Operation Get Nicole Back With Jonghyun Pt. 2!

A Singer's Love Story

Ha Yeon’s POV


“So how’d it go?” Nicole whispered to me and Kevin at the lunch table. Everyone else was busy playing some card game anyway.


“Err…” Kevin and I looked at each other.


“I’m guessing it needs some work?”


“Well Nicole…” I started. “You saw how Jong hyun didn’t even seem to flinch when I was close to you...”


“And when I tried mentioning you to him during my class,” Kevin added. “We ended up always talking about something else. AND he probably thinks that I like you cuz I kept mentioning you.”


The three of us sighed. Nicole looked at the both of us and said, “It’s okay though. I’m not pressuring you guys that you have to help me. Thanks for trying.”


I could see the slight smile of disappointment on her face. “No, we’re gonna do this somehow! It’s better this way too!”


“I agree,” Kevin said. “I mean, Onew and you shouldn’t be together if you don’t like him…no offense. So if you can break up with him, then that’s the best way to get Jonghyun back with you.”


“So…I should probably break up with him huh…” Nicole sounded sheepish. “I’ll try…I just…I just don’t know when.”


“Do it alone. And maybe after school or something. Somewhere where no one is watching,” Kevin suggested.




After school


Kevin and I sat on the same bench we sat on this morning.


“Dammit Kevin,” I said. “What are we gonna do now? Our plan failed for the most part.”


“Not really sure…maybe if we could somehow get those two alone somehow…” he pondered.


“That’s dangerous!” I said.


“I have no more ideas then!” he pouted.


I groaned and tried thinking of something.


“How about we just go ask him about how he feels?”


“Too blatant,” someone familiar said. I saw a shadow being cast as he stood up.


I turned around and saw Minho behind us.


“Yah! You stalker!” I yelled at him.


“So this is what you guys are talking about? Getting Jonghyun and Nicole back together?”


“Don’t say anything!” Kevin grabbed him over to sit.


“I won’t…but what the hell are you guys doing?”


I looked at Kevin, and said, “Well…it’s kind of a secret…”


“I know some stuff already,” Minho said, crossing his arms. “Might as well tell me the rest.”


“It’s cuz you’re such a stalker,” Kevin stuck his tongue out at him.


“Come on guys!” he pleaded.


          Sighing, I looked around to make sure no one else was spying then started, “Look…Nicole and Onew are gonna break up soon. Turns out Nicole is kinda…confused between Onew and Jonghyun. She still likes Jonghyun.” Please forgive me Nicole. It’s true that Minho does kind of know what happened. I don’t want him to have any misunderstandings either.


          “Soooo we thought we could help her get back with him. I mean after all, she was the one who broke up with him the first place. And if she doesn’t like Onew, then that’s unfair for him too. And—,” Kevin continued.


“Woah slow down here,” Minho interrupted. “So what I can understand is that you need a new plan.”


Kevin and I nodded vigorously and asked, “Can you help us?”


Minho smirked and said, “If this was asking Jonghyun to get with a random girl I’d refuse. But since it’s Nicole, I think I have a plan.”


“What’s special about her?” I asked.


“Well…remember I told you not to fall in love with him right?”


I nodded.


“It’s because after Nicole broke up with him, he started avoiding all these girls. It didn’t matter who it was, but it must’ve been that he really liked Nicole. He started acting really weirdly too. Now that you explained this to me, it all makes so much sense.”


We stared at him, wondering if he would help us. I guessed he got the hint.


Sighing, he said, “I’ll do this for the sake of Jonghyun returning to his old self and Onew so that he doesn’t feel even more hurt.”


“YES! MINHO YOU ARE THE BEST!” Kevin and I both high-fived Minho and gave him a tight hug.


“Ahh okay guys…okay…” he said. He motioned us to come closer to him. He whispered us an ingenious plan as I wondered why I couldn’t think of it. Except…


“Get it?” he said.


“That’s so dangerous!” I criticized.


“It’s not dangerous if we know what’s happening!”




“I think it’s actually better than what we were doing…besides I’m pretty sure Jonghyun still likes her, so he’ll respond the way Minho said,” Kevin sided with Minho.


“So yeah?” Minho smirked at me.


“Fine...whatever you guys think. Don’t hurt anyone though.”


We nodded and shouted in unison, “Hwaiting!”


The next day


“We seem super suspicious,” I said, as Kevin, Minho and I hid in the bushes in the front of the school. We peeked through the small holes in the bushes to see what was happening.


“I’m starting to get itchy,” I continued to complain.


“Shhh,” Minho whispered.


“Yah I thought you said this was not gonna be during school hours!” I slapped Minho’s arm.


“It’s not.”


“Then why are we hiding?”


“Hold on, Jonghyun’s coming!” Kevin warned us.


We stayed silent as we watched him walk towards the entrance. I guess he had gone to the convenience store to pick up some random things to eat, judging by the plastic bag he had in his hand. Ugh, look at his stupid walking…no he looks like he’s waddling! Like a baby dinosaur. So ugly. I can’t believe Nicole still likes him…I thought to myself.


“Okay, he has left,” Minho sighed.


“Now why are we doing this?”


“To observe, stupid!” he scolded me.


“How is this helping?!” I was annoyed.


“Aish I don’t know I just figured—


“Shut up you guys!” Kevin covered both our mouths.


“Kevin,” I grabbed onto his arm. “Minho’s a bully.”


“Oh forget it, this isn’t helping,” Minho rolled his eyes and stood up all of a sudden. “Stupid!” I yelled back at him. “Why are you just standing up?”


“This was just to hide from Jonghyun or Nicole,” he said calmly. “I don’t care if other people look at us.”


“You mean YOU. You don’t care if they look at you weirdly,” I stuck my tongue out at him.


“Oh never mind,” he scoffed. He grabbed both Kevin and I and pulled us up from the bushes. “Let’s just go.”


I put up my hoodie so that hopefully no one could recognize me. I held onto Kevin’s arm, and walked as far away from Minho as I could. I didn’t want to attract any unwanted attention…


Narrator’s POV


“Why were they in the bushes?” someone whispered to her friend.


“I don’t know. So weird,” someone else said.


“Wasn’t that Minho from SHINee?”



“Nahh, he wouldn’t do something so stupid and lame right?” someone laughed.


“Excuse me,” a middle-aged woman approached the gossiping girls.


“Ah! Good morning principal,” they greeted and bowed respectfully.


“Yes,” the principal nodded. “Out of the three that were in the bushes, do you know who the short one might be?”


“I’m not sure,” one of them looked at her friend.


“It looked like Ha yeon from a glance,” her friend replied. “I’m not sure cuz he put his hood up.”


“He?” the principal said.


“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s Ha yeon. He did look like a girl from a distance anyway,” a third girl said.


“Hmm…” the principal wondered. “Thank you very much, girls. Have a nice day.”


“Ne~” the three girls said.



Ha yeon stretched out her arms as the last bell rang for the day. P.E. was extremely awkward with her trying to pretend that she wasn’t planning anything on Nicole and Jonghyun.


“You were acting weird, Ha yeon,” Nicole said to me. “You sure nothing is wrong?”


“Of course not!” Ha yeon lied. “I’m fine. But I need to go now okay?”


Ha yeon quickly started walking and texted to Kevin and Minho: okay, so is the plan going to start now?


Minho called back and put Kevin on the line as well.


“Alright guys,” Minho stated.


“We’re gonna meet at the lunchroom?” Kevin asked.


“Yeah, well I’ll go hide. Then we’ll ask Nicole to meet you two there,” Minho continued.


“Okay, and then we both leave and then you turn off the lights…”


“…And everything else should fall in place…”


“Then we call Jonghyun to tell him what happened,” Ha yeon said.




“God Minho,” Ha yeon sighed. “This had better work.”


“No one’s gonna get hurt, don’t worry. Well…I don’t know about Jonghyun…but…” Minho “reassured”.


“Alright, let’s go before it gets too late.”


ugh the formatting is all messed up all of a sudden :C  so that annoys me.. sigh

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Haii I'm a new reader and I just wanted to tell that this story is really interesting. Keep it up! I'll be waiting for your next update~ ^^
For a second I thought this was a rip-off.
awesome cant wait for chapter 1 ^^