Lost Stupid Puppy

The Sight of Destiny
", Donghae! You're the only one who being stupid in here!"
Donghae smiles at himself recalling the scenes last night. He thinks that his day will be much brighter today just because what happened last night. But he proves his thought wrong when suddenly his mom snaps at him right after he gets out of the room. 
"Where had you been last night? We thought you are lost!" Donghae's face fell irritated remember why he didn't tell his mom he went to Eunhyuk's last night. 
He stops his steps, "Oh, mom. Don't be excessive, I'm just hang out with Sehun, I forgot about time" He lies, he doesn’t want to tell his mom about Eunyuk because it’s still freaking early to got those question. His mom is never quite with a stranger. For Donghae, she is such a mess, if she knew about Eunhyuk, she would never let Eunhyuk alone. Kind of noisy.
Her eyebrows frowns in confuse, "Sehun?" It tooks a little while for his mom to remember about Sehun before finally she remembers him, "Why is he here? And still, you shouldn't went home so late like last night. It made me worry." she raises her voice again.
Oh, like she cares. That's all Donghae has ever thought. All his parents care about is just fight and yelled out an argument towards each other.
"I'm lonely, okay mom?!" Donghae suddenly snaps out without he knows it, staring at his mother fiercely.
Her eyes widens in shock by Donghae’s voice.
“Donghae..” She tries to say something very weakly but Donghae quickly cut her off.
"Remember that I don't really have a friend in school since we keep moving around here and there? Remember that you and dad could only fight at home until I couldn’t find a peace in this home?!” His mother drops his jaw, for a second she realize that it’s all because their fight last night. “It's a good thing Sehun is here for a while before he got back to Seoul." And Donghae is just totally out of control.
His mom turns quite. For a little while silence hits them hard and Donghae knows he shouldnt said that.
"I-I'm sorry, don't think about it." He says slowly before taking his steps towards the bathroom again. He doesn't know why he brings this stuff up but his mood is really not good this time after his mom yelled at him right after he woke up. Making him pissed off for some reason.
"Donghae, are you mad---" Donghae’s heart pinched when he suddenly sees his mom’s eyes turns watery.
So he cut her off quickly, "I'm okay. I want to prepare for school"
"Go home early," She says with heavy sigh, Donghae feels awful he just snaps at his mother like that and he thought there is something strange happened because her reaction towards this topic is unusual.
I can't promise. I don't answer and prepare to have a shower before I go to school.
Donghae stares out of  his classroom’s window. The rains are falling again today. He looks at the calendar on teacher's desk. November. The weather feels nice somehow which is he likes it. He actually really likes rain, but he hates it too in the same time.
Suddenly last night's conversation with Sehun pops up in his head making him a little bit headaches. He frowns with Sehun's words.
"Just tell me, I'm your bestfriend, right?!" Donghae start whining like a child.
"Well...." Sehun says as if he is stalling purposely to make Donghae miserable. Donghae hold his breath in trying to calm. "I don't."
Donghae's eyes widen in surprise, "You don't? You don't what?"
"I don't like him, duh stupid."
Once again his eyebrows raises up so high. For some seconds he is so happy as his heart skipped a few beats. But he doesn't know why. Maybe because of one reason he doesn't want to admit yet.
"Are you sure?"
It's like Donghae can see Sehun rolls his eyeballs quickly, "Yes I am. Because I know you do."
Donghae's face fell, "I'm what?"
"You like Eunhyuk, Donghae"
Donghae widen his eyes and, "Sssssh!!" Donghae put his finger in front of his mouth very silly.
"What- why?" Sehun grows confused.
"Eunhyuk is here! He might be heard us!" He answers with aloud whispers.
Sehun turns quite for a few seconds before he murmurs, "Stupid. You're silly bastard" 
Donghae just pouts while his heartbeat pumping uncontrollably because he is afraid Eunhyuk heard Sehun's sentences. How silly, especially with the fact that Eunhyuk is actually asleep.
"So it's true, isn't it?" Sehun's voice heard again.
"Damn, should I repeat it again and make you sssh-ing me again?" Sehun turns impatient at his silly friend on the phone.
Donghae frowns hard in thinking, then he remembers what Sehun talking about, "Nooo, what. I don't like him"
Donghae startes at the kitchen floor under his foot. Yes, at least he doesn't likes Eunhyuk yet, maybe. But apperantly he knows that he will likes Eunhyuk soon. He is likeable.
"Stop denying and I could see that from the way you looked at him. So stop being immature. Go tell him before I do." Sehun sighs hard on the other line.
Donghae hung his head low at Sehun's remarks, "Sehun. First, you are younger than me so stop being all mature already. Second, what the hell you will tell him? You said you don't like him" Donghae furrows his eyebrows.
"I can change my mind any time soon" Sehun simply answers.
Donghae snapped and quickly raises his head, "You what?" He frowns harder.
"So just tell him you like him before I do it first. You know I'm so quick with moves." Sehun is teasing him more and that's just makes Donghae burnt for some reason. There's so many 'No!' or 'Don't!' on his mind but none of those coming out from his mouth because he just doesn't know why.
Donghae grimace and slamming his head on the table with loud thud before he rest his cheek above the table to face the rainfall in the window. Something in Sehun's words last night really bothered him. He just can't stop thinking about it.
"Lee Donghae?"
Someone's voice wakes Donghae up from his thought and he quickly raises his head up.
"Yes." He answers and turns towards the voice. He looks at the girl who just called him. The pretty girl on his class, if he’s not wrong her name is Song Jihyun.
She smiles politely, "We need to do our paper together. Don't you remember?"
Donghae just blink his eyes twice with clueless expression, and she giggles. Ah! The biology paper! He remembers it in a few seconds later.
"Ah, yes. I almost forget." He scratch his head in stupidity because all these weeks all he could think about is just hanging around Eunhyuk, he forgot that there’s actually homework that he should do.
"Should we go today?" Jihyun asks and tilts her head in a cute way.
Donghae rubs his chin for a while with a hum, "Can we work it up on next weekend? I'm not in a good mood these days" He grimaces, carefully talking not to offend her.
She unconsciously pouts slightly, almost invisible. But then she agreed and they both exchange number so they will contact each other easily. After that she smiles at Donghae and he nods.
"Saturday?" She makes sure.
Donghae nods once again before Jihyun stroll over her desk at the front.
After school, Donghae relief that the rains has stopped falling since afternoon. Now the sun almost sinking but when he walks pass through the park and take a glance in it, his face beamed in joy. He sees Eunhyuk leaning on the tree with headphone hanging on his neck. 
Donghae annoyingly put his headphone off of his ear, "Stop daydreaming"
Eunhyuk gets surprised but when he knew it’s just Donghae, he tries to be cool. "I'm not"
Donghae sighs hard while gets annoyed everytime Eunhyuk said he doesn’t daydreaming while clearly he did. "What are you thinking about?" He asks while put his waffer chocolate out of his pocket and start eating it.
"Nothing" Eunhyuk answers while shutting his mp3player down.
"Oh come on Eunhyuk-ah. I thought we've become a good friend, why can't you open up to me?" Donghae chew his waffer and manage to say clearly while he almost spit his chocolate out.
"I said there is nothing I'm thinking about, Donghae" Eunhyuk pretends to sleep by closing his eyes and lean on the tree comfortably.
"I don't believe you"
They just end up enjoying the comfortable silence around them while chilling with the breeze evening air which is feels very fresh. Donghae busy eating his chocolate like a little kid while Eunhyuk closes his eyes almost drift to sleep.
"Anyway sorry for left just like that a few days ago. You had fallen asleep and I didn't know whether I should wake you up or not. So I decided not to." Donghae starts with his fourth pack of chocolate.
"It's alright, lucky you decided not to wake me up because I'm pretty scary when someone disturbing my sleep" Eunhyuk lies and they both laugh.
"But why are you here now?” Donghae still don’t care to look at Eunhyuk while there is a pack of chocolate on his hands that looks very interesting than anything in this world.
Eunhyuk sighs, "No, I just boring at home." He always is.
“You're thinking about me."
Eunyhuk suddenly scoffs hard and almost laughs in mock, "Pfft. I'm not." But he’s not moving from his position and not open his eyes either.
"You're maybe. But you don't realize." Donghae says casually while chewing slowly.
"Shut up, you are so silly"
Finally Donghae just laughs and Eunhyuk can’t help but laugh again because Donghae is just so naturally cute with all of those jokes he says. He keeps eating until five packs before he finally his fingers and turns his attention fully on Eunhyuk.
He clears his throat feeling the delicious chocolate on his throat, "How if we play games and whoever that lose will grant a wish from another?" He looks at Eunhyuk with anticipation.
But Eunhyuk brought him down, "I'm not interest"
"Aww, You scared" Donghae pretends to cross his arms on his chest while leaning on the tree but he keeps glance at Eunhyuk and sends a teasing words at him saying that he is a coward for chicken out.
"Yah! Fine. We play." Eunhyuk finally give up and straightened his position after open his eyes. Makes Donghae grinning ear to ear proudly.
They are finally playing games and it’s a word syllable games. That’s quite popular on their area and many people play that too, especially kids. They actually feels childish with the game but that’s also fun. Eunhyuk finds it funny everytime he makes Donghae lose and he begs for play some more. But he keeps lose.
Eunhyuk laughs mockingly and Donghae pretend to be sulked while he clearly enjoying the view of Eunhyuk laughs so brightly, "Fine, I’m lose. What's your wish?" He asks Eunhyuk.
"I wish you could tell me what's wrong with you" Eunhyuk says after he calm his laugh off. Donghae frowns in confuse look and saying there is nothing wrong with him. But Eunhyuk doesn’t believe him, "Your parents" He says.
Donghae got it and smiles bitterly. "Yeap. They are the one who are wrong."
"What happened?"
He doesn’t know what really happened; what they were always fighting about. Sometimes it’s about their selfish behavior, their own life, their act towards each other, but Donghae never knows what’s more. 
"I don't know. I never care." Donghae says slowly and Eunhyuk turns his head hoping to God that he could see Donghae’s face right now. He had never heard Donghae talking with that painful tone before. He carefully asks why, and Donghae answers,
"Because sometimes when we careless, we less hurt."
It’s hard for Eunhyuk to cheer somebody up when they are sad, he feels awkward to saying some courage words. So he quickly clears his throat. 
"Let's play again." Eunhyuk is trying to cheer Donghae up with his own way. Indirectly.
They are playing the same game again and it lasts not so long before finally Donghae win this time and he cheered like a little kid. Without knowing what actually Eunhyuk does for him until he able to win.
Eunhyuk giggles to hear Donghae’s cute little cheering, "What's your wish now?"
Donghae thinking hard while staring at Eunhyuk from head to toe slowly. With the wind brushing against their bare skin but feels so comfortable, he smiles when he finds his current wish.
"I want to sleep." But Eunhyuk just stay quite with puzzled expression in confuse. "...in your shoulder. So, I wish you wouldn’t move." He finish his words while resting his head on Eunhyuk shoulder gently. Moving his head a little for a while to adjust his position until he finds the perfect position. 
But Eunhyuk stiffened. He freezes.
Donghae lowers his eyebrows in sadness unconsciously before he closes his eyes slowly. Let the wind blow away his worry and all crap out of his body. He really wish he could stay like this for a long time. He forget when the last time he feels this peaceful beside someone and be able to rest his heavy head on someone’s shoulder. 
But once again, nothing lasts forever.
"O-okay. T-time's up.." Eunhyuk says nervously and push Donghae's head away from him after around two minutes passed like a second for Donghae.
Donghae glances at Eunhyuk and realizes his ears reddened. He can’t help but giggling inside.
"Eunhyuk! A little more time." He whines like a little kid and try to rest his head again but Eunhyuk push him away again with flushed cheeks.
How cute. He is being all shy.
"No. Time is up. Let's just play another game or go home"
Donghae giggles even more to know Eunhyuk is shy. While actually deep inside Eunhyuk’s mind, he is more than just shy. His heart almost burst out like a firework show and his stomach feels those tingling strange sensation. He hated Donghae for doing that but he also likes it at the same time.
One evening on Friday, Eunhyuk get a surprise phone call from the person he truly missed in these weeks. His brother. He misses him so much it’s been a couple of weeks since he didn’t meet Eunhyuk because he is busy with his business trip out of town. Eunhyuk can’t help but a little bit upset when he hears Sungmin’s voice on the other line.
"Soon. I nearly finish my business here. I'll be home as soon as possible." He answers when Eunhyuk asks when he is coming home. Eunhyuk just humming. "Is there any news from mother and father already?"
"Nothing." Eunhyuk wish his brother didn’t need to say that question because answer it somehow feels so painful.
"Okay. It's alright, Eunhyuk." That’s all Sungmin can say. Eunhyuk is honestly sick of it.
"Yes, Hyung. I'm alright" He lies. He hopes Sungmin knows how lonely he is without even need to telling him. Because Sungmin is his brother after all, and usually he knows what’s wrong about him just by hearing his voice. 
That’s why he didn’t want to everyone knows about Donghae’s visit because he is afraid that Sungmin would think he’s okay all by himself and okay if he makes his business trip longer, while clearly Eunhyuk doesn’t okay. He needs his brother too. He just doesn’t want to show it like a spoiled kid.
The phone call ended after they talk almost half an hour and now Eunhyuk just sitting on his bed while staring nothing in front of him. More like, staring dark black whole thing. He needs colour. He needs something that can bright his life up again. That’s when suddenly someone’s name cross his mind.
He suddenly remembers that Donghae and himself already exchange phone number a few days ago at the park. He quickly press and hold number 5 on his phone before put it on his ear. Few seconds later, someone’s cheering his ear loudly.
"Eunhyuk!" Donghae greets happily.
Eunhyuk can’t help but smiling, "Hey, are you busy?"
"Mmm, sort of. Why?" Donghae asks, Eunhyuk clearly can hear that he is not at home because it sounds crowded out there. Maybe he’s somewhere with his friend.
Disappointment start rushing into Eunhyuk’s head and he hugs his pillow to bury his head on it, "Nah, it’s nothing. I'm just bored.."
Donghae turns silence for a while and Eunhyuk sighs. Maybe he is really busy. He knows he shouldn’t call him. But then something comes up from Donghae’s mouth that makes him a little bit brighter.
“It’s been a few days since we met, wanna hang out later?” Eunhyuk can hear a smile on Donghae’s voice. And it makes him smiling too, he doesn’t need a few seconds to agree and they finally decide to meet at the park tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night at the park, Eunhyuk is waiting. He may comes a little bit earlier and he decides to wait under the tree. Tonight is cold and Eunhyuk doesn’t forget to put his leather jacket on along with scarfs. He also doesn’t forget with the fact that it’s near the end of November. He keeps waiting while the smokes coming out of his mouth. 
An hour passed and Donghae is still not there. He doesn't want to be so spoiled brat who whines to Donghae, but he thinks he needs to call him.
"Hello?" Donghae answers on the other line, once again there is a noise coming from his background.
"Hey, Donghae. Mmm, where are you?" Eunhyuk asks slowly.
Suddenly Eunhyuk hears a girl giggles on the other line. And it almost stab his chest so hard for one reason he doesn’t know. Only one reason.
"Donghae-ssi, you're doing it wrong!" The girl says and Eunhyuk remains his eyes doesn’t blinked. Or it’s just usually not blink.
Eunhyuk can hear Donghae say something before he turns his attention back to Eunhyuk only to say, "I'm busy now. I'll catch you later, okay?"
Eunhyuk’smouth opened a little bit in disbelief. His heart crushed for a little bit as well. Just a little bit, hopefully.
"Oh. Okay, bye" He says slowly and Donghae says a last goodbye before he hung up the phone.
Eunhyuk smiles to himself, feel so stupid for trusting Donghae will be the one who will beside him. In fact, he is damn wrong.
“So stupid, Eunhyuk.. Who do you think he is” He mumbles along with the smokes comes out.
An hour earlier he feels like a lost cute puppy who waits to be picked up with someone that truly cared about him so much but then now he turns into a lost puppy who doesn’t even know where to go. He is ashamed with himself.
Eunhyuk slowly put his cap, let it cover him until people won’t be able to see his eyes. He gets up and steps his feet nowhere. Just let the windy cold night drag him along.
Donghae’s POV
I hung up the phone from Eunhyuk and pay attention to Jihyun when she says I’m doing my work wrong. Damn, why I never get it right?! We’ve been working on it since days ago yet it's not finished. This paper work is really frustrating me.
We keep working on the paper for a couple minutes, almost an hour, until suddenly I don’t realize the rains falling so hard outside. When I take a look, it’s already dark. It’s night time already and I didn’t realize. Jihyun didn’t even tell me, or maybe she's just being too focus as well.
“Oh, it’s raining hard” I mumble. Great, my day couldn’t get worse. How I can go home if it’s like this.
“Yeah I think you should stay here for a couple hours until the rains stop. You don’t have appointment tonight, do you?” Jihyun says while still focusing on her laptop and the book on her lap.
I freeze for a while. Appointment..?
And my mind start flashing back on what happened yesterday.
“!!” I unconsciously curse out loud and Jihyun get shock because she constantly turns her head at me. Asking me what’s wrong but I’m just too busy with my stupid mind.
I really am stupid! That’s why he called me up earlier. He asked me where I am but I totally forgot about our appointment tonight.
I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and rushing out of Jihyun’s room towards downstairs and decides to call him up. I tend to say sorry and ready for everything he would say even if he says he hates me or anything.
But once again, my day couldn’t get any worse. I accept the most unexpected words from him right when I call him up.
He answer my call and I quickly say before he can say anything, "Eunhyuk I’m so sorry! I was so freaking stupid. I forgot that we supposed to meet at the park tonight. I’m really sorry!” I grow panick about what he will say to me. But then something caught my attention. A very noise coming up behind him making me frown, “Wait, where are you?"
"I don’t know.” He says, making me shock as hell.
“What the hell do you mean?” I swear I almost scream, but I don’t.
Then he chuckles bitterly like an idiot, super idiot. I know there is something behind those chuckles and it nearly gets me crazy.  "Where are you?" I raise my voice high.
“How do I know Donghae.... I'm just trying to run away, I took a bus, but then…” My eyes widen at his words and I feel something pinched my heart. “I forgot that I am blind.” He finishes his words.
My hand clench hard in hard fist. His voice is shaking, like he had been crying or freezing like hell. I can’t get off my attention of the stupid noise behind him and I know what’s noise that it. "Eunhyuk, it's raining!" My heart burst out and I finally snap at him for being so idiot like this.
"I know, I’m at the phone box." He says weakly I almost can’t hear his voice because of the sound of rain hard. I was expecting him to snap at me or saying he hates me when I called him up this time yet I hear the most painful words from him, “Help me.” And his painful words coming out because of me.
Donghae! You’re the only who being stupid here.
I pull my hair out in frustration. Images about Eunhyuk being confuse alone at the road and soaked by rain really freak me out. It’s ing freak me out. "Tch! I will find you! Just stay on the phone box."
Eunhyuk murmurs something in feedback which I assume he is saying he will. I ask again while grabbing my ride key and hold it tight, "Look, now tell me, what can you hear?? Listen carefully behind those sounds of pouring rain"
"Music.. Loud music.." He answers.
"Where did you take a bus earlier? The shelter we went a couple weeks ago?"
"I think so.."
I keep bombarding him with questions that will help me to find him. "How long you stay on the bus before you got off?"
"around 15 minutes"
The piece of puzzles in my mind start finding its place and I find a hope to find him. "I think I know it!! I'll go now. Wait for me and don't move!" I say harshly enough as if threatening him.
He doesn't answer before I quickly hung up the phone. My heart goes wild with the bad thought what will happen to him. I can’t stand it anymore so I quickly rush upstairs towards Jihyun’s room and find her immediately looking at me with confuse look.
“I gotta go now.” I try to calm while picking up my things and that’s when Jihyun gets so considerate to help me with my things.
But then she says, “Donghae, it’s raining”
God, I don’t care!
“I still have to go, See ya later and sorry for not finishing it up tonight”
Once again, I’m so thankful she’s being considerate, “It’s alright, You’ve done enough, I’ll finish it up tonight so we can present it on Monday”
My heart still doesn’t feel relief at all even though Jihyun said all those things about the paper work. Because all I care about for now is just find Eunhyuk and drag him home. I quickly leave after saying thanks to Jihyun and dash off my ride through the pouring rain.
How will I find him?! Oh, damn. God, why he is so ing stupid.
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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*