Torn Between Two
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{L.Joe's POV}


"No. You're not going to stay here anymore. You're going home and apologise to oppa about your wrong doings so he won't disregard you", I heard her say as she tried to drag our Changjo out.

So she's the only girl in the Bang family that everyone has heard but never seen.

How come I didn't catch on her name when she introduced herself? Our worst nemesis was B.A.P and we've been trying to find Yongguk for ages. He doesn't want to meet us unless there was something important.

Our boss YG was particularly interested in him and has instructed us to bring him over to his place.

My own thoughts was suddenly interrupted as I heard a loud cry. I looked over and saw Changjo crying. O...kay.

"Noona, I'm sorry I've been lying to you the whole time. I did went to Japan and got trained there but somebody saw my skills that he has decided to put me into his gang. Hyung has a gang too so I thought it was fine if I had one."

To be honest, I envied their loving sibling relationship. If only I had one.

I looked over at Soojung who was now quiet.

"Hyung! Boss is here! Hurry and get Soojung noona into hiding!", Ricky alerted me from afar.

I wasted no time and grabbed Soojung's hands and led her to the back door.

"Where are we going?"

I opened the door and both of us got outside.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere okay? I'll be back."




{Soojung's POV}


I waited and waited but he never came. I stood there for so long that my legs were starting to get numb. I decided to sit at the steps nearby.

This is the place where I saw oppa. No wonder it looked familiar.

"Soojung?", I heard L.Joe's voice calling me.

"I'm over here!"

My phone started vibrating and took it out from my pocket and looked at the caller ID.


I decided to ignore his call and put my phone back into my pocket.

"I told you to stay there, what are you doing here?", he got mad at me.

"You were taking too long and my legs got tired."

"Come on, let's get you home", he started walking away.

"Home? But I didn't even get started yet."

He turned back to look at me.

"And where is my brother?", I asked him.

"He's fine. I suggest you don't get too worried over him. Me and my members will look out for him."

I sighed. "Okay", and searched my bag for my notebook as I tore out a small piece of paper.

"Here's my number. Give it to Changjo so he can contact me", I passed to him.

He took it and kept it inside his pocket.

"So I'm officially free to go now?", I asked.

"Yeah. And don't forget to meet us again tomorrow. The day after tomorrow. The day after that–".

"Okay okay I got it. Sheesh", I stopped him.

"It's fine if you don't want to. Then I guess you won't be able to see Changjo."

Was he trying to blackmail me?

"I know I'm selfish but what can I do?", he wiggled his eyebrows.

That jerk.

"I'll be going off now and I don't need your company", I told him and walked away from that place.

My phone kept vibrating ever since just now and it was started to irritate the hell out of me.


"Soojung-ah, is this how you greet your unnie?"

"Qri unnie! I'm so

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Chapter 43: Finnally.... i like your story...i feel pity with Daehyun. But also i'm Happy that Lhjoe dind his sister ^^
Jonguplover94 #2
Chapter 43: Finish reading. OMG i really love it. My first time reading Teen Top fanfic (though I'm Angel) and my 1000000.... times reading B.A.P fanfics and as expected its amazing. Great job authornim.
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 43: Finaly finished re-reading!!! I really pity daehyun tho... he was trying so hard but he had to go to america :( and soojung really went through a lot! CAP is also weird sometimes but i think he has reasons why he was doing those. YG... he should just die -__- since i re-read it iknew himchan was bad and i just want to stab him. Anyway thanks for the wonderful story author-nim ♥
Chapter 43: Hahaha just finished only in one day . Haha poor daehyun . But its okay i love your story . Goodjob author you jjang
Chapter 23: Wouldn't that make Yongguk, Changjo, and Minah her half siblings not step siblings?
caramelcandy #6
Chapter 43: I just finished reading it again for the second time! That's how much I love this story! :D and even though I already knew what was gonna happen, I still read every single words til the end!
ixzakwangie #7
Chapter 43: I read this fanfics b'cuz I thought Daehyun is the lead~
I'm totally wrong!
So sad~
Poor my Daehyunnie~
Anyway, nice fanfics!
Except the fact that Daehyun is not being with Soojung~
xoxomong #8
Chapter 32: I started to like Soojung because of ur story. her expressions's just too cute>< good job aunim^^
Chapter 43: Amazing I love this story!!!! I finished it in one day!!! That's a good thing just saying!!!