
Love is a hard game
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In the apartment where live the members of U-Kiss, a door slammed violently. Soohyun, who was quietly reading a magazine, jumped, surprised. When he stands up to see what's going on, he heard Kevin scream.

"Don't even dare to talk to me !"

Soohyun heaved a deep sigh and walks toward the noise, asking himself what Eli could have done this time. He found the blond trying to reason his boyfriend for unlock the door, visibly annoyed.

"What's happened ?" Soohyun asks, compassionate.

"Crisis of jealousy." Eli sighed.

"Kevin, unlock the door." pleaded Soohyun.

"No !" screamed the younger. "I don't want to, so  I won't do it !"

"Stop being so childish !" prostested the leader.

"Leave me alone hyung !"

Soohyun sighed and took Eli's shoulder to bring him in the living room. The blond collapsed on the couch, upset and bleak. Soohyun took place at his side, his hand pressing his shoulder reassuringly.

"It's gonna be ok, Eli. It's gonna be ok."

"I don't know..." Eli breathed passing his hands on his face. "I don't even recognize him anymore !  When he is like this..." he sighed deeply. "I wish AJ was there."

"Yeah." approved Soohyun. "We all miss him. He was always here, supporting us, play the referee to our relatonship problems."

Eli let out a laugh.

"That's true ! He had always been there for us."

"Hey," Soohyun tried to comfort him, "there's just two months before he comes back. Try not to break up with Kevin by then and I'm sure he will gladly resume his role as couple counselor."

Eli smiled to him, comforted.

"Thank you to be here, hyung. You are the best leader that we could have."

Soohyun smiled back and gave him a friendly slap in the back before leaving. The leader joined the balcony, thoughtful, wondering what time he could be in New York.


When his phone rang, AJ muttered a few insults in Korean before leaving his head under the sheets. By throwing a quick glance at the clock, he realized it was two o'clock in the morning.

"Damn, why the it's ringing ?"

After groping his bedside looking for his phone, he straightened slightly and blinked eyes to see who was the caller.

"Yobuseyo ?" he grumble in Korean, his sleepy voice and a yawn betrayed the fact he had just woken up.

"AJ ? Did I woke you up ?" Soohyun asked, visibly sorry.

"Don't worry hyung. It's only two in the morning and I have class at eight, but it's nothing." he assured him with a new yawn. "Tell me, what's happend ? Did the house burned ?" AJ tried to joke.

"I wish it had, but it's a more serious matter."

AJ sat up, wide awake now.

"What's the matter ?" he asked, frightened.

"You in United States gave a blow to the group, and now, Kevin and Eli are on the edge of break up. I do not think U-Kiss can survive it if it happens."

"What do you want me to do ? I'm stuck here till the end of the semester."

"Try to contact the compagny, or manager hyung. Maybe you can return earlier than what was planned."

"I don't know hyung. I really enjoy this time, study in New York. I wish I could stay..."

"Listen AJ, I know it's selfish to ask you that, but if my fears become true, I think that there will be no U-Kiss when you come back !"

AJ sigh, defeated by the arguments of his leader.

"I will do my best, hyung. Say hi to the boys for me, I'll try to call you later."

"Thank you AJ. I know in what I put you through, and I'm sorry for that."

"Ne need to be sorry hyung. U-Kiss

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Kyung1Ari #1
Chapter 18: Poor Wookie so heart-broken I hope he can forgive Hyuk and they will be back together. AJ is making a mistake. Love the chapter and I am glad you back. Update again soon.
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 16: This chapter was so worth the wait!!!!! Thank you for the update.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 15: Wow, this story gets better and better with each chapter. So much drama, I can't wait to read the next chapter.

Good luck with your graduation exam.
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 13: :o Taemin is a bonafide sh*t starter. I believe he had declared war on poor Kyuhyun. I am waiting for the almighty Doctrine of Taemin to blow up in everybody face who follows it. Really good chapter, can't wait for the next one.
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Eunhyuk may be noble, but he as dense as they come. Good chapter, update
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 11: :o I would had never guess Kyuhyun. Nice! Poor Ryeowook. I hope every thing works out. Great chapter. Update soon.
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 9: :o well my theory is shot.
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 8: :o Finally figure out AJ's Boyfriend is. :o Li-Ran I agree with Soohyun, Eli how could you give in so easily.
Kyung1Ari #9
Chapter 5: Nice update! I can't wait to see who is AJ boyfriend is.