The Enigma of the Daffodil


Choi Mi Young. Twenty years old. Orphan. Indeed, you have been an orphan since you were fifteen years old. Unfortunately, your parents had somehow disappeared after leaving a strange note that they were leaving for a vacation. But they never came back. Never. Thankfully, you had your dear sister who was two years younger than you, and your father's aunt that was a spinster. You decided to study hard and become a detective, to search and satisfy your curiosity of knowing what had happened to your parents. All was well until.. you found your sister dead.


Man dies after excavator overturns at Amberville StreetBody of a man found in Han RiverWoman charged with killing ten-year-old son in Philipanan Walk. Driver burnt to death. You sighed as you flipped through the pages of the Daily Times. It might seem queer that a young woman like you was reading articles like these, but since you ran a detective agency, this was your normal daily routine. You continued reading the newspaper with a straight face until your eyes darted towards an important article. It read: Girl aged eighteen stabbed fatally at Moonbeam Bridge Your hands began to tremble as you continued reading the article in great detail. You were praying fervently that your nightmare was not becoming a reality. As you read through the girl's name, you were too shocked for words, and the newspaper landed on the marble floor with a thud. The girl's name was, Choi Seo Young. Images of your sister began flashing in your whirling mind. Her smile, her laughter, and even the memory of the time she said she was going to travel for a few days with her friends. You did not expect that to be the last time you could ever see her again. Tears began to fall mercilessly down your pale cheeks. You let out a ear deafening scream, unable to believe that this was happening.


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chocolatesauce #1
So cooooooooool