Unsent Letter [ ToYouWithL ]

I wish [One-shot/Scenario Closed request]


Name: Park Yuri
Bias: Myungsoo
She always liked him but he was a kingka. He acts like he couldn't care less about her.

The rest, your choice ^^ 
She found him in the middle of the crowd, harshly rejecting every confession his fans throws at him. She bitterly smiled. She just a nobody. She's practically invisible. And she knew, Myungsoo, 1/7 of woolim kingka would never looked at her, let alone know she exists.
She turned around and walked back to her class, the letter was tightly gripped as she sat back down in her seat, waiting for her new seat mate to arrive. She doesn't know who, all she knows is that mr. Lee, her homeroom teacher has told the class he'll be assigning new seating arrangement and she only found her seat number, with the crowd flocking around the wall with the seating number paper taped on it.
She heard someone pulled the chair next to her and looked up. fell open when she saw her first love, her fist crush, Kim Myungsoo sitting next to her. He just stared at her for a moment, a shock expression flashed across his face for a mere second before he went back to his cold demeanor.
"Um, hi. I'm Park Yuri." she braced herself to say.
"Myungsoo." He shortly replied.
"Okay then." she sighed and went back to her daydreaming, watching the students play in the soccer field.
Myungsoo closed his eyes, praying he won't get a freak fans for his seat mate. It's for the whole year and he swears he might kill himself if he had to sit with a screaming girl. He scanned the room and silently gasped. It was her. Park Yuri. The girl he has been crushing on for years. Sungyeol has been teasing him non stop when he told him he has a crush on the 'invisible' girl. 
He approached her and pulled the chair, causing her to look up and opened in surprise. He had to stop himself from grinning like an idiot at the sight of his crush looking at him with a cute expression.
"Um, hi. I'm Park Yuri." he heard her stammered.
"myungsoo." You idiot, myungsoo. he cursed in his head.
Myungsoo? How much of a douche can you be, he scolded himself. He glanced at her who just sighed and started to daydream.
There's only one word to describe her experience to seat with her first love for the past month, HELL. Myungsoo doesn't even acknowledge her presence, only giving her a simple nod every time she tried to greet him. And she's getting tired of getting rejected.
She held the letter as tight as possible as she saw him entered the close before chucking it under her table. Myungsoo just raised her eyebrows and sat next to her.
He couldn't believe how much of a douche he has been. He basically too scared to make a move on her. Yes, the great Kim Myungsoo is too shy to approached Park Yuri.
He saw her chucked something under her table and raised his eyebrows as he sat. He slightly glanced and saw a crumpled letter and frowned. Is she going to give it to someone? he thought in jealousy.
When the lunch break rang and Yuri walked out to get her lunch, he stayed behind, waiting for the students to left the class. He took the letter and read the recipient.
'to : Kim myungsoo'
He held his breath as he opened the letter. A huge smile crept up his face as he read her letter for him.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A loud shriek was heard and Myungsoo jumped in his seat.
He looked up and saw Yuri paled when she noticed the letter in his hand. She ran as fast as she can, grabbing the letter from Myungsoo.
"Did you read this?" she whispered.
Myungsoo nodded and for the first time, he grinned with pinked cheeks.
"You like me?" He asked.
"You don't have to know. you won't care." She muttered.
"I care!" He shouted.
"Why? I'm a nobody, myungsoo. This letter probably will end up in the trash can."
"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" Myungsoo shouted and blushed furiously when he realized what he just said.
Yuri widened her eyes and looked up.
Myungsoo clears his throat and looked away.
"I like you." he mumbled.
"You're not lying, aren't you?" She asked.
"Why would i lie? I've been liking you since the 4th grade!" he blushed again.
"I like you too." She mumbled with red cheeks, causing myungsoo to snapped his head at her.
"you do?" he asked.
"You read the letter already." she chuckled at his question.
He just sheepishly grinned.
"well, do you want to go on a date with me? so we can get to know each other better." he asked after a moment of awkward silence.
"yes, i'd lo---"
"MYUNGIE~ WHERE ARE YOU BUDDYYYYYY~~OOPS." Sungyeol skipped inside the classroom and stop in his track when he saw Myungsoo glaring at him.
He looked at Yuri and grinned.
"I SEE~ See you, myungie~ and yuri! He's been talking about you non stop!" he laughed and left the room.
"Sorry about that. He's an idiot." Myungsoo said.
"It's okay." Yuri laughed.
"You have a pretty laugh." he said.
"Shut up." she blushed and Myungsoo chuckled.
"So, saturday at 10?" he asked.
Yuri looked at him and smile, giving him a nod.
"Text me your address, i'll pick you up." he said, asking for her number.

2013.02.12 tuesday

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mermaid_monkey13 #1
Chapter 1: Name: lee sangkyung
Bias: Bang Cheol Yong aka Mir
Scenario: SangKyung is Joon little sister that is in love with Mir, but Mir doesn't like her,so basically SangKyung stops bothering him then Mir realize something....then it's up to you how to end the story.
graceidess #2
Chapter 13: Name : jung hyemi
Bias : himchan
Scenario : hyemi and himchan are old friends but when she was 8 years old, himchan moved and they met again 20 years after and himchan confessed her.

Name: jung hyemi
Bias: bang yongguk
Scenario: you and yongguk almost broke up because he got caught drunk and make out with a but she still forgive him

Hey, nice work on the one shots. I have another request if you're up for it...

Name: Tenshi Miyagi
Bias: Zelo!
Scenario: meet backstage @ Music Bank because of Chunji (Teen Top)
I got the idea from the special stage thingy they did and they looked so cute but I'm not sure if its music bank. They were singing Loving U and Zelo looks like he does at the concert!
Chapter 12: :) you are the best. I love you
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 11: CHAP 11 OMG PERFECT lol Daehyun is my other bias along with L.Joe KEEP UPDATING AUTHOR-NIM I really love this scenario shop!! :D
Chapter 10: WOW...I have nothing to say..it was...DAEBAK!!!!
Thanks a lot seoulchae-sshi!! :D