Chapter 2

Dream of Me

It took us about five minutes to get to the campus like Chanyeol said. After parking the bike we decided to meet up for lunch later and went to our respective classes. I had one lecture and one class before lunch and both of them passed by fast. It was already lunch time. My class ended ten minutes early so I decided to wait for Chanyeol outside the lecture hall where he was having his lecture. It didn’t take long before students started to pour out from the two entrances. I stood in the middle so that I could keep an eye on both of them. It wasn’t hard to spot my boyfriend in the crowd because he was a bit taller than an average student. I waved at him and he waved back and made a gesture telling me to wait for him where I was standing. When the crowd started to get smaller I could see that he wasn’t alone. He was talking to a guy that was almost a head shorter than him. As they walked towards me I smiled politely towards the guy next to my boyfriend and he was smiling too until he saw me. His facial expression suddenly changed and instead of a smile back he stared at me with his eyes wide open like he had seen a ghost. His eyes were unusually big and it creeped me out the way he stared at me with them. Luckily Chanyeol broke the creepy awkward feeling when he spoke to me, it seemed like he hadn’t noticed the guy’s creepy stare.


“What are you doing here, I thought that we agreed to wait at the usual place?”


I stopped the eye contact with the guy and looked at Chanyeol instead but I could see that he was still staring at me from the corner of my eye.


“My class ended early so I came here to pick you up for our lunch date.”


I grabbed his right hand as I said that and moved further away from the guy with the big eyes and closer to Chanyeol. He was still looking at me but the weird expression was gone. Now he has a vague smile on his lips but it still didn’t look like he was happy to see me for some reason. This time Chanyeol seem to have noticed it.


“Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This is my girlfriend....”


I could hear Chanyeol introducing me but I couldn’t focus on what he said. The more I looked at the guy the more awkward I felt but I was still curious to why he reacted like he did and I thought that by observing him I’ll get a clue.


“Hey Kyungsoo stop staring at my girlfriend like that. Don’t tell me you’re interested in her, she is taken you know.”


Chanyeol’s words woke the guy up. I could tell that Chanyeol was kidding but the guy didn’t seem to get that. He turned to Chanyeol with a worried expression on his face.


“No no, I was just..well she she..I..”


“Hahaha! Take it easy man. I was just kidding. My girlfriend is not only pretty she has the ability to pull people towards her too. I know. That’s how she captured me.”


Chanyeol winked at me and smiled brightly.


“What?...ya! You’re embarrassing me in front of your new friend...”


With that said the awkward feeling disappeared but I still felt a bit uneasy with him around. The guy's attitude changed though. He apologized to me and introduced himself as Do Kyungsoo. He just moved to Seoul and got transferred to Chanyeol’s class. Chanyeol invited Kyungsoo to have lunch with us because he didn’t know his way around the campus yet. Even though I didn’t want to I agreed to it, it would be rude to say no.


Maybe he is a bit shy. I shouldn’t judge him that fast. It’s just a lunch anyway. I can deal with that. Something with him still bothers me though, I should be careful...


I didn’t talk much with Kyungsoo during lunch, it was just him and Chanyeol that talked for the most part while I was sitting there listening. It didn’t seem like he was interested in getting to know me at all and I was fine with that considering how I felt about him. Since I pretty much just sat there doing nothing I decided to leave the table and do my own things.


“Chanyeol-ah, I need to go to the library to borrow some books so I’m leaving now.”


“Already? Do you want me to go with you? Did we bore you?”


“No, it’s fine. You stay here and keep Kyungsoo-sshi company, maybe you can show him around the campus too since you’re free for today. I only have one more lecture today so I’m going to go to the supermarket before heading home. What do you want to have for dinner today?”


“I’ll eat whatever you cook, you know I love your cooking. Good idea though I’ll show Kyungsoo around the campus. Call me when you’re done with the grocery shopping and I’ll come and pick you up. Don’t want you to carry all the things home by yourself. See you then Bunny~”


Bunny is Chanyeol’s nickname for me. It’s because bunnies have a special meaning to us. I don’t know why but I seem to be drawn to this cute little animal and whenever I see one I feel calm and happy. No matter how angry or sad I am, seeing a bunny always calms me down, like everything is going to be okay. During the days when I was still hospitalized Chanyeol did many things to try to cheer me up and it wasn’t until he gave me a bunny plushie that I started to warm up to him. The first time I saw that bunny plushie I could feel that a bit of my sadness went away and for the first time in months I could feel a bit of happiness. He also confessed to me using a bunch of drawings of bunnies. I still have that plushie and those drawings stored in a safe place. Those things means the world to me when I see them I see Chanyeol. He has become that special bunny in my life and I know as long as he is around everything will be fine.


I gave Kyungsoo a polite smile and Chanyeol a kiss on the cheek before leaving them but as soon as turn around I could hear Kyungsoo ask:


“What did you just call her?”


I looked back to see why he asked that question as I walked away and I could see he had that weird expression on his face again. It kind of looked like he was sad...


I must be thinking too much, why would he be sad and why is he wondering about my nickname. Oh..maybe he had a pet bunny that died or something. He sure is a strange guy...I should stop letting  him bother me..  

~ O ~

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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.