Lunch Talk

Unfair Popularity

"What?" G.NA asked, cupping the back of her ear with one hand. She looked as if she was annoyed by Brian's suggestion.

"I said let's eat lunch together," Brian said in English. The students 'oohed' at Brian's perfect english. G.NA glared at Brian. Nobody admired me as much as they did to Brian when I spoke English, G.NA thought jealously.

"I'd rather not," G.NA mumbled, nibbling on her sandwich. Brian smiled.

"Okay, then I'll just sit here with you," Brian said. G.NA narrowed her eyes, looking away from Brian. Everyone else resumed to whatever they were doing, as G.NA and Brian silently ate their lunch. Brian felt lonely. He wanted to talk to G.NA. However, G.NA refused to open to speak. He glanced at IU and Eunhyuk who were casually talking.

"So how's your job?" IU asked, covering politely as she chewed. Eunhyuk thought about that for a while.

"Fine. Let's talk about you, though," Eunhyuk smiled, as IU smiled back. Brian stared at Eunhyuk's eyes. It seemed as if Eunhyuk wanted IU to blush or something. 

"Me? Why, there's nothing interesting about me, Eunhyuk oppa!" IU giggled, Eunhyuk's face lightened up. Brian had to chuckle. Hearing the chuckle, Eunhyuk turned to Brian, giving him the 'Hey-Don't-Bother-Me-Cause-I'm-Having-A-Moment.' Or you can say that it was a glare.

"There are tons of things we can talk about you! Anything! Even girly subjects are perfectly fine with me," Eunhyuk smiled. IU had to laugh out loud. Her laugh was sweet and melodic. But I bet G.NA can laugh better, Brian thought, smirking. He turned to G.NA.

"So how's life?" he started.

"Horrible when you came along," G.NA said coldly. Ouch.

"Oh… Well, sorry?" he mumbled. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to apologize or comfort her.

"If you were really sorry, you should've left this school by now," G.NA said in English cruelly. She shot a cold, intense glare at Brian, who felt hurt. Why is she so mean to me? Brian wondered, upsettingly.

"Well I can't and you will have to deal with it," Brian murmured, chomping on his lunch. G.NA ignored him and finished her lunch. She got up, as IU raised her head.

"G.NA unnie, you're finished already? Ha, I barely ate!" IU laughed. 

"Yup. C'mon IU, let's leave," G.NA ordered. IU nodded as she went to throw away her full lunch.

"G.NA, can't you give IU a chance to eat? I mean, I did make her talk a lot. She didn't had the chance to eat half of her lunch! It'll be such a shame for her to waste all her lunch," Eunhyuk pleaded, worrying about IU's health. IU laughed happily.

"I'm fine, Eunhyuk!" IU assured.

"But you seem to get paler and skinner. You need some fat," Eunhyuk said sternly. IU smiled.

"It's nice for you to care about me, Eunhyuk, but I'm fine! I can always eat at dinner, anyways," IU protested.

"Fine, because Eunhyuk is so worried about your health, you can eat. But hurry. I'm giving you only 3 minutes," G.NA said, staring at her watch. IU just nodded as she dug into her food quickly like a pig. Eunhyuk stared at IU with satisfaction.

"Ya, eat slower! You're going to choke," Eunhyuk mumbled, eating his noodles. IU finally finished, throwing her salad away. She smiled at Eunhyuk thankfully and walked away with G.NA. She stopped for a moment and turned back at Brian, who was staring at her. She gave him a cold, steady look as Brian softly smiled. Why does he always smile when I'm so mean to him? G.NA wondered, sighing and walking away to class since lunch ended.

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@xxw00uxx: ...Really? I would consider this as one of my worst fanfics I've written. XD
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 21: so beautiful ff ... i wish u can have part 2 and iu is the queenka .. ;)
@sone4eva: keke~ X) Thank you! :D OMG you stood up at 3 in the morning? :O You should seriously get some sleep XD
btw i read ALL 3tonight 3:44am betta go 2 sleep :D i <3 ur fanfics
3rd fanfic by you 500sunny500 ur soo awesome i admire u!!
@dark_butterfly: keke~ Thank you! ^_^
@500sunny500 kekek~ you're a great author! ^O^ two thumbs up! :)
@dark_butterfly: lolz X) I'm glad that you love it! >.<
Done reading the fic! Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Brian Joo, WAE U SO SWEET?! Kekeke~ I love it! :3.
@elisha960809: ROFL XDD well, you're not the only one here now :3