Chapter 3

Dream of Me

I was heading towards the supermarket near Campus after my last lecture as planned together with one of my friends. As I was about to pass the school entrance my friend stepped on my shoelace and I tripped. Luckily I didn’t fall but when I was about to tie it I glanced towards the gates and I thought that I saw someone that looked like Kyungsoo standing there looking at me. When I was done tying my shoelace which only took a few seconds the person by the gate was gone. I asked my friend if she saw the person standing there but she said that she didn’t notice anyone.


What’s wrong with me. Did he really made such an impression on me that I’m imagining seeing him now. Stop scaring yourself, it was probably someone else and he was probably looking at something else too. Silly me.


When we passed the gates I looked carefully around me but there was no Kyungsoo there so I shrugged my worries off and went to the store as if nothing happened.

I had decided to make cream spaghetti for dinner and was standing by the pasta section when I suddenly heard a voice behind me asking:


“You like to eat spaghetti?”


I turned around and froze. There he was standing with his big eyes looking at me. My heart started to beat faster because I was scared.


What is he doing here..did he follow me from school!? What should I do now? Ok, calm down, we are in a supermarket what can he possibly do to me. If he tries something I’ll just scream and people will come and look to see what’s happening. Just stay calm.


I took a deep breath but my heart was still pounding like crazy and my voice sounded really unstable when I responded.


“W..wh..what are you doing here?”


I could see his expression change from calm to worried.


“I’m sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to. I came here do some grocery shopping and I saw you standing here so I just wanted to say hi.”


His words calmed me down a bit. At least it didn’t look like he was going to do anything. I still doubted what he said though. Could it really be a coincidence that I think I saw him by the gates and now he shows up here...


“ I didn’t expect to see you here so I was a bit surprised, that’s all.”


I didn’t know what more to say and it looked like he didn’t either. We were standing there awkwardly looking at each other until I broke the silence.


“Umm well I’ll be leaving then. Bye.”


“Wait! You didn’t answer my question..”


“What question?”


“Do you like to eat spaghetti? Cream spaghetti?”


“What? How did you know that?”


He suddenly smiled brightly at me.


“I saw the ingredients in your basket. Actually I like cream spaghetti too it’s my favourite. You should add some bacon, sundried tomatoes and some parmesan cheese to it, that combination makes it even more delicious.”


How in the world did he know that I like those things in my cream spaghetti?! It wouldn’t be strange if he said only one or two of those things but all three of them..did Chanyeol tell him that?..No it can’t be, why would he do that...who is this guy, a psychic?


“How did?..actually never mind. That sounds good I should try that, thank you for the tips. I should really get going now. Chanyeol is waiting for me. Bye, Kyungsoo-sshi”


I didn’t wait for his answer even though I knew it was rude but I really didn’t want to be there alone with him. This time he really managed to creep me out. I grabbed the remaining ingredients and paid for it. I wanted to get out of there as fast I as I could. My friend was done with her grocery shopping too, we said goodbye to each other and went different ways. As I hurried down the street I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to call Chanyeol to pick me up. I stopped and called him.


“Chanyeol-ah, I’m done with my grocery shopping and I’m on my way home now. Where are you? You don’t have to come and pick me up if you’re home already.”


“I’m actually on my way. I think I can see you. I’m on my bike, can you see me? I’m waving at you right now..oh and is that Kyungsoo behind you?”


I froze..


Wait what did he just say..


I turned around and dropped my bag of groceries. My heart skipped a beat and I was standing there holding my breath. Kyungsoo was standing behind breathing heavily as if he just had a run. I didn’t know what to do and I just stood there without moving an inch staring at Kyungsoo. He was about to say something but Chanyeol interrupted him. Hearing my boyfriend’s voice made me relax a bit and I let out a breath of relief. Chanyeol is here, I am safe.


“What’s wrong? You dropped the grocery bag.”


I could hear that he was worried which woke me up from my paralyzed state. I bent down to help Chanyeol pick up the groceries that had fallen out.


“Let me help you.”


Kyungsoo bent down to help out but I didn’t want him to.


“No! We can do it on our own!”


Kyungsoo quickly pulled his hand back and stood up again but I didn’t look at him. My hands were shaking as I picked up what was left and put it in the bag. Chanyeol clearly sensed that something was wrong because he took the bag in one hand and held my left hand tightly with the other.


“Sorry for that Kyungsoo-yah. I think that my girlfriend is feeling a bit unwell right now. Thanks for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow in school.”


He hung the bag on the handlebars and lead me to the bike. I sat down and when Chanyeol had made sure that I was holding on to him he started to pedal. I hadn’t said anything or looked at anyone the whole time but as Chanyeol pedaled away I looked back at Kyungsoo. He was still standing at the same spot and this time it wasn’t hard to read the expression he had on his face, he looked sad. I didn’t care because my head ached. I closed my eyes and leaned on Chanyeol’s back the whole way home.

He didn’t ask me anything. When we were back at my apartment he helped me to bed so that I could have a rest. My head was hurting real bad and I fell asleep pretty quickly while holding his hand.

~ O ~

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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.