Chapter 1

Dream of Me

It’s that beautiful melody again. It sounds like someone is singing too but I can’t hear the voice clearly. Nana na na nanana~ Wait, now I hear something sounds like my..


I woke up and looked at my alarm clock at the bedside table. It was 6:45am. But it wasn’t the alarm clock that woke me up, it was my cellphone. I never set my alarm clock because the sound of it scares me to death every time it rings. Instead my boyfriend wakes me up by calling me every morning except during the weekends. I picked up my phone which was still playing one of my favorite songs.


“You woke me up at such a bad timing. I wanted to hear the voice...”


“Well good morning to you too sunshine. You had another one of those weird dreams again?”


“Sorry. Good morning~ Yeah, I dreamt about that beautiful melody again and I could hear someone singing this time but I couldn’t hear the person’s voice clearly. As matter of fact I don’t even know if it was a girl or a boy singing.”


“Don’t think about it too much it’s just a dream after all. Maybe you’ll find out next time you have that dream again. Haha! Don’t be lazy and get up now. I’m going to be at your place in about twenty minutes. I bought kimbap today.”


“Fine, I’ll get up now. I really want some green tea latte too can you buy one for me, please?”


“I knew you would ask for that. I already bought one for you.”


“You know me so well. I’ll see you soon then. I love you~”


“Love you too~”

My boyfriend arrived twenty minutes later just as he said he would. His name is Park Chanyeol and he is a senior of mine. I met him at the hospital where I was hospitalized for a period of time. I wasn’t ill but I was in a car accident about a year and half ago which caused me a pretty severe head injury. Luckily I’ve fully recovered from it now. The only thing that has not recovered yet is a part of my memory. I remember everything from my past except for the two years before the accident. I practically lost two years of my life. The only thing I know is that I lived by myself in Goyang because I studied there. After the accident my parents made me move back to Seoul so that they could take care of me. I tried to ask them what else they knew about what I’ve done those two years but they couldn’t tell me much about it. Everything went so fast after the accident, I was transferred to a hospital in Seoul to continue my rehabilitation and didn’t get to bid farewell to my friends there. Not that it matters, I don’t even remember them. I lost contact with everyone and everything that I knew there. It’s like those two years never existed.


It took me almost half a year to recover. I was bedridden the first two months and felt like a I was a kid again who couldn’t do anything by myself. When I finally could function as a normal human being again it still took me some time to get back to my usual self. Chanyeol has been by my side practically the whole time during my rehabilitation period. His father is my personal doctor who also happens to be good friends with my parents. I believe that it was fate that brought us together that day. He was only supposed to visit his father’s office but accidently entered my room. It was an awkward and embarrassing moment for me because I was crying at that time. I just sat in my bed crying by myself because I felt so helpless. I couldn’t even go to the toilet on my own and I hated that I had to be taken care of because I’ve always been a very independant person. Chanyeol asked me if he could help me with anything but I just ignored him. He just stood there looking at me and then he left the room since I didn’t answer him. He came back after a while with a piece of paper and a pen because he apparently thought that I was deaf and mute. He tried to communicate with me through writing instead and because I didn’t felt like talking I just answered him back by writing also. He came to visit me every day after that. He was there for me during one of the most difficult times of my life and he cheered me up with that optimistic personality of his. I found his cheerfulness annoying at the beginning and I didn’t understand why he kept insisting on bothering me with it but I somehow got used to it and actually looked forward to seeing him every day. Then suddenly one day he confessed to me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I was surprised that he actually wanted me, a girl full of flaws as his girlfriend at least when it comes to the communication part. The thing that won me over was his incredibly sweet confession letter and drawings. I was so happy that I opened my mouth and said yes. I still remember his face when he heard me talk for the first time but he didn’t get mad as I thought he would. Instead he started to laugh his signature crazy laugh like he always do. We’ve been together ever since and not long after I recovered I started studying again at the same university as him and became his junior.


I live by myself now in my own apartment not far from my campus. It took me a while to convince my parents to let me move out again but at last they agreed when I assured them that I can take care of myself and I promised that I would come home at least once a week. Another reason is that they trust Chanyeol and he promised them to take care of me. Now he comes by every morning with breakfast and after eating we would leave together for school. It doesn’t matter if we don’t start classes at the same time, he will come by and pick me up anyway.


We finished our breakfast and were ready to leave for classes. It would take us about fifteen minutes to walk to campus and it was 7:40am now. We were late today but Chanyeol didn’t look like he was in any hurry at all. I told him to hurry up as I ran down the stairs.


“Don’t worry, today I have surprise for you. Close your eyes and don’t look until I say so.”


“A surprise?...wh..”


Chanyeol covered my eyes with his hands as soon as we walked through the entrance. He walked behind me with his hands still covering my eyes and led the way.


“Ok, don’t look yet”


I closed my eyes as he uncovered them. I could hear him walk away to get something, then heard a familiar sound but I couldn’t figure out what it was.


“When I count to three you can open your eyes. One...two.......three!” 


I opened my eyes and saw Chanyeol sitting on a bike smiling at me with his bright smile and perfectly straight teeth.



“Yup, from now on we can enjoy our breakfast longer or you can sleep a little more. It’ll only take us a little more than five minutes if we ride the bike to campus.”


I couldn’t stop smiling after I heard his reason for buying the bike. As I stood there staring at him all I could think of was..


I feel like the luckiest person in the world. What have I done to deserve him in my life? Maybe because I lost a part of my life that’s why they gave me Chanyeol as a compensation. Doesn’t matter what I lost, Chanyeol definitely makes up for everything. As long as I have him in my life I don’t care about those memories.


“Stop standing there you little daydreamer, come here and take a seat behind me. Remember to hold me tightly and don’t you let go...ever haha”


“Don’t worry, I won’t~ ”


I sat down at the back of his bike and hugged him tightly around the waist as he started to pedal. A warm familiar feeling spread around me as we rode down the road, I was happy.


This feels so familiar like I’ve done this before but I can’t remember that I’ve ever rode on anyone’s bike like this before. Must be my imagination because this is so much fun.

~ O ~


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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.