Not today, not tomorrow

The Murders in Busan

Yongguk sighed and looked at his phone. Himchan had just called and told him that the dinner would have to wait 'till another time. Yongguk knew he were a busy man, but he thought still thought at he maybe could get free for a night, but Himchan had apologized and promised to call every once in a while. And so Yongguk hold on to that, and waits.

He looked out of the window and saw the rain falling down. He closed his eyes and let the sound of the rain take him in and just listened. The raindrops on the glass let him melt into the his own world and just leave the real one. Just him and Himchan. Himchan and him. The rain made him calm and everything arond him vanished. 

His brother was sound asleep in his room still, unaware of his romance with the beautiful officer. He were probably dreaming about Jongup or something right now and Yongguk started to fell lonely. He went up to him and quietly sat down on his bed, kissing the forehand of the sleeping teenager. He sighed and just sat there. Looking at his face. 

His creamy white cheeks, his pink lips, his curly blonde hair. He didn't look like him at all. Junhong had his own cool appearance, while Yongguk had his. Junhong loved to dance and Yongguk loved to rap. It was just the way they both were, but still brothers. Day and night. They needed each other. They completed each other.

And yet, Yongguk felt a small hole in his chest. And it was slowly starting to get filled by Himchan. Every call, every text, every word from and to the other was filling it up. And Yongguk loved it. No. He loved him. He loved Kim Himchan. The sassy, cool, calm but short temperered officer Kim Himchan. 




Himhan looked out the window of his office. He hated the fact that he had to sit with their suspect, main suspect even, instead of eating a nice and warm dinner with Yongguk. He looked at Jung Hyuk who were smirking at him. He then opened his mouth.

"I know..."

Himchan looked at him. His face showing a questioning face. What?

"You and him... Yongguk...."

Himchan blinked and looked him in the eyes. How?

"We thought of his parents.... hehe.... but... well....."

Himchan didn't move. He didn't move a muscle. He were just looking at him. Intensely. He didn't even breath. He were just staring at Jung Hyuk. And he were smirking back. Daehyun were outside just like the last time, observing them. Both he an Himchan knew that there were more than just him, and that's why Himchan had to cancel his dinner. They needed to find out who the other culprit was.

"Who is it, Jung Hyuk? Who helped you?"

Jung Hyuk looked at Himchan. He chuckled and sat back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling. 

"You would like to know that huh? Officer?"

Himchan only watched as the other looked at him again.

"Well.... not today, and not tomorrow.... sir...."

And with that, he leaned back and closed his eyes. 

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rereading this~
yoontaehan #2
Chapter 18: Ended? Though it was quite vague... but I hope Himchan is okay and live happily with Yongguk?
Chapter 18: Thank you for finish this story ;)
Chapter 18: The end ? Really ?
Well, at least they caught the killer~ :))
Chapter 18: Omg!!!!!! Yes it's a little bit unclear but glad they caught the killer :)
Chapter 17: Wwwwwhat ???? Nooooo not himchan agaiiiin T-T
Chapter 17: geez it's getting nerve-wracking ><
((whispers my biases meet omg eric daehyun))
but why do i hope that the stranger is junjin or another members lol /finger crossed/
Chapter 16: don't say that you're also shcj bc i saw lee minwoo there :o
Chapter 16: Oh no oh no himchan :(
Chapter 16: omg Himchan :'(