Chapter 8

Dream of Me


After days of studying and exams it was finally time to relax. We were going to Lotte World as planned today but I wasn’t excited for it at all. I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep at all the past week. Whenever I closed my eyes I started to think of the incident and when I finally fell asleep I had weird dreams. During the days I tried to keep Chanyeol away from Kyungsoo as much as I could like making him study together with me in my apartment instead. I also avoided Kyungsoo and refused to go to their apartment. Luckily it didn't seem like Chanyeol was suspecting anything, although he did ask me about Kyungsoo. Since I didn't want to talk about him all I gave him were short replies and started to talk about other things. I couldn’t avoid Kyungsoo anymore today although I had prepared myself and I promised myself that I would act as natural as I could around him. Kyungsoo and our other friends was already waiting outside the amusement park when me and Chanyeol arrived. Kyungsoo looked happy to see us or probably just my boyfriend. But then I realized it was most likely because he didn’t know our other friends yet and felt a bit lonely. He walked towards with a relieved expression on his face.


“I haven’t seen you for almost a week now. Busy huh? How did your exam go?”


“Yeah, you know...the studying took all my time. I think it went pretty well actually. What about you?”


“Same. I was hoping that you would come over though because I have some dishes that I want you to try. I would like your opinion on it~”


“Uh oh..there are lots of time for that. Maybe later this week. Oh, it’s our turn.”


We bought our tickets and passes and entered the park. As expected there were lots of people there because it was a holiday. We walked around for a couple of minutes before we decided on what rides we should take. Some of the rides had special queues for people with passes and some didn’t and we wanted to make sure that we didn’t have to queue for a long time. Our plan worked well as we managed to ride four attractions within an hour. For people with no passes it would have taken taken at least two hours if not longer. After playing for another our we took a break and had a lunch. When we were finished we passed the one attraction that I absolutely didn’t want to play, the haunted house. I really disliked ghosts and scary things because it scared the crap out of me. But my other friends thought differently, they wanted to enter it.


“Come on, it’ll be fun. It’s not that scary and it’s not like you’re going to be alone in there. We are there with you, you can walk in the middle if you want.”


“You know it doesn’t matter if I walk in the middle or not. I’m going to get scared guys can go though.”


“Yeah, why don’t you guys go. We can wait outside.”


I knew that Chanyeol said that because he didn’t want me to wait outside alone. He wouldn’t mind entering it because he wasn’t scared of these things at all.


“Actually why don’t you go too. I can wait outside with her. I don’t like this stuff either.”


Kyungsoo stepped forward and looked at Chanyeol.


What? I don’t want to stay here with him. That’ll be so awkward. It’s fine when there are other people around but if we are alone then...


“Umm, actually I’ll just go. I know that Chanyeol wants to so why not. But I’m going in the middle and I’ll cling to you and probably have my eyes closed most of the time just so you know. You’ll have to lead me, ok?”


I turned to Chanyeol when I said that. I could see that he was happy about my decision.


“No problem. That’ll be my pleasure! I’ll protect you~ What about you Kyungsoo-ah are you staying or going?”


“Since everyone is going then I’m going too.”


When it was our group’s turn to enter I was holding Chanyeol’s hand and arm tightly. My heart started to beat faster when I walked through the dark entrance. I had really bad night vision so it always took me longer than normal to get used to the darkness. I couldn’t see a thing. Suddenly I heard one of my friend’s screaming and closed my eyes, it was probably something scary in front of us and I didn’t want to see it. There were some scary noises as we kept walking and soon there was a voice saying that we had reached the labyrinth. There were four different paths and we had to split up. Me and Chanyeol took the fourth path but since the passages were pretty narrow and there were only the two of us either me or Chanyeol had to walk first. I didn’t want to walk first so Chanyeol took the lead. I was holding onto his shirt as we kept walking. I could hear my friends screaming one by one and I knew that it was soon our turn. Suddenly the lights went out and I could feel someone touching my back. I screamed and crouched letting go of Chanyeol’s shirt. It was so dark and I couldn’t see a thing but I could feel that the thing behind me was still there. I tried to reach for Chanyeol’s leg because I thought that he was still in front of me but I couldn’t find him. The thing behind me was still there so I tried to push it away using my leg, if it was a person he or she will get that I’m scared and leave.


“Chanyeol where are you!? I’m scared, there is something behind me.”


“I am here, where are you?”


Surprisingly the voice sounded more distant than I thought. He wasn’t within my reach, it actually sounded like he was quite far away. I slowly reached my hand behind me but I couldn’t feel anything. The person had left. I stood up again but it was still pitch dark so I had to place my hands on the wall and slowly move forward.


“Chanyeol, I can’t see anything. Where are you? Go back to where I let go of your shirt.”


“I am still here but I can’t find you. Did you move somewhere you sound like you’re far way from me.”


What the heck is going on. I was so sure that I hadn’t moved a lot, how can we be so far apart.


Now I was really scared. What if I was stuck here, why didn’t they turn the lights back on I couldn’t see a thing. I could hear my friends scream again and that scared me even more so I started to move faster, it felt like it was someone behind me. Chanyeol should be in front of me somewhere but where? I had one hand on the wall and with the other hand I waved in the dark hoping to find Chanyeol. I finally felt something that I thought was Chanyeol but then I realized that the thing in front of me had much longer hair than Chanyeol. My heart stopped and I screamed, pictures of Sadako was flashing through my mind and I turned around and ran.

I could hear Chanyeol yelling asking what happened but I didn’t want to turn back.


I had no idea where I was going because I just turned whenever I found a new path. I was probably running in circles but I was still hoping that I would run into someone soon. I was still scared to stop or turn back in case Sadako was still after me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and didn’t care anymore. I crouched and covered my ears with hands and had my eyes closed. I could feel the tears coming but I still didn’t care, I was terrified. But this time there was no long hair instead I could feel arms embracing me.


Chanyeol! He found me!


I quickly hugged him as tears run down my cheeks. I felt so safe in his arms and I thought that I would let him carry me out.


Wait a minute, this is not Chanyeol’s scent but it’s still familiar. This feeling is familiar..I know this person.


I knew that I could trust this person even though it wasn’t Chanyeol. I didn’t care if it was him or not because I was safe and this embrace calmed me down and gave me a feeling of secureness. My head started to hurt and some images flashed through my mind. I wasn’t sure of what those images were because they where blurry but I knew that they were memories and not a dream.


I have hugged this person before, it’s the exact same scent and feeling. Who is he? Is it the person in my memories?


The light went back on but it took me a couple of seconds before I could open my eyes completely. My heart was beating really fast. I didn’t know if it was because I was still scared or if it was for something else or more excatly..beating for this person. The ligths were dim because we were still in the labyrinth but I recognized the shirt of the person I was hugging. I slowly let go and pulled myself back. A pair of big round eyes were staring back at me. Kyungsoo’s eyes... We sat there staring at each other without saying anything.


How is this possible..It can’t be. What is this strange feeling that I’m having...I’m confused  and I can’t think right now. My head hurts.


At last Kyungsoo opened his mouth.


“ you okay?”


I was about to answer when I heard a famililar voice.


“There you are!! Gosh I was so worried for a while. I couldn’t find you but I could hear you screaming.”


Chanyeol hugged me from behind and pulled me towards him. His embrace felt somewhat more protective than usual like he was scared that someone was going to take me away from him.


“Are you ok?”


I turned around in his arms and hugged him back.


“Where did you go!? I was scared to death. I thought that you were in front of me but you weren’t. Then I felt Sadako and I just ran...couldn’t see anything in the dark and  and...”


I started to cry again but this time it was tears of relief. It was over now. Chanyeol was here. I buried my face in his shoulder and I could hear him asking Kyungsoo if something happened. He sounded worried.

I didn’t hear Kyungsoo answering him though. We got up after a short while when I was done crying but I felt a bit dizzy. Chanyeol held my hand tightly and lead me out of the labyrinth and the haunted house. I didn’t care for the scary things I saw on my way out because I had too much on my mind. I didn’t dare to look back but I knew that Kyungsoo was walking behind us the whole time. Our friends were already standing there waiting for us when we got out. They looked worried when they saw me. I must have looked pale and sick because I felt that way. My head was spinning and I kept thinking of what had happened in there. Chanyeol decided to take me home so we said goodbye and left.

~ O ~

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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.