Letter For Himchan

I Have To Let You Go

Himchan sits at the chair behind Yongguk.After Yongguk,it is his time to open the letter and read the letter.Before he could open the letter, a drop of tear already roll down at his cheek.He carefully opens the letter and takes out a piece of paper.

To Himchannie hyung /Chan Eomma.

Hahahaha! I begin to write your letter with a laugh.I'm just joking hyung..Hyung,I want to tell you something.Something that I really wanted to tell you long ago.Well..it was not too long ago.Hyung! You're just like a mother to us..Hahahaha! Even though you are a man..hyung.y hyung in the world.Wow~~Just writing a bit to hyung already made me laugh.My body hurts..This was all hyung's fault..Hahaha! I am just joking..Hyung..I want to taste your cooking once again hyung..but what can I do.I was at this hospital.I hate hospital so much..I hate the scent.Help me hyung..Hehehe..It's enough with jokes.Hyung..I'm very sorry hyung if my jokes were hurting you..I'm afraid beacuse sometimes I can talk without thinking first.Hyung..you are a very kind and loving person.You always made us laugh and happy when we were at our dormitory,shooting mv's,studio, and everywhere when we're together.Hyung is just like a disease that spreading happy virus to anyone.Hyung is also a person that had a handsome face and a handome heart too.Beautiful inside is the most important for you right hyung...Hyung..please take care our members..Can you send a happy virus for Youngjae?This is my wish hyung..That's all hyung..Goodbye and thank yu so much for being a good hyung for me..I love you hyung..



Tears begin to roll at his cheek.The paper was already wet with Himchan's tears.

'I will send a happy virus to them..and to Youngjae..' he mumbled.

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bluematoki #1
Chapter 34: I cried like a lltt TT TT But im glad you make it a happy ending ^^ love thiss
mellychau #2
Chapter 34: I'm Back!:3 The last four chapters that I read was all so touching. Awwww...I love the last. Such a happy ending. Love you~ <3
marcelfransisca #3
Chapter 31: Such a nice story ever! I love it! Keep updating okaayyyy... ;)
crossing_by #4
Chapter 29: Cry me a river....
Bring back daehyun......
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: the thing that make me wonder ... no letter for youngjae?
mellychau #6
I'm sorry i can't continue reading iris too depressing until a bice chapter tittle comes up
FN_PuppyRyosuke #7
Chapter 15: bad author nim you just killed my bias from bap.
mellychau #8
Chapter 15: Awww he died what's gonna happen now
FN_PuppyRyosuke #9
Chapter 11: daebak I cried.