Chapter Nine-The Sleepover party Part Three-

Fall In Love With An Angel

This story has 15 subscribers?! OMG! I’m so happy! And many many many many thanks for those who like my fanfics and subscribe!!!! KHAMSA!

And here’s a little present for my subscribers!


Please support EXO! The twelve shining star!


They are so handsome! I hope there was really such handsome policemen like them>.< okay…I’m just dreaming…Chanyeollie is so cool wearing the uniform….please god…I’m dead! Police, please arrest me! Keke…just playing around…>.<

And here it is!!! Sleepover party Part Three!!!!

Chapter Nine-The Sleepover party Part Three-

“Waa…The New Zealand meat is daebak!” Baekhyun rubbed his tummy and walked out the ‘Beef and Pork’ restaurant and said.

“Yeah…And the bill is also daebak…” Luhan stared at the bill and said sadly.

“Aigoo…Poor Luhannie! Who called you to lose in the game? If you won the game, you don’t have to pay for the bill.” I shrugged at him and said.

“Tsk! You’re the one who ordered those damn expensive New Zealand meats! My money…” Luhan flicked my forehead again and stared at his empty wallet.

I looked at Kris and shrugged my shoulder while Kris furrowed his brow at me.

“Luhan hyung! Bubble tea!!!” Sehun pointed at a bubble tea shop nearby and shouted happily.

“Bubble tea!!! Let’s go Sehunnie!” I clapped my hands happily and together we ran to the bubble tea shop.

“Aish…This two are totally crazy bubble tea fans…” Suho shook his head at us and said.

“Guys!!!What kind of flavor do you all want?” I shouted at them while Sehun was looking at the menu.

“I want original flavor.” Tao ordered while he pulled out a chair and sat on it.

“Sehunnie, tick one more original flavor for Tao.” I said to Sehun who was busying looking at the menu.

No matter how many times he looked at the menu, he always ticked ‘Chocolate flavor’ bubble tea…Maybe, that’s his style?

“One chocolate flavor bubble tea for me!” Luhan patted Sehun’s shoulder and said.

“Okay! Anything elese?” Sehun wrote ‘2’ in the column ‘Original flavor’ and also ‘Chocolate flavor’.

“I want MangoShaved ice!” Baekhyun shouted at Sehun and he nodded his head and wrote ‘1’ in the column ‘Mango Shaved ice’.

“Anything else? I’m going to pay!” I shouted at them and all of them shook their head.

“Yeah! Go pay! I can’t wait for my chocolate bubble tea!” Sehun smiled happily and said.

“Me too! Bubble tea the best!” I high-fived with him and said excitedly.

“Miss, is he your boyfriend? You two look very sweet together.” An old woman who was standing behind us smiled at us and asked.

“Erm…No, no, no, he’s not my boyfriend…We’re just best friend, right Sehunnie?” OMG! This old lady was making me feeling embarrassed…

 “Erm…Yeah…We’re just friends…” I also saw Sehun blushed…

“Really? Haha..Sorry, because the two of you look like couple…” The old lady smiled at us nervously and said.

“It’s okay…” We only smiled at her and quickly turned back and waited for our turn to pay for the bubble tea.

Finally it’s our turn, I quickly gave the cashier the money and after he packed all the bubble tea into a plastic bag, I thanked him and grabbed the bag and followed them out the bubble tea shop.

“Bubble tea!” Sehun was going to take the bag with his bubble tea inside but I stopped him.

“Let’s go home first!”

“But….I want my bubble tea right now…” Sehun pouted at me and said.

“Uh-uh…” I hide the bubble tea behind me and protect it from the ‘danger’ Sehun.

“Let’s go home quickly, then Sehunnnie you can drink your bubble tea.” Suho smiled at our childish act and said to Sehun.

“Right…Then faster!!! Run!!!” Sehun quickly grabbed me and ran as fast as he could.

“Yah! Sehun! Yah!” Because of the sudden running, I tripped and when I thought that I was going to fall to the ground…

“Phew…Luckily I managed to save you!” Sehun smiled brightly at me and said.

“Yah! Bad Sehunnie! You nearly make me fall to the ground!!!” I hit Sehun’s arm hardly and he cried out loudly.

“But I saved you! You should say ‘Thank you’!!!”

“Right! Thanks Sehunnie who nearly make me fall!” I sticked my tongue out and pouted at him.

“Cool down guys…Let’s go home right now…It’s getting dark.” Suho walked towards us and said.



“Finally!!! Home Sweet Home!” Tao quickly took off his shoes and slept on the sofa just like the whole sofa was all his.

“Yah! Your foot stinks! Go washes it before you slept on my sofa.” Luhan glared at Tao and said.

“Hyung…My foot is even better than your cologne…How can you said that it’s stinks?” Tao pouted at Luhan and murmured.

“Haha…Better than Luhan’s cologne? Good one Tao!” Baekhyun laughed and said.

“Shut up Bacon.” Luhan rolled his eyes at Baekhyun and said.

“Yah! I’m not Bacon! I’m Baekhyun! B.A.E.K.H.Y.U.N. Okay?” Baekhyun shouted at Luhan.

“Yah! How dare you talked to me informally! You know that I’m older than you okay?” Luhan shouted more loudly than Baekhyun.

“My eardrum is going to burst…” Suho covered his both ears with his hands and whispered at me.

“Me too…” I nodded my head and sighed while looking at Luhan and Baekhyun argument.

“Hey guys! Wanna play ‘Truth or Dare’?” Suddenly an idea popped into my mind. Playing that game will be fun!

“Truth or Dare? Yeah! I’m in!” Tao who was just came out from the bathroom agreed excitedly.

“Sounds fun! I’m in too!” Suho smiled and said.

“Me too! Me too! I’m in!!!” Baekhyun shouted happily.

“Finally you two stop arguing…” Kris who was covering his ear rolled his eyes at Baekhyun and said.

“Miannae…Kris hyung…” Baekhyun looked at him with his puppy eyes and once again, Kris rolled his eyes at him.

“Kris, want to play with us?” I asked Kris; hopefully he’ll play the game.

“Sure! I’m in too!” Kris smiled and said.

*Did Kris just smile? I can’t believe it…I think my eyes got some problem…* Baekhyun rubbed his eyes and blinked his eyes many times but he still saw the smiley face on Kris.

*Wow…After he broke up with his girlfriend, It’s really hard to see him smile…Looks like Soo Rin has the power to make Kri smile…* Luhan looked at Kris, and then at Soo Rin, and made out the conclusion.

“Okay! Let the game begin!” Baekhyun shouted and Sehun clapped his hand happily.

“You guys know about the game right? When the pen pointed at you, you have to choose whether you want Truth or Dare. And the people who spin the pen will give you the mission or question.” I explained the game even though they all knew about the game.

“Okay! Let’s spin the pen!” Baekhyun spinned the pen and…it pointed at Suho!

“Oh man…I choose Truth…”

“Do you have somebody you like?” Baekhyun smirked at Suho and asked.

“Baek, that’s a really lame question…” Whenever people choose ‘Truth’, this question will definitely been asked…

“Lame is good.” Baekhyun shrugged at me and said.

“Yes.” Suho smiled gently and answered.

“Jinjja? I thought a playboy like you doesn’t have someone you like…And who’s that?”

“Uh-uh! That’s another question.” Suho smirked and spinned the pen. And the pen was pointing at …Kris!

“Me? I choose Dare!” Brave Kris!!!

“Took off your clothes and you can’t wear it unless we finished the game!” Suho smirked at Kris and said.

“Wow! Suho oppa’s evil side!!!” I shouted while Sehun and Baekhyun clapped their hands happily.

“You…Fine!” Kris glared at Suho and without a second, he’s already shirtless and his top was lying on the chair nearby.

“Woohoo! Kris hyung’s muscle!” Tao shouted and I saw Kris blushed a little.

“Who’s the lucky one…?” Kris smirked and he spinned the pen.

“OMG!!!ME!!!” Sehun cried out loud…

“Truth or Dare?” Kris shouted at Sehun evilly.

“Truth…” For Sehun, truth is safer…

“What color of are you wearing right now?”

WTH! Kris!!! You’re such a big ert!

“Blue…I guess…” Sehun smiled awkwardly and said.

“You sure?” If eyes could kill people, Sehunnie will be dead right now…


“Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!” All of us laughed really loud, I guess our neighbors were going to complain…

“Yah! That’s not funny!!!” Sehun pouted and finally, we stopped laughing at his…pink …

Sehun spinned the pen and it’s pointed at Luhan.

“Dare!” Wow! Brave little Luhan!

“I want you to…” Evil smile…


“Kiss Soo Rin!!!”

“What?!” Luhan and I chorused together.

“Come on!”

“Sehun…Can you change to another mission?” I asked Sehun, who was pouting at Luhan.

“Soo Rin, you know the rules of the game, you can’t change.” Sehun shrugged and said.

“Sehun, can I just kiss her cheeks?” Luhan asked carefully, worried that Sehun said no.

“Yah! Of course you’re kissing Soo Rin’s cheeks! I won’t let you kiss her…” Sehun stopped without finishing his sentence.

WTH with the…? Does that mean…lips?

“Oh…Okay…” Luhan blushed a little.

“Okay, be ready!”

I can felt that my face was burning hot when Luhan was getting more and more close to me. I can smell his cologne (A/N: which Tao said his feet are better than his cologne?!) and his breathe hit my face, making me feeling itchy.

Suddenly a hand covered my face and blocked Luhan.

“Change it, Sehun. It’s too over.” Kris glared at Sehun while his hand was still on my face and Luhan was still remaining the same position.

“B-But…Hyung, this is the rules…”

“Just think of something else! And change it!”Kris shouted at Sehun and that shout made him felt shocked.

“O-Okay…Luhan hyung…Stand with one leg for 5 minutes…”

“…..” Luhan quickly stood up and followed what Sehun said.

“I’m sorry, Sehun.” Kris turned to Sehun and apologized.

“It’s okay!!! Just buy me bubble tea and I’ll forgive you!”

*Why did Kris being so angry? I never saw him like this before…* Luhan stared at Kris while he’s still remaining the position like a…crane?!

*Kris was so scary just now…He gave me a heart attack…* I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm down the heart that was beating fast.

“Okay, okay! Continue with the game!” Baekhyun shouted and Luhan spinned the pen and it’s pointed at Sehun.

“Me again!!! I choose Dare!”

“Took off your shirt and dance hip-hop.”

“Oh man…” Sehun stood up and then took off his clothes while Baekhyun played the music.

When the music was played, Sehun danced like a professional dancer.

“Woohoo! Sehunnie daebak!!!” We all cheered after he finished his hip-hop dancing.

“Forgot to tell you, you can’t wear back your clothes!” Luhan smirked and said.

“Oh man…Fine!” Sehun spinned the pen and it’s pointed at Tao.

“Haha, Tao!” Sehun smiled evilly at him.

“Dare.” Tao also smirked at Sehun and he choosed ‘Dare’.

 “Show martial art in the middle of the swimming pool!” This evil maknae, always have many evil ideas…


“Yeah! I’m serious.”

“Good one…” Tao glared at Sehun and he walked out living room and jumped into the swimming pool.

“Woohoo! Tao daebak!” Tao even can play martial art in the swimming pool… (A/N: Yeah…Coz he’s an alien…)

The wet panda Tao spinned the pen. And…the pen pointed at ME!!!

“Truth!” Tao’s evil smile gave me a bad feeling…

“Among us, who do you like the most?”



Oopsie…Soo Rin is in ‘danger’!!!!!!!!!!

This chapter is a little long right….

I hope you enjoy the story!!

I think the ‘Truth or Dare’ is damn funny…

“What color of are you wearing right now?”

OMG…My imagination is so damn good!!! Keke>.<

Oh and the…

Tao feet are better than Luhan’s cologne….lol>.<

Sorry guys…I’m becoming crazy because of this damn funny chapter….

Actually I’m writing half of the story in my exercise book…I mean, empty book!

I know it’s not good wasting paper…but guess what?

Writing story on paper is great!!!! You can train your handwriting too!!!

And you can also write the story no matter where you go!!! Keke…

And…miss. Forgetful me… I forgot to go to meeting…since I’m the concert committee…. I have to go meeting…every Wednesday…but I forgot….>.< OMG!

And looks like I didn’t go to club for centuries…Huh…I’m feeling bad….

PLEASE COMMENT! If you guys don’t comment, then I won’t post the other chapter (Haha…just kidding)

I gave my friends read this chapter, they all laugh so hard because of the ‘pink underwear’…keke…>.<


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princewufann #1
Chapter 27: yeayy.... i ship kris - soorin too!
NewWorlds #2
Chapter 27: Wow... unexpected situation here... and she met Kai.. I hope they have a good relationship as siblings.. ^_^
Exo_Fighting #3
Chapter 10: ooooohh i like this story so far!!! and yes! kris slapped her omg
NewWorlds #4
Chapter 26: Ahhhh... too short!! XD I need more... ㅋㅋㅋ I wonder who he was and I think the kiss was real...ㅎㅎㅎ
Can't wait for the next update.. XD fighting!!
I finished with the plotline and characters. Though I promise you that I will look forward to reading your fic sooon <3
princewufann #6
Chapter 25: Soo Rin x Kris
Chapter 25: yeah~ i've been waiting for this update..
i love how everyone was so caring about Soorin..*jealous*
thanks for the update~ ^^
NewWorlds #8
Chapter 25: Finally, you update this story... hehehe... I've been waiting... kekeke....
whoa... are they crushing at each other? :D Sehun is so caring... but, how about the other members? Hehehe....
Update more! Hohoho.... :D
Thank you for the update.. ^^
Chapter 24: awww~ that's so sweet of Sehun.i would like to meet someone like that too in real life!>"<
NewWorlds #10
Chapter 24: Sehun is so sweet.. He did not show his feeling but it showed through action.. Nice..:D
Soo Rin please go back, all of the people are looking for you... :(

Thank you for the update.. ^^