
I Have To Let You Go

Next morning, Youngjae visits Daehyun again. He brings Daehyun's mp3 and laptop with him in order to make Daehyun feel not boring at hospital.

He smiles as he knows that Daehyun will be so happy to see his belongings that will not make him feel boring. As for Daehyun, actually not his belongings that can make him happy but a person, a bestfriend that came to visit him at the hospital. He wanted to spend his counted time with his bestfriend.


When Youngjae opens the doorknob of Daehyun's room, he realises that nobody was in Daehyun's room including Daehyun too.

He goes panic when he saw Daehyun was not at his bed. 'Where is he???' he panicly asked to a nurse.

'Relax..He is at the park.He asked a nurse to bring him at the park~' the nurse informed.

'Oh~Thank you', Youngjae thanked to the nurse. Then, he runs very fast to the park to look for Daehyun. He is afraid that something bad will happen to Daehyun.

When he is already at the park, he saw Daehyun is sitting at a wheelchair and being accompany with a nurse. He hurriedly approaches them. He takes his rest for a second as he can't breathe for running too fast.

'Daehyunnie~~' Youngjae calls Daehyun's name while he holds his right shoulder. 

Daehyun already know it was Youngjae's voice without turning around first.

'Jae~~ah~You come so early today~You should rest today~' Daehyun said gently to Youngjae. Youngjae walks to at the front of Daehyun.He bend his knees to face Daehyun at a same height.

'I wanted to visit you~I'm not tired~We have no schedules today~Only Himchan hyung have his schedule today~' Youngjae replied.

'You don't have to lie me..Youngjae~ah.I know that you are tired..but you still want to come here', Daehyun spoke as a nurse still with them.

'It's not that important..Daehyunnie~I can rest later..You are the most important for me now~' Youngjae spoke to Daehyun and he touches his hand.Youngjae can feels that Daehyun's hands are very cold.

'Daehyunnie~Your hands are very cold~You should go inside..Daehyunnie' Youngjae asked him and he stands up to push his wheelchair.

Daehyun stops Youngjae from pushing his wheelchair to go inside.

'Wait~Jae.I'm not going in.I want to enjoy outside..I want to see the sky,the sun,and everything outside..I will even get sick more if I am always in my room..' Daehyun said.

Youngjae stops a second. 'Alright~then.I should let you outside..I will accompany you~',Youngjae said softly. Daehyun gives a smile to Youngjae.

Then, the nurse that accompanied Daehyun leaves both of them. She knew that Youngae can take care of Daehyun.

'I think I can leave Daehyun to you..If something happens, informs us quickly~' the nurse said and she smiles before she left.

'Okay~nurse..Daehyun will be fine with me~' Youngjae replied and nods his head.

Then, he started to push Daehyun's wheelchair at the park for Daehyun enjoying his time at outside.

After awhile, both of them stopped at a place where there's a pond and a bench at there. Youngjae sits at the bench and Daehyun is sitting at his wheelchair besides Youngjae.

Both of them were silent for a few seconds when after that Daehyun looks at the sky and closes his eyes to calm his emotion.He sighs and begins the talk.

'Youngjae~ah..The sky looks beautiful right~Bluish colour..mixed with a comfortable white~' Daehyun gently spoke while his eyes are still close.

Youngjae looks to the sky and realizes that the sky indeed is beautiful.Makes anyone feel comfortable and calm.

'Yeah~Dae~The sky indeed is beautiful..' softly replied from Youngjae.

Daehyun breaths gently and opens his eyes.

'Youngjae~~ah..I want to ask you something..' Daehyun said.

Youngjae turns his eyes to look at Daehyun. 'What is it?' Youngjae asked.

'Em..Will you find a new bestfriend when I'm already gone? Daehyun asked.

'What a ridiculuos question that you asked me~Dae..Have you been crazy?' Youngjae answered as he is angry for the question that Daehyun asked.

'I'm not crazy~Jae.I'm just asking you~You know that soon I have to leave you..You have to accept the real fact that I had a cancer..A cancer that will be never be recover~' Daehyun's voice becomes harder.

Youngjae's started to flow tears. 'What the hell you ask me that question Daehyunnie~I will never ever and forever find a new bestfriend although you're not with me anymore. You are the only one bestfriend~Jung DAEHYUN! You will get well soon~Your cancer will be gone~'

Daehyun frozes and silent when he heard Youngjae saying that.

'Youngjae~ah..Stop crying..You wasting your tears for me..' Daehyun said.

Then,Youngjae stands up and he hugs Daehyun tightly. His tears continuosly rolling from his eyes and Daehyun's shoulder is already wet with Youngjae's tears.

Daehyun pats Youngjae's back softly. 'I don't want to see you cry..Jae' Daehyun whispered slowly into Youngjae's ears.

Youngjae cries even hardly after he heard that. He don't want to lose his bestfriend.





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bluematoki #1
Chapter 34: I cried like a lltt TT TT But im glad you make it a happy ending ^^ love thiss
mellychau #2
Chapter 34: I'm Back!:3 The last four chapters that I read was all so touching. Awwww...I love the last. Such a happy ending. Love you~ <3
marcelfransisca #3
Chapter 31: Such a nice story ever! I love it! Keep updating okaayyyy... ;)
crossing_by #4
Chapter 29: Cry me a river....
Bring back daehyun......
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: the thing that make me wonder ... no letter for youngjae?
mellychau #6
I'm sorry i can't continue reading iris too depressing until a bice chapter tittle comes up
FN_PuppyRyosuke #7
Chapter 15: bad author nim you just killed my bias from bap.
mellychau #8
Chapter 15: Awww he died what's gonna happen now
FN_PuppyRyosuke #9
Chapter 11: daebak I cried.