Chapter 4

Dream of Me

Where am I? This place looks familiar, so relaxing and peaceful. I’ve definitely been here before but everything is so blurry. What is that? Wah! It’s a bunny! Oh’s not real, it’s a stuffed animal. Looks like the bunny Chanyeol gave me, yes it is...but it can talk, it’s it’s singing now. I can’t hear it clearly..what is it singing?...

Someone is hugging me from behind, Chanyeol? His hands feels so warm. I want to see who it is. Wait! No! Why did everything turn dark. I can’t see anything..Chanyeol-ah? Don’t let go..Don’t let go!!


“....let go!!”


I opened my eyes and sat straight up in my bed still breathing heavily. My heart was beating really fast and it ached.


“Hey hey, it’s ok, I won’t let go. I was just going to get a towel to wipe the tears and the sweat off. Did you have a nightmare?”


Chanyeol sat down in the bed and put his arms around me. I put my head against his chest and could hear his heart beat, that calmed me down and my pulse slowly went back to normal.


“I had a weird dream again. I think you were in it this time and our bunny plushie. Everything was so blurry and I couldn’t see your face. When I turned around everything turned dark and I couldn’t feel anything beside your hand but you were leaving me...”


“It was just a dream, I’m here and I won’t leave you. How are you feeling? We should make an appointment with dad if you’re still having a headache.”


“I’m fine. It’s much better now, my headache is gone. For how long have I been sleeping?”


“For about an hour and a half.”


“And you’ve been here beside me the whole time watching over me?”


“Yeah, I was here holding your hand the whole time. You wouldn’t let go of it so even if I wanted to leave I couldn’t hahaha~”


“What? Fine, I’m letting go of your hand now, you can leave~”


“Hahaha, nope. I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me forever.”


He gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked me if I was hungry.


“Oh, that’s right. I was going to cook dinner. I’ll do it now.”


“No no, you should rest. Let me take care of the dinner.”


“You don’t know how to cook my special cream spaghetti. Let me do it. How about you being my souschef instead. That way I won’t need to do everything myself.”


He agreed and the dinner was ready to be served thirty minutes later.


“Ok, I’m ready. There is something that you want to tell me. Do it now.”


“Your cream spaghetti is amazingly delicious as usual!”


“You know I’m not talking about that. I can see it on you that you’ve been wanting to tell something the whole dinner. Let me guess, it has something to do with your new friend.”


“ really know me too well. Kyungsoo has been living at his aunt's house since he moved here and they don’t have space for an extra person and now he is looking for a place to move. And you know I have a spare room in my apartment so..”


“ are thinking that he can come and live with you?”


“Mhm, but I haven’t suggested it to him yet because I want to discuss it with you first. Seeing what happened today it might not be such a good idea though. You don’t seem to like him..”


“It’s not that..I don’t know how to explain but it’s something with that guy that worries me. He seems so creepy. I think he followed me to the supermarket today. If you ask me then I'd rather him not to move in with you.”


“He did what? Are you sure? He seems like a perfectly normal guy to me. I’ve been talking to him a lot today and I didn’t notice anything besides him being a bit awkward around you. But I think it’s because he is shy around girls.”


“I’m not sure but I just have this feeling that he was...Even though he wasn’t following me, does he have to move in to your place, can’t he find some place else? I come over to your house so often and if he can’t be around girls then what? You want me to stop coming over? He doesn’t feel comfortable around me and to be honest I don’t feel comfortable being around him either.”


“Hmm, you’re maybe right about that. I like him though, I have a feeling that he would be a great roommate. He is responsible and can take care of himself and he is really nice.”


“And you know that how? Because he said so? Don’t tell me that you know all of that by just spending a couple of hours with him.”


“I just know. I trust my judgements, he isn’t a bad person. If you get to know him better and he gets to know you I’m sure that it’ll work out. Still I’m respecting your opinions if you don’t want him to move in then I won’t let him move in. You come in first place, if you don’t want me to do something then I won’t do it. Let’s forget this Bunny ok? You’re the most important person to me.”


Argh...when he say it like that how can I say no. He really seems to want that guy to be his roommate. I don’t want to see him disappointed, I should just give Kyungsoo a chance..


“Fine, I can accept him as your roommate buuut...let him have a trial month first. If it doesn’t work out I want him to move out or I won’t ever come to your place again. A week or two should be enough time for us to get used to each other and if we don’t then it can’t be helped. After that he would still have about two weeks to find a new place.”


“Really? I’m sure that won’t be needed. I have a feeling that you two will get along just fine. Give it some time. If it doesn’t work out I’ll kick him out of my apartment myself. I won’t even think twice, my girlfriend is always in first place.”


“Ok ok, stop it with the cheesiness. I have goosebumps all over me now.”


“I love you~”


“Love you too~”

~ O ~

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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.