Chapter Fifteen: True Colors

An Angel's Duty

Meanwhile, at Kyuhyun’s home, Sungmin had finally woken up. He held his head in pain as he sat up.


Kyuhyun smiled at his light angel as he woke up. “Well, good morning sleeping beauty.” he commented with a slight smirk gracing his lips.


Sungmin scowled at Kyuhyun and turned away from him. He didn’t know why but he was just in a really bad mood at the moment. He blamed his headache for causing his moody behavior.


Kyuhyun looked stunned for a moment since Sungmin had never been moody like this before. He sat next to Sungmin on the bed and hugged him gently from behind.


“I’m sorry Min.” Kyuhyun whispered apologetically.


“It’s okay Kyu…” Sungmin mumbled as he placed his hand on Kyuhyun’s arm. “It’s just that my head hurts and I’m not in the mood for jokes right now.”


Kyuhyun nodded and just held Sungmin close. For some reason, he felt on edge. He had a nagging feeling that something just wasn’t right... However, he vowed that he would protect Sungmin with all he had.


After a few moments, Sungmin asked, “So Kyu… How did you find me out there? I mean, wasn’t Heechul controlling you with that crest?”


Kyuhyun then answered quietly, “Heechul may have been able to control my mind but he could never fully control my heart. I felt jealous…when you hugged Ryeowook. I didn’t understand it at the time but my feelings were still there. And when you were in danger, I felt it in my heart. At first, I rushed to the scene thinking Heechul was in danger. But when I heard his words and saw him attacking you, my instincts took over. After getting stabbed by Heechul, I finally broke the curse he put on the crest. I’m sorry I took so long Min…”


Sungmin shook his head and leaned against Kyuhyun’s chest. “I’m grateful that you chose me as your angel.” he whispered.


Kyuhyun blushed at those words but didn’t have time to respond. He was suddenly knocked unconscious by a dark figure that appeared in the room.


Sungmin jumped up and quickly spun around to get a look at their attacker. When his eyes locked onto the figure, the pain in his head increased tenfold.


“Sheesh Sungmin. Have you forgotten your mission and turned soft?” the figure asked with a disappointed voice as he set up a barrier around them to keep the others unaware of the intrusion.


“Who…are you?” Sungmin asked in a wary voice. Somehow, the new male standing in front of him was so familiar…


“Wow, this is rich!” the mysterious male said with a laugh. “You can’t even remember my name? Here, I’ll help you remember.”


He then snapped his fingers and suddenly, Sungmin’s mind was overflowed with forgotten memories. Sungmin screamed out in pain because it felt like his head was being split open.


After a few minutes, the pain died down and Sungmin slowly looked up again. His aura had completely changed. It was no longer pure and full of light. Instead, it was tainted by a new darkness, completely different from that of the dark angels.


“Shindong…” Sungmin said with a smirk, “My mission is complete. The light angels and their knights are under my control now.”


“Excellent work Sungmin. I’m sure Nari will reward you when she finally returns.” Shindong said with an evil smile on his face.

Sungmin just nodded and said, “Anything for our queen.”


“I completed my mission as well.  All the dark angels now have their knights. We finally have everything in place to bring our queen back… Bring the light angels and meet me in the forest just before midnight. I’ll have everything ready for the sacrificing ritual.” Shindong said as he looked at Sungmin.


Sungmin nodded and watched as Shindong disappeared. He then hid his dark aura as he took down Shindong’s barrier. It wouldn’t do for everyone to find out the truth just yet.


He sat next to Kyuhyun on the bed and unconsciously, he slowly reached out his hand to his cheek. As soon as he realized what he was doing, he quickly retracted his hand and looked at it in disgust. “This knight is nothing but a pawn in our plans…” he whispered to himself as he turned away from Kyuhyun. But somehow, he didn’t even quite believe his own words.




A/N: So I don't know what possessed me when I wrote this latest plot twist. You can beat me up if you'd like. I know I deserve it for messing with Kyumin yet again. Gosh, I am so mean to the characters in my fic...


Anyways, thank you for the comments again everyone! They really keep me going! :D

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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 5: legendary water night .. sounded too cool for a snarky kyuhyun xD

kyuhyun: shut up -_- . I always awesome by the way B) note that .
Mingsshi #2
Chapter 4: Wahhhh finally i could grasp what was happening little by little .. heechul had no bad intention but he just wanted to bonding with kyuhyun . But because as impatient as he was . Heechul did it in dirty way by get rid of sungmin . His rival in bonding with kyuhyun ... idk actually just presumption
Mingsshi #3
Chapter 3: Eh . What was happening O.o it was happening so fast . They met And theres farewell... wushhh sungmin's suddenly gone by a dagger
Mingsshi #4
Chapter 2: *swats kyuhyun's hand away* what the hell are you doing kyuhyun ??? Is kyuhyun possessed or something O_o ?
Mingsshi #5
Chapter 1: Woaaahhh why do i always find a great story while the fact that tomorrow is monday .... i cant read it until late T_T
venzsuju #6
Chapter 20: kyu too much crying~
but its really sweet~ :D
cynicallynnlove #7
gahh, my kyumin feelz ;—; they consume me with butterflies~ lol this is really cute and the plot twists kept me guessing. I know this fic is already finished, but I'm just gonna subscribe to it so that I can come back and reread when I'm in the mood for some angel/demon!min and knight!kyu~ ^^ thanks for sharing❤
Chapter 20: Woah~ the ending really sweet, minnie became an angel n everyone is happy ^.^ well, im not sure about shindong n his queen -,-
Chapter 18: Min isnt a dark angel but a demon ~!