
I Have To Let You Go

(At The Hospital)

Daehyun is in the emergency room. Youngjae and the manager are waiting for him outside. Youngjae can't sits comfortably as he is so worried about Daehyun's condition. He knew that since the last few days, Daehyun was not in a good condition. He always felt very tired and easily got tired. He also became skinny day by day. His appetite was not the same anymore.His tears suddenly flow out from his eyes when he thinks about Daehyun's condition.

Just then, the other members arrive at the hospital. They received a call from their manager. They hurriedly goes to the hospital to look for Daehyun's condition.

'Youngjae~ah..Is Daehyun still in there? What happen??' asked Yongguk as soon as they arrived.

'He..h..he..fainted at the music studio when he is playing the piano. He..he..screamed..because his head feels very painful..' answered Youngjae and immediately hugs their leader, Yongguk. He cries non-stop at Yongguk's shoulder. His shoulder is already wet now because of Youngjae's non-stop crying.

Yongguk patted Youngjae's back to calm him. 'There..there..Youngjae~~Daehyun will be fine..Don't worry', said Yongguk.

'Don't worry Youngjae..I'm sure he will be fine..He is a strong person right..You knew that Youngjae as his bestfriend..' said Himchan trying to make Youngjae feels calm.

Jongup and Zelo hold Youngjae both hands together. 'Daehyun hyung will be fine Youngjae hyung~~' said the maknaes trying to comfort their hyung.

After that, a doctor comes out from the emergency room. He looks like he is gonna telling a bad news looking at his face.

'Are all of you Jung Daehyun's relatives? asked the doctor.

'No~We are his bestfriends..How's' replied Youngjae.

'Ergh~~ergh~~I have to tell this to all of you. He suffers a brain cancer. Stage 4..He will not have a long time to live..' said the doctor.

All of their eyes become widen after they heard the news. Then, Youngjae can't control his anger and grabs the doctor's collar .

'How can YOU SAY THAT DOCTOR!!? HE'S NOT GONNA DIE!! You lying' said Youngjae and his eyes still filled with tears.

'It's true everyone..All of you have to prepare yourselfs from now~ His vision will becomes blurred maybe after this.Maybe he will lose his sight and can't see again..' replied the doctor.

They can't believe what was the doctor said. It will make Daehyun heartbreaking forever..Imagine how would he react if he knows about this.All of them can't believe that it is already at stage 4. Daehyun just looked fine before this except few days ago, he became always feel so tired. Just then, Youngjae remembered that day.



Youngjae felt weird why Daehyun was taking his time too long in the bathroom.

'Daehyunnie~~What are you doing in the bathroom so long?' asked Youngjae outside the bathroom.

He felt something weird was going on. Just then, he heard Daehyun's vomiting.

'Daehyunnie~Open the door~I heard you vomit..Are you okay?' questioned Youngjae again feeling worried about his friend.

A few minutes later,Daehyun opened the door and came out from the bathroom. He was not looking so well.

'I'm okay..Youngjae. It's just maybe I ate something that was already bad..Don't worry~' said Daehyun and approaches to the couch at the living room.The other members were at the dance studio practising.

'Let's go to the hospital~Dae..Let's go check up~' said Youngjae as he was feeling worried about Daehyun.

'Na~~~~Don't need to go to the hospital~I'm okay..I'm really really feeling fine..No need Hospital~I hate that place..' replied Daehyun and shook his head.

'You must go Daehyunnie~~Let's go~~Don't be stubborn..' said Youngjae again tried to force Daehyun.

'How many times I have to tell you..Yoo Youngjae..I'm okay~~!' answered Daehyun and went to the room.

Youngjae looked at Daehyun and he losed his courage to force Daehyun to go to the hospital. He knew that if he didn't want,he surely will not ever want.

'Daehyunnie~~~Why did you didn't want to hear my advise?' Youngjae shooked his head.

(End Of Flashback)


'All of you can go inside.He already wakes up~You must tell him..' said the doctor and left all of them after that.

Then, all of them go inside to look at Daehyun's condition.They wiped their tears before coming in. They don't want Daehyun to look at their sad faces.


'Huh~Hey guys~' Daehyun greets to s.

They greet Daehyun back with a hello. They are not even smiling. They are afraid to tell him the truth but they have to tell him as the doctor said.

'Hey~~What's with the long faces? I'm okay right..So, why are you all like this? Not even smiling to me..' said Daehyun and he looks at their faces one by one.

Youngjae started to talk. '', stuttered Youngjae and he looks to Yongguk,Himchan,Jongup, and Zelo. He is afraid to tell Daehyun the truth but all the other four give him a sign to tell him. They have to tell him.

'What Youngjae??What are you gonna tell me??' questioned Daehyun as he felt something bad news that Youngjae will tell.

'Daehyunnie~~~I have to tell you this..The doctor said' stuttered Youngjae again.

'That WHAT!!?' shouted Daehyun.

'That you had a brain cancer..~~I'm sorry Daehyunnie~~We don't want to tell you this.It's already at stage 4..' said Yongguk the truth. He can't bear to look at Daehyun suffering.

Daehyun is shock and tears flow from his eyes.

'YOU'RE lying right hyung~~!' shouted Daehyun as he can't believe that he had a brain cancer.

'Hyung was lying right~~Youngjae ah..Himchan hyung~~Jonguppie..Jello~RIGHT?' Daehyun still can't believe.

'Hyung was right Daehyunnie~~He's not lying to you..' replied Youngjae and tries to approach Daehyun.

'GO AWAY!!DON'T EVER COME CLOSER TO ME! GET OUT! ALL OF YOU JUST LYING TO ME!' Daehyun shouted to all the members.He can't accept the truth.He never thought that this will be happen.

'Daehyunnie~~' called Youngjae.

'GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Daehyun screams to them. His eyes are fully with tears now.

All the members get out from the room when a nurse comes to the room to calm Daehyun.

Just then, Daehyun is already sleeping when the nurse injects him.

'He is already sleeping now~ You can go to him but don't tell him anything that he didn't like..' asked the nurse.

All of them nod to the nurse a sign that they are understand.

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bluematoki #1
Chapter 34: I cried like a lltt TT TT But im glad you make it a happy ending ^^ love thiss
mellychau #2
Chapter 34: I'm Back!:3 The last four chapters that I read was all so touching. Awwww...I love the last. Such a happy ending. Love you~ <3
marcelfransisca #3
Chapter 31: Such a nice story ever! I love it! Keep updating okaayyyy... ;)
crossing_by #4
Chapter 29: Cry me a river....
Bring back daehyun......
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: the thing that make me wonder ... no letter for youngjae?
mellychau #6
I'm sorry i can't continue reading iris too depressing until a bice chapter tittle comes up
FN_PuppyRyosuke #7
Chapter 15: bad author nim you just killed my bias from bap.
mellychau #8
Chapter 15: Awww he died what's gonna happen now
FN_PuppyRyosuke #9
Chapter 11: daebak I cried.