eunbae-Noona is too!" This Niel is really loud. Eunbae hit his head, she obviously didn't want us to know about it. Green Girl seemed very shy too....
Aish. Stupid Niel. I didn't want anyone to know about me in the first section. Unnie doesn't want anyone to know about it too. Well the only reason was that everytime people know about me going to ******* State University, they tend to treat me differently. It's a good thing these guys have been comfortable with us. Others always think that we're some kind of nerds. Lol. They don't know that a quarter of our school days is spent for activities. We even have Movie Days and we even spend a whole week for a single celebration. Haha. Maybe it's the teachers' way to say sorry for the hardships they cause us. Lol. But no kidding. We have been suffering for almost three years now, the moment we took a step inside the gate for the  one-on-one interview with the Guidance Councelor, we already experienced a glimpse of our horrifyng life in this school. There are soooo many rules-- that we don't really follow haha. And even  though we are still in high school, we use this kind of grading system where 1.0 is the highest and 5.0 is the lowest. We even have to maintain a grade of 2.25 to pass our major subjects, we take some subjects that college students take too. They said it's a preparation for our college life. But Hello?! having 4 sciences and 2 math subjects a year since first year? I think that's too much. Aaaaaand enough with the school, they started to look at us with their mouths slightly open Eunbae Unnie hit  Niel a while ago. I hope they don't do the same things as other peope do when they find out bout me and my school life. It that they know about what we learn or teach us at school but not how happy it is to be a part of our family. 
"Hey they're calling us." The cute Oppa said so everyone went back to their senses.  One of them tried to give me ahand to help me to stand up but Niel butted in and gave me his hand instead. haha. He's acting really weird. I  guess it's because Minwoo TOLD him to look aftr me and said that he must not let anyone touch a single starnd of my hair. Yes, he is always jealous and I don't know why. I mean I love HIM. Aish. haha. As for I and Niel? They have been teasing us. They alwayys say we look good togethher. Like watda?! haha. Sometimes we just ride in and even say sweet things to each other. Minwoo once heard what the others ar saying over the phone. He didn't like it at first but then he saidit is better thatn being teased with someone else. 
It is getting late and we are having our final run for our ramp. We were kind of tired but they promised us that it is the last, By the way, have I mentioned? They give us free food! Every after practice we get to share the meal with everyone, from the coordinator down to the designers of the stage and those in the clothing department. Haha. It's realy a nice experience for everyone. Tomorrow will be the last practice before pageant. I will surely miss hangin' out with these guys. Haaaist. I feel like they're my family now.
After the final walk, we gathered around the table and started eating. We are not allowed to talk too much while eating because they said that we have to live like princes and princesses not only when we are together but even when the pageant is over. They also said that no matter what happens, we already are winners ourselves. We had a great big hug after our meal and headed home. The others were asking me here I live, they said their gonna take me home. It's funny caz JB glared at JongKyu when he said he's gonna take me home. I said it was far from here and that my Appa is going to fetch me. They gulped and said goodbye and 
rushed to the bus station. Haha. They are so funny. 
Moments later...
Appa told me to wait for him, I couldn't help but to notice the handsome Oppa-- wait, I said handsome? :O He's a total jerk. He talks to me sometimes but I can never forget the way he acted when we first saw each other. You remember it right? Aish. But after the first meetig, he seemed a bit down, I want to ask him how he is. Hmm. I don't find any problem about tlaking to him. I mean, I just want to ask how he is. 
I was walking towards him when--- "Lime!" O there's my Appa. I guess I can talk to him tomorrow? :D 
"How was yur practice?" Appa asked with his brightest smile, he is always so jolly when we are with the family, but he seem rather cold when someone else is around so everyone tells me that Appa is scary. :D
"It's really tiring Appa." I said and pouted. 
"Ok. You can just sleep, I'll wake you up when we get home." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Yes. :D You need to rest. The pageant will be the day after tomorrow and you don't want to look haggard, right?"
"Haha. Appa, you don't trust my face?" I said joking.
"No." He shortly said.
"Hey! I was kidding,"
"I wasn't"
"Yah! Appa!"
"Haha. Ok. You are cute, you happy now?" Haha. That's more like it. Shall I sleep then? Off I go to dreamland. ~~Annyeong! :D
This is all I got for now. I'm sorry :( Please keep on reading and don't forget your commeeeeeeeeeeeeeeents! :D
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Chapter 26: I totally understand Lime... :'( This chapter is so great!! :D Feeling of true love and pain..
Chapter 25: Its been a long time :)) Sorry, too busy with life, I cant always read the updates.. However, I really really love this story :)) more updates author-nim :) Hwaiting!!
Chapter 23: haha. That scene is the reason why parents are not allowed to go to the Prom night of their children.. xD Minwoo's mom is such a ruiner.. :P

By the way, I am a Filipina :D
Chapter 23: ^o^/ I'm a Filipina~ and i support your fic! :D fighting author-nim :3
Chapter 22: Ahh~~ so nice^^
Update soon author-nim!!

Love this update :)) as well as the previous updates^^
Chapter 21: I'm a new reader here~ :)
Hi! I just want to say that i really like your story!
fighting author-nim! :D hihi :3

Please update soon! <3

Chapter 20: Oh no.. Minwoo, why can't be a man and stand for your girl... aiisshh.
Chapter 19: Don't think like that. the updates were nice^^

Keep on writing :)
Chapter 15: Lime.. haha. she really admits that Youngmin is cute^^ ahaha