Brian's and Eunhyuk's Chat

Unfair Popularity

1 month easily passed by quickly. Before they knew it, it was time for their play. Brian and G.NA got out of stage quickly, as the two people on each end pulled the curtain closed. Brian met Eunhyuk outside of the building, behind the school. Brian smiled as Eunhyuk handed him a can of Coke.

"How do you think you're doing?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Great, man! The play's gonna end soon, though. That means my kiss scene with G.NA is coming closer," Brian said, his heart beating faster. He was really nervous about the results with the play. G.NA had always refused to practice the kiss scene, which made Brian even more nervous. He didn't want to look like a fool in front of G.NA. No, especially since the play was going so well!

"Yeah! I can't believe your going to kiss my girlfriend," Eunhyuk joked, laughing. Brian faintly smiled.

"Do you trust me? Do you trust me that I can kiss G.NA's lips?" Brian asked. Eunhyuk stared at Brian.

"Course I do, man! Shouldn't you ask G.NA that, though?" Eunhyuk asked. He looked at Brian quizzically, as Brian hesitated.

"But your her boyfriend, and so I thought I should ask you. I want it to make it a surprise for G.NA!" Brian said, chuckling.

"Wait, you're really going to kiss her?" Eunhyuk asked, shocked. For a second, he choked on his drink, as Brian pretended not to hear how shock Eunhyuk's tone was. Brian stared at the dark, night sky for a moment. The night was as black as the shadow, as the moon showed faintly like a ghost. The little bright dots of on the sky seemed to shine, laughing with each other. Brian smiled gently and nodded. Eunhyuk stared at Brian even longer.

"Do you like G.NA that much?" Eunhyuk asked. Brian smirked.

"Gosh... she's the one for me. But she won't listen to me. It's like she hates me! What did I do wrong to her? All I want is for her to listen to me, pay attention to me, and answer me! Ugh, this is so frustrating!" Brian complained, sighing deeply. Eunhyuk blinked a couple of times. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Brian really loves G.NA that much? Dang, Eunhyuk thought.

"Then what did you guys talk about the first day of practice?" Eunhyuk asked. Brian shrugged.

"Eh, her reasons why she hated me," Brian said casually and calmly. 

"Then doesn't that answer your question about wondering what you did to her?" Eunhyuk asked. 

"Yeah, but…" Brian sighed once more, running his fingers through his hair, "I didn't do anything to her. She hates me for being who I am. It's like she hates me for not doing anything to her!" Brian sighed again. Eunhyuk exhaled deeply. Brian's sigh was beginning to bug Eunhyuk. Brian sighed. Again. 

"ARGH!" Eunhyuk shouted, "STOP SIGHING!" Brian stared at Eunhyuk with wide eyes.

"S-Sorry," Brian stuttered. Eunhyuk groaned.

"If you like her that much, why don't you confess or something? You seemed… dead for the past weeks," Eunhyuk said truthfully. He didn't want to be rude, but it was the truth. Brian seemed bothered, while G.NA seemed confused. It all began a month ago, when they got their parts and all. 

"Dead?" Brian laughed, "The only one dead here is you." Eunhyuk blinked quickly and multiply, not quite understanding what Brian meant.


"You and G.NA are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"


Brian laughed, "But it seems like you like IU still! You're crushing your own heart. It's pretty sad, really. I think the whole school sees this. Your quite obvious. You know you love IU, yet you still hang out with G.NA. Don't you feel lonely? And I think IU felt lonely, too." Eunhyuk reddened. IU? Eunhyuk thought, She felt lonely? Impossible! U-Unless… she likes me?

"W-Why would IU feel lonely? Her job comes first than love," Eunhyuk mumbled.

"When you're in love, you say nonsense," Brian murmured, taking a deep breath through the nose. Eunhyuk thought about IU for a while. Then, he thought about his promise with IU about being G.NA's boyfriend. I think it's okay for me to tell Brian what's really going on, Eunhyuk decided.

"You know, the only reason why I'm G.NA's boyfriend is because of IU," Eunhyuk confessed.

"What?" Brian questioned, raising an eyebrow, "IU? That makes no sense."

"It was IU's job. She had to somehow crush your hair to satisfy G.NA. From how I see it, it's turning out great and an epic fail at the same time," Eunhyuk said, chuckling, "I only became G.NA's boyfriend because I love IU and I'd do anything for her. For me, she comes first in my life." Eunhyuk's voice began to soften, as his eyes began to water a bit. Brian stared at Eunhyuk with awe. That's beautiful, Brian wanted to say. But, he kept his thoughts to himself. Suddenly, G.NA opened the door. Brian and Eunhyuk gasped and turned around.

"Guys, hurry! The play is starting! Eunhyuk, they're waiting for you! IU's on stage, calling your name fifty times!" G.NA exaggerated. Her eyes swooped to Brian, who smiled gently. G.NA looked away, her eyes wandering somewhere else. Her heart was beating so fast, her cheeks were about to burn.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry! IU, I'm coming!" Eunhyuk said frantically, running into the building. Brian stared at G.NA as G.NA did the same. They stared at each other for a while, having different and similar thoughts in their mind. Suddenly, G.NA looked away.

"C-Come on," G.NA stuttered nervously, "You're going to catch a cold if your standing outside in the cold even longer." Brian snapped out of his thoughts and quickly nodded, not wanted to look like a ert in front of the woman he loved.

"Uh, right!" Brian agreed, running into the building. He was followed by G.NA, who was secretly glancing at him frequently. 

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@xxw00uxx: ...Really? I would consider this as one of my worst fanfics I've written. XD
xxw00uxx #2
Chapter 21: so beautiful ff ... i wish u can have part 2 and iu is the queenka .. ;)
@sone4eva: keke~ X) Thank you! :D OMG you stood up at 3 in the morning? :O You should seriously get some sleep XD
btw i read ALL 3tonight 3:44am betta go 2 sleep :D i <3 ur fanfics
3rd fanfic by you 500sunny500 ur soo awesome i admire u!!
@dark_butterfly: keke~ Thank you! ^_^
@500sunny500 kekek~ you're a great author! ^O^ two thumbs up! :)
@dark_butterfly: lolz X) I'm glad that you love it! >.<
Done reading the fic! Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Brian Joo, WAE U SO SWEET?! Kekeke~ I love it! :3.
@elisha960809: ROFL XDD well, you're not the only one here now :3