Chapter Nine: Opposing Plans

An Angel's Duty

When Heechul returned home with Kyuhyun, he saw Kangin and Leeteuk visible tense up. They could sense that Kyuhyun had awoken and were a bit worried since they knew they had attacked him before.


Heechul looked at them disapprovingly as he said, “Calm down. Do you really think I would have brought him here if I thought it was unsafe? Sheesh, have more faith in your leader.”


Kangin nodded and eased up when he sensed that Kyuhyun was now bonded with Heechul. He watched as Heechul place Kyuhyun on the couch nearby.


“So how did you convince the water knight to bond with you? He hated your guts when we talked to him before.” Kangin said with an interested glint in his eyes.


Heechul glared at Kangin for his comment but responded, “It wasn’t easy or willingly. Once Kyuhyun refused me, I knew I had no other choice. I searched for the water crest that I knew would be his someday and tainted it. I tainted it so that his memories would be changed once it fused with him. Instead of remembering Sungmin, he now remembers me in his place. Our roles have reversed in his mind. I am now his beloved angel and Sungmin is his enemy.”


Leeteuk smiled evilly and said, “Wow Heechul, you really put a lot of thought into this. And it’s paying off. Seriously, this one will be hard to reverse since the crest has already fully been absorbed in his heart. There is no chance for him to break free, especially since he hadn’t fully bonded with that light angel yet.”


“Exactly.” Heechul said as he nodded, “And now, we have the legendary water knight on our side. The counterpart to Hyukjae is on our side and now, we can take him down. Finally, after all these years, those stupid light angels won’t be able to stand in our way anymore.”


“So I personally don’t get it Heechul. Why is the water knight so important? Isn’t he just like any other knight like Hyuk or Teuk?” Kangin asked curiously.


“No, don’t compare him to any other knight! The water knight is rare and coveted, just like the fire knight. There will only be one of each knight in each generation.” Heechul started, “There are only two elements that can be both offensive and defensive: water and fire. Usually, the fire knight bonds with a dark angel while the water knight bonds with a light angel. However, this generation, that stupid fire knight Hyukjae bonded with that idiot light angel Donghae. Since we lost our most powerful element, I knew I had to find the water knight to return the favor. I found Kyuhyun on my knight search and I had a feeling that he was going to turn out to be the water knight. His aura was just…different…compared to the other unawakened knights I met. I attempted to get him to awaken for years but nothing worked. Over time, I knew that Sungmin was catching onto my actions… When he began to watch Kyuhyun as well, I knew time was running short. I tried to get him to awaken but it backfired miserably. You know the rest.”


Once Heechul was finally done speaking, Kangin then said jokingly, “Well, now the water knight is bonding with you. Don’t screw it up Heechul!”


“Of course I won’t!” Heechul said with a growl, “But today, he began to recognize Sungmin after attacking him. I had to knock him out before his memories were triggered any further. I guess I’ll just have to keep Kyuhyun as far away from Sungmin as possible.”


Leeteuk just nodded and then stated, “Well, if you can get closer to Kyuhyun, you can speed up the bonding process. Once you both share your first mutual kiss, the process will be finished and Kyuhyun will never be able to bond with another angel again. He will always share his power with you, even if it is unwillingly.”


Heechul smirked at Leeteuk’s words and said, “That’s what I plan to do. The water knight will be mine.”




Meanwhile, at Kyuhyun’s house, Donghae had finally used an ability to forcibly put Hyukjae to sleep and placed him in the bed.


Hyukjae really needed to rest in order to heal but he refused to sleep. The fire knight was too paranoid that Kyuhyun and Heechul would return to harm his Hae.


Once he was assured that Hyukjae was asleep, Donghae went to check on Sungmin. His best friend had finally stopped crying but he looked so depressed.

Donghae kneeled next to Sungmin and hugged him comfortingly. “It’ll be okay Min.” he said with the most comforting and sincere tone he could muster.


“No, it’s not okay Hae… Kyu hates me now. He is bonding with Heechul now…” Sungmin mumbled in a broken voice.


Donghae gently grabbed Sungmin’s face and made him look into his eyes. “Min, if Kyu really hated you, would he have stopped attacking you?” he said seriously, “I could tell Kyu was confused inside. Heechul must have done something to him. What happened Min?”


Sungmin tried to remember what had happened before Kyuhyun him. His eyes widened as he recalled the events and said, “When I gave Kyuhyun the water crest, he said it was tainted. When he refused to use it, Heechul appeared and forced it to merge with him. Heechul must have been the one to taint the crest.”


“Maybe Heechul tainted it so that Kyuhyun would bond with him. If that’s the case Min, I know that the real Kyu still exists deep down. Heechul is just manipulating him right now. If Kyu really was beginning to form feelings for you Min, you can break through to him. Real feelings will trump manipulated ones any day.” Donghae said and he ended with a sincere smile.


As Sungmin absorbed Donghae’s words, he began to realize that his best friend was right. He was overreacting and he shouldn’t have doubted Kyu. Kyu was truly his knight and his knight alone. He would get him back, no matter what Heechul tried to do.


Sungmin gave Donghae a smile and said, “Well, I guess we will have to think of how to break through to Kyuhyun then. Let’s get my knight back.”




A/N: Not much action in this chapter but I hope this explains some of the events that happened lately! Hopefully, I can make the next chapter action packed again~

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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 5: legendary water night .. sounded too cool for a snarky kyuhyun xD

kyuhyun: shut up -_- . I always awesome by the way B) note that .
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 4: Wahhhh finally i could grasp what was happening little by little .. heechul had no bad intention but he just wanted to bonding with kyuhyun . But because as impatient as he was . Heechul did it in dirty way by get rid of sungmin . His rival in bonding with kyuhyun ... idk actually just presumption
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 3: Eh . What was happening O.o it was happening so fast . They met And theres farewell... wushhh sungmin's suddenly gone by a dagger
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 2: *swats kyuhyun's hand away* what the hell are you doing kyuhyun ??? Is kyuhyun possessed or something O_o ?
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 1: Woaaahhh why do i always find a great story while the fact that tomorrow is monday .... i cant read it until late T_T
venzsuju #6
Chapter 20: kyu too much crying~
but its really sweet~ :D
cynicallynnlove #7
gahh, my kyumin feelz ;—; they consume me with butterflies~ lol this is really cute and the plot twists kept me guessing. I know this fic is already finished, but I'm just gonna subscribe to it so that I can come back and reread when I'm in the mood for some angel/demon!min and knight!kyu~ ^^ thanks for sharing❤
Chapter 20: Woah~ the ending really sweet, minnie became an angel n everyone is happy ^.^ well, im not sure about shindong n his queen -,-
Chapter 18: Min isnt a dark angel but a demon ~!