What happens when two idols meet and fall in love with each other?


Chapter 11

Narrator's POV
Now.. Krystal and Taemin were still kissing in the rain. They stayed like for that for ten more seconds. The kiss wasnt passionate, yet both of them enjoyed every second of it. Once, Taemin broke apart from Krystal, both began to feel very awkward. Krystal began by stammering," O.pp..a... gomawo." Taemin's cheeks were burning as he replied," I.. uhh... realised that I had fallen for you after breaking up with Sulli for a while. Did you see Minho and Sulli together? I think she deserves to be loved by Minho. Krystal-ya, would you.. uhh like to go out with me?" Krystal was touched and she began tearing. She had been fighting for the person she thought she had loved but it was merely obsession. Now someone loves her and she feels the same. She hugged Taemin, nodding her head hardly. That day, krystal was determined to stay in love with Taemin, and no one else. She had to help Minho and Sulli be together again too, or she would remain guilt-stricken for the rest of her life. 

Krystal's POV
The next day, I woke up earlier than usual just to meet Mr Lee to admit that I was the anonymous person that caused Minho and Sulli so much hurt. Whether using force or a thousand times of begging, I have to get an answer from him. I sent Taemin a message of what I planned to do, and telling him that I hoped that he would support me. Mr Lee, you better listen to me. As I looked through pictures of me and F(X) in the lift that would bring me to level 6, I smiled at my phone. Today, is d-day, everyone is going to be happy again. 

Taemin's POV
This is strange, my eyelids keeps twitching and that only means something bad is going to happen. I had woken up a few hours earlier due to the nightmare I had. I dreamt that vampires were chasing after all of us. SM artistes and my family, it was really scary... but im a man, Tae-man! So i shall not be scared, muahaha. I was a phoneaddict, so I did the usual, checking me2day, whatsapp and smses. Ooh.. Krystal texted me, yay! Ever since yesterday, I could not stop thinking about her. I think this relationship is going to work well. Reading the message dreamily out loud,"Oppa, im going to see Mr Lee today for all the things i have done.." Heehee krystal you cutie. Wait........ Mr Lee. Things i have done. AAAAAAHHHHHHH NOOOO she must not do that!! What if Mr Lee doe anything to her? Fire her, or even... her yikes. Being the protective boyfriend(and manly too) I am, I put on a tracksuit that happened to be the first thing in my cupboard and travelled to SM entertainment. Nothing must happen to my dear Soo Jung! 

Krystal's POV
Finally, I have reached Mr Lee's office. My heart was ricocheting wildly against my ribcage. I scratched my head awkwardly as I approached Mr Lee with aegyo in my voice. " Mr Lee songsaengnim, can you let Minho and Sulli be together again pwease?? Aing aing aing! (This is weird) Im very very very sorry, I was the one who sent you the photograph, please put the blame on me!!" Surely he should be impressed by my sincerity right? If he isnt never mind, I have Plan B. He seemed unimpressed and ignored me, which meant no for sure. Aish.... must I do this.. ahh chongmal!!! Haiz.. for the sake of Minho and Sulli, here goes nothing. I adjusted my shirt, revealing a bit of my cleavage(eww eww) "Mr Lee.... you better... or else." I said in a deep and husky voice. (Is this even applicable for girls whatever.) I could see his tempted look. Yes! Now for the finale,Im going to use his weakness against him. Cockroaches~ Uh-huh, he is a total freak. Sick-minded, but a scaredy cat. Even though I didnt like cockroaches, my conscience encouraged me to move on. Holding a cockroach which I came prepared earlier... 

I was pinching my nose, holding my breath. Ugh the rubbish dump is just so smelly X_X.. Aha theres a cockroach there!! Come to mommy! You are going to be needed.. 

Daebak! Mr Lee was breaking out in cold sweat and he looked like he was about to scream out loud. Then, he could not take it anymore. "AAAARGH! GET THAT EFFING COCKROACH OUT OF THIS PLACE!!!!!!!" he actually screamed in a high pitched voice. Lololololololol this had to be the funniest part of the plan. Hahahahahahaha! I was not gonna go easy on him. I held the cockroach by its legs, it was now dangling dangerously and struggling to break free. Finally, Mr Lee gave up. He was beaten by me, le awesome Krystal!<3 He agreed to lifting the no dating ban. I guess he had enough of idols having to break up because of his selfishness>:( "Just dont ever act so seductive ever, it gives me goosebumps eek." I smirked and walked out of the office with swag:P YOLO right? Heehee. Just then a pair of arms gripped my shoulders. Ehehehe it was just taeminnie, my love<3. I gave him a thumbs up as he heaved a sigh of relief. Lawl, he worries too much. 

Taemin's POV
Woahh... Krystal did it! My Krystal! She's just so capable, and ayy.... i unknowingly stared at her chest(XD) why was her shirt so revealing today!? "Taemin, dont stare at meh like that... I uhh used some of my tactics so yeah!" I darted my eyes to the ceiling, denying that fact. Was i that freaking obvious? Eeeh but Im so jelly.. waeyo!!?!! Eww Taemin you ert.. Welll.... at least things are settled woo hoo! Sulli and Minho has to get back together by themselves, we cant really help with that anyway duh. Time for some dating with Krystal! <3333
Mr Lee's POV
Haiz.. these rascals always get their way. Truthfully only this time, but heck care. Its all about the money money money ka ching~ Aish. Gotta call Minho and Sulli over. Gosh this Krystal is so menacing. Brrr... thinking of the cockroach just makes me want to puke! Seriously! What is wrong with this generation of young adults.
Phone conversation heheh
"Umm Mr Lee you' re not going to scold them right."
*hangs up*


Anyways dont hate on Mr Lee Soo Man kay this is like for fun unless he really is like that *gasp*  Hope u didnt find it too bad~^^


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Chapter 12: nice story ;)