Torn Between Two
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{L.Joe's POV}   I paced back and forth in the hotel room as the scene kept replaying in my head. "Yah, could you please stop moving about? You're making me dizzy", Chunji whined. "Have you tried calling Changjo?", I asked him. "No? Why should I?" "Soojung passed out yesterday when the fight broke out." "She did? Who did that to her?", Chunji sat upright on the couch. "I'm not sure because when YG pulled her down, she was fine", I ruffled my hair in annoyance as I was freaking worried about her. "Shall we go visit her? Maybe she's at their house", I said as I stood up and grabbed my jacket. "Hold up. If they were there, boss would've found her last night. You know he's still looking out for her", Chunji stopped me. I sighed in frustration. "Then call Changjo up!", I yelled.       {Nobody's POV}   "If you're not eating then how are you going to get better?", Daehyun placed a spoon in front of Soojung's mouth. "But I don't like eating porridge." "Don't be stubborn please? I need you to get well. We all do", he pleaded. Soojung shook her head. Daehyun ate some of her porridge. "Mmm this actually taste good!", he continued to eat it. Soojung her lips seeing how delicously he ate. "Fine, but just one bite", she protested and quickly ate a spoonful. "Therem muu hampy nowm[There, are you happy now]?" Daehyun ruffled her hair as he passed her a cup of water.   Yongguk went into the room with Qri walking beside him. "Unnie!" Soojung realised Qri is now smiling a bit compared to the last time she saw her. "So did the both of you finally made up?" "Who said we were fighting?", Yongguk raised his eyebrow and looked at Qri. "Nobody did, I was just assuming", Soojung shrugged. "Have you been behaving?", Yongguk checked on her. "What am I? A 4 year old? I'm fine oppa. Stop worrying about me." "Even when I'm worried about you, looked what happened." Her eyes started to become watery and she quickly looked away. He pinched her cheeks. "So, what happened while you were away?"   After a while, she started to get tired. She looked at the clock on the wall.  "Oh look, visiting hours is over!" "Yah, are you really that happy to get rid of all of us?", Youngjae scorned. Soojung rolled her eyes. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep", she pulled the blankets over her and nestled comfortably on the pillow. Yongguk smiled at her childish behaviour and tucked her in bed. "Good night sis. I'll come back again tomorrow for your treatment", he kissed her forehead. Soojung nodded with her eyes close.   "Unnie is going off now. You better listen to what they tell you arraso?", Qri kissed her forehead as well and left together with Yongguk. "I'm going to stay and look after her for tonight", Daehyun volunteered. "Can I stay here too?", Zelo asked. "No, we have school tomorrow Zelo", Jongup pulled him away. "But I want to take care of noona", he whined. "Yah, maknae, stop acting like a baby. If that's what you want then go ahead, but let me tell you, we're going to have cherry tomato pie all by ourselves for dinner tonight", Himchan smirked. That immediately shut Zelo up as he prepared to leave. Youngjae shook his head. "I'm staying here too. I need to study for my test tomorrow", Youngjae took out a book from his bag and started reading. "Better keep an eye on her Daehyun. I'll text you again later", Yongguk said. "Okay guys let's go before the nurse—" "How many time must I tell you boys to leave? Must I barge in here everytime to remind you all? I've also got work to be done you know!", the nurse literally screamed and Yongguk quickly ushered s out.   "Aish why is she always so loud!", Soojung opened her eyes. "Bye Soojung-ah I'll come visit you again tomorrow!", Qri waved as Yongguk hurriedly pushed her out of the room. "Finally some peace and quiet", she laid back down. "Make yourselves comfortable boys. On the couch. Goodnight!" She heard the boys mumbling but couldn't figure out what they were talking about as she slumbered into a deep sleep.   Soojung woke up around 3 in the morning.  She wasn't feeling too well as she was sweating profusely. She sat up and saw Daehyun and Youngjae sleeping together on the couch. She tip-toed her way to the toilet and vomited continuously. "Why can't I stop this!", she felt
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Chapter 43: Finnally.... i like your story...i feel pity with Daehyun. But also i'm Happy that Lhjoe dind his sister ^^
Jonguplover94 #2
Chapter 43: Finish reading. OMG i really love it. My first time reading Teen Top fanfic (though I'm Angel) and my 1000000.... times reading B.A.P fanfics and as expected its amazing. Great job authornim.
aegyo-kid #3
Chapter 43: Finaly finished re-reading!!! I really pity daehyun tho... he was trying so hard but he had to go to america :( and soojung really went through a lot! CAP is also weird sometimes but i think he has reasons why he was doing those. YG... he should just die -__- since i re-read it iknew himchan was bad and i just want to stab him. Anyway thanks for the wonderful story author-nim ♥
Chapter 43: Hahaha just finished only in one day . Haha poor daehyun . But its okay i love your story . Goodjob author you jjang
Chapter 23: Wouldn't that make Yongguk, Changjo, and Minah her half siblings not step siblings?
caramelcandy #6
Chapter 43: I just finished reading it again for the second time! That's how much I love this story! :D and even though I already knew what was gonna happen, I still read every single words til the end!
ixzakwangie #7
Chapter 43: I read this fanfics b'cuz I thought Daehyun is the lead~
I'm totally wrong!
So sad~
Poor my Daehyunnie~
Anyway, nice fanfics!
Except the fact that Daehyun is not being with Soojung~
xoxomong #8
Chapter 32: I started to like Soojung because of ur story. her expressions's just too cute>< good job aunim^^
Chapter 43: Amazing I love this story!!!! I finished it in one day!!! That's a good thing just saying!!!