Chapter 5

Dream of Me

~The next day~

“I’ve offered Kyungsoo a room in my apartment now...”




“He accepted the offer! He wants to move out from his aunts house as soon as possible so I told him he could move in on Saturday and I offered him our help... I already asked dad about borrowing his car and he was fine with it. Are you ok with it?”


“Saturday? That’s in two days..geez, that was fast. Do I have a choice?...But since I already promised you that I’ll give him a chance I’ll try my best. Count me in on Saturday~”


“Awesome, what did I do to deserve you in my life~”


I’ve been asking myself the same question lots of times. He is the one who led me out from one of the darkest and most painful time of my life. If he didn’t walk into my room that day, I wonder how my life would be now. I’m sure that it wouldn’t be half as great. I can’t imagine a life without him anymore, when he is happy then I am happy. I just hope that this strange feeling that I’ve been having about Kyungsoo will go away. Everything will be alright...




I haven’t seen Kyungsoo since our encounter at the supermarket. I know that my attitude towards him was pretty bad that day and I was ready to apologize to him. Me and Chanyeol drove over to Kyungsoo's aunt's house to pick him and his stuff up early in the morning. I was nervous during the whole ride because I didn’t know what to say to him. What if he didn’t accept my apology? I mean that wouldn’t be much of big deal for a normal person but with Kyungsoo it’s different. At first it seemed like he disliked me and then it seemed like he was too interested in me. Who knows what he really thinks. I started to regret that I promised to help out and was on the verge of telling Chanyeol to just drop me off when we arrived to his aunt's house.


Whoa, his aunt’s house is quite big. She must have a big family if they can’t even fit one more person in that house...


Kyungsoo was already standing outside the house with some boxes around him. As we got out of the car a woman and two boys walked out of the house. I assumed that they are his aunt and his cousins. I decided that it was best to apologize to him during the car ride home instead because it’ll be awkward to do it in front of his relatives. I nodded and gave him a smile before I greeted his aunt, after that I started to pick up the boxes from the ground and loaded them into the car together with Chanyeol. His relatives helped out and it all went very fast. I saw that there was one more small box and went to pick it up when I heard Kyungsoo’s voice.


“No, don’t take that one.”


He quickly grabbed it from me as if I had stolen something from him. That put me in an embarrassing situation and I didn’t know what to do.


“Umm ok, I’ll go and wait in the car.”


I hurried back to the car where Chanyeol was still busy packing, he hadn’t seen what just happened. I watched from the car how Kyungsoo bid farewell to his relatives while still holding the box.


I wonder what’s so important about that box. Is he still mad at me because of what happened the other day..and is this his payback? Nah, then he could have done the same thing when I took his other boxes. But why does it feel like I’ve done something wrong then...


Chanyeol woke me up from my thoughts when he opened the car door and sat down. We waited for another couple of minutes until Kyungsoo got into the backseat. I could see that he was still holding the box. Chanyeol seemed to have noticed that too.


“Do you want me to put that box in the trunk?”


“It’s ok. I can hold this. It’s not heavy. And I’m sorry about before.”


He looked at me.


Here is my chance to apologize.


“Oh, don’t worry about it. I want to apologize to you too..for my behaviour the other day outside the grocery store I mean. Sorry.”


“Did something happen? Why are you guys apologizing?”


Chanyeol looked confused but I thought that it was better to not let him know. It wasn’t a big deal anyway so I told him not to mind about it. Kyungsoo agreed and said that he knew that what I did wasn’t on purpose so he had already forgotten about it. After that we changed the subject. He wanted to thank us by treating us to a homecooked meal this evening. Since we didn’t have any other plans we accepted his invitation. I felt relieved. This wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be and Kyungsoo seemed more comfortable now. Although we still didn’t talk much during the ride. When we arrived in front of Chanyeol’s apartment building I stayed behind watching the car while they carried the boxes to his apartment. After that Chanyeol had to drive the car back to his dad so he left me alone with Kyungsoo. I still wasn’t comfortable being alone with him because it felt like we had nothing to talk about. I told him that I would go get some lunch for all three of us and then I left the apartment. I called Chanyeol and made sure that he was back at his place before I went back. For the next couple of hours after our lunch Kyungsoo was unpacking his things while me and Chanyeol cleaned the rest of the apartment. When he was done with unpacking he went out to buy ingredients for his planned dinner. He was being really mysterious about it  and didn’t want to tell us what he as going to cook and even told us to not to help out. This made me very curious since I love food and cooking myself. I asked Chanyeol if Kyungsoo was a good cook but he didn’t know either. I couldn’t help myself but to secretly peek into the kitchen to see what he was cooking and surprisingly he looked like he knew what he was doing. As I stood there watching him something struck me.


This could actually be an opening for us. He seems like he likes to cook so we have a common interest. Which reminds me of how he and I had very similar taste when it comes to cream spaghetti too. I’ll wait and see how his food actually taste before I try to open up a conversation about it though.


I got so into my thoughts that I didn’t notice that Kyungsoo had seen me. He didn’t react as I thought he would though. Instead of telling me to go away or something he signaled me to come closer. Since I wanted to see what he was cooking I walked into the kitchen.


Whoa! It smells wonderful in here and that smell is so’s..


“Seafood doenjang jjigae!”


Kyungsoo looked at me with a bright smile.


“Do you want to taste it? I’m not sure if it’s the taste is alright. What do you think?”


He gave me a spoon and I tasted a bit of the soup.


“Wow, it taste absolutely prefect. Just like my mom’s doenjang jjigae. That’s really funny though because her doenjang jjigae taste different from the normal ones just like yours. I haven’t had it for a long time though. Can’t even remember that last time she made it.”


“It taste like your mom’s? That’s good then since you like it...”


At first he looked a bit confused but then he smiled again and went back to his cooking.


Did I say something taste really good though for real. Should I take this chance to try to clean the awkward air between us?


“It’s actually one of my favourite dishes and you cooked it perfectly. Do you cook often? I mean, do you like to cook?”


“Really?..thank you. Yeah, I do. Cooking is my hobby actually. I’m used to cook for myself and my family. You too right?.....I mean that Chanyeol has told me that you’re an excellent cook.”


“Haha, he said that? He is exaggerating. I wouldn’t say that I’m an expert but I do like to cook.”


Our common interest in food really brought us a little closer. We continued our conversation even during dinner and it flowed on naturally even with Chanyeol present. The more we talked the more he opened up. Chanyeol was right, we did get along just fine.

~ O ~

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I really liked it. ^^ Other than a few grammar mistakes here and there I thought it was a good story. The dreams/memory theme was interesting. :)

I hope you do write an epilogue. ^_~
pearl167 #2
LOL I didn't see the word "not" in your NOTE at first XD I was surprised to see you write "This is a ChanSoo/ fanfic" and I was like, =O and then I reread it and saw the unread word XD

I think I'll comment every time I finish reading each chapter :3 and then a comment for the overall story maybe. that way, you'll know what goes in my mind as the story progresses.