Letter For Hyung

I Have To Let You Go

Dear beloved hyung,

HYUNG!!! There are many things I wanted to tell you..First thing, hyung... I don't love you hyung..Hahahaha!!!! I'm just joking hyung...Hehehehe..You must be really suprise right?? I love you hyung...Hyung...I wanted to tell you are the worst hyung in this world..HAHAHAHA!! I'm just joking again..Heheheheh..I'm sorry hyung..Maybe I am not a good brother to you..Hyung..for your information..you are the best hyung in this world...You took care of me..and loved me so much..When I cried, you will always tried to comfort me..You will make funny faces for me..when I'm sad..It was totally super funny hyung~~Hahahahah!! I miss you a lot hyung..I miss our child times..Hyung~~Do you miss me??Do you listen to my group's songs?? My voice was great right??Hehehehehe..I am sure If someone ask you about my voice..You will surely says my brother's voice is great right?? I love you so much hyung!! I'm sorry if I ever made you feel angry with me..I have to go now..Bye hyung~~


Your brother,


Daehyun's brother smiles but tears are rolling at his cheeks.

'You are a 'bad' brother Daehyunnie~~ I love you...' Daehyun's brother said.

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bluematoki #1
Chapter 34: I cried like a lltt TT TT But im glad you make it a happy ending ^^ love thiss
mellychau #2
Chapter 34: I'm Back!:3 The last four chapters that I read was all so touching. Awwww...I love the last. Such a happy ending. Love you~ <3
marcelfransisca #3
Chapter 31: Such a nice story ever! I love it! Keep updating okaayyyy... ;)
crossing_by #4
Chapter 29: Cry me a river....
Bring back daehyun......
crossing_by #5
Chapter 16: the thing that make me wonder ... no letter for youngjae?
mellychau #6
I'm sorry i can't continue reading iris too depressing until a bice chapter tittle comes up
FN_PuppyRyosuke #7
Chapter 15: bad author nim you just killed my bias from bap.
mellychau #8
Chapter 15: Awww he died what's gonna happen now
FN_PuppyRyosuke #9
Chapter 11: daebak I cried.