The Break-Up :(

What happens when two idols meet and fall in love with each other?
*At the office*
" I have a question for you Minho and Sulli. In fact, two questions." The latter gulped hoping that the questions were not what they dreaded." Do you two admit that you're dating each other? And will to agree to breaking up? You know I forbid dating in SM, or BEAR the consequences." Minho could not imagine breaking up with Sulli. They  had only gone for one date, and truthfully they have not known about each other that much due to their hectic schedules. Was he going to agree to breaking up? Or was he going to stand up for love? On the other hand, Sulli was in a dilemma, she wanted to continue dating, but for her career could she give up love? Her family had high expectations for her.. and if she decided to go against Mr Lee's will, she would probably be fired....
Minho's POV
"Mr Lee, can't you give us a chance? I promise that ill work super hard so please, dont break us up? I really love Sulli, a lot." Expecting Sulli to agree with him, he held Sulli's hand, praying hard that Mr lee will accept them. Just then Sulli said something that somehow broke his heart, into a million pieces(hyperbole:)). She let go of his hand coldly, saying, "Mr Lee, I hereby apologise for dating with Minho, I wont do this again, it was only.... due to my foolishness, I will break up with him as you wish" Mr Lee nodded in satisfaction, and glared at Minho with daggers in his eyes, "See how Sulli handled this situation? I hope you learnt from her and you two may go off to your respective duties. If. I see you two together again, you may leave this company, and never. Come back."
Sulli's POV
How in the world did I say those words? I swear I did not want to break up with Minho, but for the sake of both of us, what could I do? I Bowed and escaped out of the office. My tears which I tried to hold during the whole time I was in the office just came gushing out. Just like a pipe that was leaking. I could not care less anymore. I had just lost the person I loved so much. Minho. Why did we have to be idols? Was this called fate? Aish... i cried and cried and cried. And cried somemore. It felt like the whole world was going down on me. I felt lost, until I felt warm hug. It was Taemin, my first love. I was too sad to even reject his hug or even care why he wanted to do that. I did not care. Anymore. "Sulli, why are you crying? Dont cry.. ill feel sad too." I felt like choking, I shook my head and tried to remove Taemin from me, but due to the crazy crying I had lost all my strength. I hope Minho did not see me crying. What would he do if he did? Well maybe he did not care either. We have broke up whats the point of even being friends? I would just have to go through torture. Yes. Not being able to have Minho was like hell. I could not imagine it, but for us, ill endure. After calming down, I finally managed to get Taemin off me and I glared at him, telling him to stay away from me or else. Taemin seemed dejected, but I did not care less. That was the day. The day I had broken up with Minho. The day when I cried like there was no tomorrow.

Minho's POV
Why did we have to break up? What is wrong with Mr Lee? But Sulli.. how could she agree that easily? Does she really not love me, but have been actually toying with my feelings? I stopped in my tracks. Taemin was hugging Sulli. Hah. Hah. Like Sulli was actually caring about the no dating rule. She had always loved Taemin. I was just a comforter. Not her boyfriend. Was she really that happy to break up with me? Choi Minho, isnt This what you want? You want the woman you love to be happy right? Even if she does not love you.. i couldn stand the sight of them being so lovey dovey forgetting about whatever I had on that day, I decided to buy a carton of beer to celebrate my new relationship status:single. Sulli has totally forgotten about our relationship. Why cant I? I cannot forget the happy times we had, even though it was really little. I cant. I cant help but love her. Even if she has broken up with me. Even if she never loved me. Choi Minho you idiot. I locked myself to the room that Taemin and I shared once I got back. This was going to be a lonely night.

Narrator's POV
Meanwhile, Sulli was actually feeling the same pain as Minho, she was in her own dormitory after a dance practice. The F(X) members assumed she was being moody due to random reasons, and only Krystal knew it was Because of the break-up with Minho. "Oh well.. love is not free. Everyone has their own price to pay for it. Sorry Sulli."thought Krystal. Sulli began sobbing as she read the mesages she had with Minho, these were memories she could not forget. I have to delete these messages, aaargh how can I livd without you Minho? She deleted each and every message. Her eyes were watery and after she deleted all the messages, she cried herself to sleep. Tomorrow, I'll be the happy and bubble Sulli everyone knows. Sigh, today I'll just be the depressed Sulli who has lost her loved one.
Krystal's POV
I can't seem to think about anything, other than Minho. Is he okay? Seeing how sad Sulli is, he might be really sad too. I know, I should cheer him up! I began to make my way to SHINee's dorm, it should not be a problem since I have their keys that I duplicated from Taemin, and well I memorised The address. (Stalker much?XD) im going to cheer Minho oppa up. Even if he doesnt want me to.  Upon reaching SHINee's dorm, I found that there was no one in the living room, therefore, I decided to check if Minho was in his room, however it was locked. Using my aegyo voice, I knocked the door. "Minho oppa! Its Krystal can you open the door? Please?" I heard some strange noises and finally the unlocking of the door. Omo. Minho seemed very drunk. I could see many cans of beer. All probably finished by Minho. Was he that sad??? He suddenly hugged me, and began crying. Oh my god. What is up with him today? Before I could reply, he said in a slurred voice, "I miss you. So so so so much." I thought he was referring to me and fireworks began displaying in my head. Then, it became a storm with pouring rain as he finished his sentence with a "Sulli". Haha. He had actually mistaken me as Sulli. I guess I was never the princess Who got to say that freaking "happily ever after" line. Before I could further get hurt by Minho's words, I ran away and left the dorm, knowing Minho and I, were never going to have a chance together. That time, it began pouring heavily as raindrops started falling and wetting the ground. Was heaven playing a prank on me? What did I do to deserve such pain and agony? I had forgotten my umbrella and I walked in the rain, not caring whether I was drenched. Then, am umbrella appeared on top of my head. I turned and realised it was Taemin. I sighed, saying, "My plan failed Taemin. I'm sorry for dating you. I really love Minho and.. he doesnt. I dont expect you to forgive me, I know you must hate me right now." Luckily, Taemin could not see the tears on my cheeks as he was looking up and seemed to be thinking of a reply. He said softly, "I dont hate you." Krystal froze in her tracks
As Taemin's lips met Krystal's. And the umbrella, well, it was left on the pavement, forgotten.

Hehe okay this chapter might be really long-winded, but its my first time fanfictioning and.. im not good at it but all those that actually read this and comment, im really thankful:))))))))))  ill work hard and umm ill make sure i end this story and not like forget about it:))))))))) sorry for the typos!! And YAY my computer isnt lagging for once

Author-nim who is tired and dying from school.


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Chapter 12: nice story ;)