THE GREAT PLAN(that failed XD) PART 1

What happens when two idols meet and fall in love with each other?

Narrator's POV

The next morning, Minho woke up earlier than the others to seek advice from his beloved hyung, Changmin.

Changmin's POV

"Catch me if you wanna~~~" my Iphone rang as I tried covering my ears with a pillow. Who the hell called me at such an early time! I struggled to press the green icon "answer" and yelled,"Ya!!!! I was dreaming of TVXQ winning lots of awards! How dare you spoil it." I regretted saying once I heard Minho's worried voice. He said that he needed help to let a female friend of his get her boyfriend back. Knowing Minho, I guessed that it was someone from F(X) since he had some filming with them yesterday, which was probably Sulli, who was dating Taemin. I was about give myself self-praise when Minho impatiently asked me to give him some tips. I scratched my head, thinking of what to say. "Ah! Minho, don't you have Inkigayo next week! Maybe you can try partnering Krystal and Taemin and Sulli would be together, Who knows, they might recouncile after "getting closer"! Heh, but if that fails, you can always chase after Sulli. She's so cute!" I said before hanging up and going back to sleep

Minho's POV

Changminnie hyung's idea isnt too bad.. I shall have to try and get Krystal to agree. So, I texted her a message. "Krystal, wanna partner me for next week's Inkigayo? ^^" I crossed my fingers.. hoping it would work. For Sulli's sake, I am willing to do this!

Narrator's short POV

It was afternoon and F(X) and SHINee had their own schedules....

Krystal's POV

"Okay you guys can have 5 minutes of a break! " my dance instructor who was teaching us dance moves for a new album announced. I whipped out my phone and checked for messages. Ooh... Minho oppa sent me a message! He wanted me to partner him for Inkigayo. Just as I was about to reply him, Taemin oppa sent me a message, asking the same question. I was literally in a dilemma. I actually have a crush on Minho oppa just that Im dating Taemin oppa , hoping that Minho oppa would be jealous. After asking the members to choose a number 1(Minho) or 2(Taemin), majority chose Taemin. Haiz.. well good things will come after all my efforts in making Minho oppa mine. I ignored Minho's message, and replyed Taemin oppa,"Sure oppa! Saranghae!"




Okay I admit I gotta apologise for this Krystal part hehe sorry Krystal is really pretty and nice in real life... so yeah... heheh ill probably write more much later i got to sleep now.  



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Chapter 12: nice story ;)