Get Closer

The Sight of Destiny
"I just actually needed you."


“So you come?” Eunhyuk asks when he gets no respond from Donghae. Donghae is just standing in front of him with wide eyes, he is surprised. But then he gladly says,
“Of course I’ll come!” Donghae laughs as he put his arm around Eunhyuk. He is too happy.
“Y-yeah but.. get your hand off me.” Eunhyuk nervously slaps Donghae’s arm off of him. His forehead frowning wondering why Donghae suddenly feels so happy just by got an invitation to his house.
Donghae put his arm away while laughing. He is actually really happy because he is rarely visit his friend’s house back then since he rarely got close friend. It means Donghae thinks Eunhyuk already accept him to his closer friend better than those friends he had before.
After agreeing with Eunhyuk invitation, Donghae excuse himself for going to his house for a while. They walks through the breeze evening sky towards Donghae’s house. No problem because Eunhyuk’s house and Donghae’s is actually one way.
"Wait here. I'll comeback after I inform my mother to visit your house" Donghae adjust Eunhyuk’s position not far away from Donghae’s gate house, while Eunhyuk just nods. He runs quickly towards his gate and open it.
The first few seconds Donghae still so bouncy since his mood is very happy because of today. But when he just reaches the front door, suddenly he can hear something. There was a chaos sounds coming from inside. Donghae stops his step right in front of the front door. He grip the doorknob to pull it down slowly and then open the door very slightly, just to reveal those yelling sounds heard louder.
"We have no choice!" His dad’s voice can be heard.
Donghae furrows his eyebrows to think why his dad already coming home from work in this hour. It’s rare.
"I hate it! You know we all hate it!" His mom replies with crack voice.
"But how else we can do? It's all we have to do to survive."
They are fighting again. Donghae sighs in his mjnd and carefully closes the front door so it won't make any sounds. His mood suddenly turns down. He takes a few steps back and walks away from his house quickly. Outside, he is surprised when he finds Eunhyuk no longer wearing his hat and sunglasses. He's already standing right in front of Donghae's gate and looks like he is staring at him with his blank eyes widen.
Eunhyuk doesn't mean to overheard but he did. They are too loud.
"Is everything okay?" Eunhyuk lowers his eyebrows, asking Donghae concernly. The way Eunhyuk looking at him just giving a warmth for Donghae, causes him to smile out of nowhere.
"Nevermind." Donghae walks closer towards Eunhyuk and closes the gate behind him. He takes a deep breath for a while. It's not the time to go badmood. Today is too good to let a bad mood rushed in.
Donghae smiles once again as if he ready to wears his cheerful mask, wraps his arm around Eunhyuk's shoulder once again, "Let's go."
But this time, Eunhyuk doesn't mind.
"Wow your house is great!!"
That is the first thing that comes out from Donghae's mouth when he just enters the house with brown and white interior, with a quite big living room on the middle of the room, and the kitchen can be seen not so far from the living room. There are few paintings, and the family picture, hanging on the wall. It all looks warm. It's quite simple but this is definitely a dream house. Not really small, but not big either. Just...enough.
Eunhyuk chuckles, "That's why I'm lonely. For me, this is too big to lived only by the blind person and two maids." Eunhyuk guides Donghae to the living room. He is satisfied now when he reaches his house, he can go wherever and even guides Donghae because he already knows this house like a back of his hands 
"Ay. Don't say like that. I hope I can live in the house like this" Donghae still let his eyes roams through the interior. This is really nice.
Eunhyuk go towards the kitchen to do something but Donghae doesn't realize it since he's just busy with himself checking on the things that caught his attention above the table.
He sees a photo that caught his full attention. He pulls the frame up with his hand, "Is this you?" Donghae exclaims when he finds a picture of kid-Eunhyuk with Sungmin, his brother, sitting on the big stone. Behind them is a beach. Eunhyuk doesn't answer since he doesn't know what photo Donghae talking about, but since there is only picture of him and Sungmin on the table besides his parents', he assume yes it is.
Besides, Donghae doesn't really need an answer because he recognizes the face, "You were cute when you were a little!" He laughs happily.
"I'm cute even until now" Eunhyuk says casually from the kitchen while he opens the fridge. Donghae just let out a simple scoffs that makes Eunhyuk laughs inaudibly.
Still being friendly with curiousity, Donghae keeps looking around at the things on cabinet near the TV when suddenly once again one thing caught his attention.
"Eunhyuk, is this yours?" Donghae raises his eyebrows and his jaw drops.
"What?" Without he knows, Eunhyuk already back from the kitchen and enters the living room while put two bottle of drink on the couch. 
Donghae doesn't answers Eunhyuk question because he already find the answer. There is a trophy made by a glass. It was graved there; The first winner of Dancing Competition self-choreograph 2002, Lee Eunhyuk. Donghae clicks his tongue and shakes his head unconcsiously in awe while thinking about Eunhyuk's no-joking skill. He's amazing.
"Wow you were not lying to us when you say you were dancer back then" Donghae turns to look at Eunhyuk who directly furrows his eyebrows.
"Why would I lie to you? Of course I was being honest!" He protests. But on other side, he feels proud of himself.
Donghae just laugh to see his expression. He straightened his position and turns his whole body around to face Eunhyuk while lift an eyebrow.
"Okay, prove me. Show me some dance" Donghae smirks.
Eunhyuk smirks back and laughs in sarcasm before he hisses, "Don't mocking on me" he scratch the back of his neck.
Donghae eyes widen in surprise, "What? Why? Dance is only about music and feels. It doesn't require eyesight. I do even close my eyes when I danced sometimes"
Eunhyuk clicks his tongue while saying with mocking voice, not believe on Donghae, "How?"
"Try it. I will put the music on" Donghae quickly put his phone out and search the proper song on his phone before he turns it on.
The music starts can be heard all over the room when Donghae put the volume higher. He smiles in anticipating while Eunhyuk just take a deep breath and sighs. 
"Dancing requires only music. And feel. Remember that." Donghae keeps his voice able to hear between the music.
With that, soon Eunhyuk closes his eyes slowly. Firstly, he feels his feet starts pumping the ground slowly and his fingertips start drummed above his thighs. Then a second later, without his knowing his body feels the urge to make a moves.
Eunhyuk start dances. Not eagerly dancing with all his might but the way he waves his arms and his body just looks so right. He slowly but very sure begins to moves his feet to takes the dance steps that makes him very cool all of a sudden. Altogether moves in sync and make a perfect harmony with the music. His face is really serious when he dances as his jaw looked perfectly shaped. Donghae would lie to himself if he says he's not staring at him intensely. He looks awesome when he dances.
Then one other thing. Yes. At least Donghae realizes one more thing about his new friend.
He looks y when he dances.
Donghae gets mesmerized at his dance moves until he doesn't realize Eunhyuk spinning dangerously close to him and suddenly he steps on Donghae's feet. 
"Ouch!" It snaps Donghae back to reality.
Eunhyuk stumble and losing balance, almost falling on his knees but Donghae is quicker to grab his shoulder. He pulls him up slowly. Their face is so close than ever, until for the first time, Donghae finally acknowledge that Eunhyuk has those beautiful one eyelid.
"Uh-oh, be careful" Donghae says softly.
Eunhyuk chuckles a little bit while straightened his position and clears his throat for a moment. He feels suddenly so good. He doesn't know what makes him feels so good until his heartbeat goes wild, maybe because of his own dance moves. But on the other hand, his face turns red.
"It's really a long time after I danced this much a few years ago." He admits between his breath, "I start losing my confident since I lost my sight. But today I danced again, and it feels so good. But's embarrasing" He is still panting in front of Donghae and chuckles in embarrassment. Maybe because of the silly dance moves which almost makes him slipped, his heart is beating faster due to shyness.
Donghae pats his shoulder, "No. You're a great dancer" and he can't help but smiles widely.
Eunhyuk curves his lips to form a toothless smile, "Thanks. Let's eat."
A few minutes passed. It's already almost half an hour Donghae stay on Eunhyuk's house. He is standing in the kitchen now after insist to make Eunhyuk a dinner. Of course for both of them.
"You're the guest! How the hell the owner would let the guest cook dinner by himself. Let me cook it, or at least let the maids do it" Eunhyuk protests. His voice raises loud but Donghae still annoyingly don't budge. He keeps looking for the main dish he will cook tonight.
"We're just got back from restaurant, remember? It's not a dinner, it's just evening snack. Why should let the maids waste their time to do it?" He successfully finds something inside the cabinet as his eyes sparkling.
"It is their job, Donghae" Eunhyuk hisses at his stupidity.
"Sssh, shut up. Let me make this for us!" Donghae raises two packs of food and when Eunhyuk asks what it is, he is trolling. "Guess what?"
Eunhyuk start to lift his hand to Donghae's hands until he find two packs of food there. Square, plastic, quitehard when he try to squeeze it; he think he knows what it is.
"Instant noodle?" Eunhyuk lift an eyebrow.
Donghae is beaming, "Yeap!" He is grinning ear to ear.
Eunhyuk facepalming himself and sigh hardly while Donghae just laughs and start to preparing his property to cook.
"It is just a simple one, right? I will made the most delicious noodles for us with eggs, veggies, and cheese" He says while keep focus on his work feeling like an expert chef while just actually he's just working on instant noodles.
"Cheese?" Eunhyuk grimace while finally give up and he lean on the sink with his back.
Donghae nods, "Yes, melted cheese. You never try it?" he turns to look at Eunhyuk shakes his head with blank expression. "It's an honour for me to let you tastes a noodle with melted cheese for the first time" He says dramatically and Eunhyuk only scoffs at him, makes him laughs.
"Whatever, but still, you make me bad as the owner to let his guest cook at his first visit"
Donghae just chuckles while Eunhyuk can hear the clicking sound of a bucket and plastic. Then the sound of the water poured into the bucket before he put it above the stove.
"Don't feel bad. On my next visit, you owe me something for this. Okay? Just simple as that." He starts to carefully turn the fire.
"Next visit?" Eunhyuk grimaces. He chuckles when he makes a conclusion of Donghae's confident words, "Is that means you're planning to visit my house again next time?"
"Well, if you want me to" He shrugs and laughs while Eunhyuk just shakes his head at Donghae’s behavior. Then the next thing happen they are already busy with cooking, well mostly Donghae.
They both sitting across each other in front of the TV while there is a bucket filled with noodles between them. The smokes come out from it blowing up high in front of their face.
"Mmmm smells delicious" Donghae sniffs at his own masterpiece with eyeclosed.
Eunhyuk laughs mockingly at him but he can't help to admit, "Yes it is"
The plate served with them and Eunhyuk starts lift their plate to taste a part of it. Donghae secretly anticipating while biting his chopstick staring at Eunhyuk who already put it on his mouth.
"How is it?" Donghae says unclearly due to chopstick on his mouth.
Eunhyuk chew the noodle before swallowing it while grimace, "Salty"
"Ah! As I expected!" Donghae put his palm on his forehead with his elbow above his thigh.
"As you expected? So you intended to cook a salty noodle for me? Are you poisioning me?" Eunhyuk raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"No, not like that!" Donghae laughs to see Eunhyuk's expression. "I mean, I don't know why everytime I cook noodle, it will turns out to be so salty"
"It means you're not learning from a mistake" Eunhyuk mocks while shakes his head but he continues eating the noodle which makes Donghae happy and join him too. Their chopstick often cling, it makes Donghae giggling for no reason.
"But it's okay. It's still tastes good" Eunhyuk murmurs softly but loud enough to hear.
Donghae giggles inaudibly, "Try the soup!" He point at it while beaming cheerfully.
Eunhyuk takes his spoon and try the soup like Donghae says. He carefully opens his mouth and guide his filled spoon into his mouth. Then he surprised inwardly. Donghae stays quite waiting for respond but Eunhyuk just filling his spoon with the soup before put it into his mouth once again.
"Mmmm! Cheese!" Eunhyuk smiles toothlessly. It tastes amazingly great. Maybe because it's the first time he tastes it.
"It tastes good, right?!" Donghae beams while grinning ear to ear when Eunhyuk nods and giggles. Feel proud of himself to make a delicious noodle. Without saying too much anymore they start eating the food in front of him.
"Where do you get the recipe to put a melted cheese into noodle?" Eunhyuk once again drink the delicious soup.
"Nowhere, I'm just cooking alone and tried an experiment" Donghae answers playfully without leaving a focus on his plate. Eunhyuk stares at him in amazed before Donghae continue again, "I'm planning on experiment to put the chocolate in it next time. Curious about how the taste goes!"
Eunhyuk widen his eyes, it seems like his eyeballs about to pop out of its place at any time. He glares at Donghae, "Don't even try." He is not agree this time.
But Donghae just laughs, "Awww why?! I love chocolate!" He whines but Eunhyuk pretend not to hear him by enjoying his food.
“No need to do that, Donghae. Let maids do this.”
They are actually arguing this time because Donghae once again insist to wash the dishes after they finish eating. While Eunhyuk thought that is unnecessary. The debate doesn’t lasts too long because for the first time Eunhyuk being so hard and yell at Donghae to leave the dishes. But that just makes Donghae giggles to see him like that instead.
“What are you laughing at?!” Eunhyuk protest while dragging Donghae away from the kitchen. It’s the first time Eunhyuk leads their way as he grip Donghae’s hand very hard. 
There is no sign Donghae will be frightened, because he is just keeps laughing like an idiot.
“You are really funny when you yelled at me” He annoyingly points at the wrinkles on Eunhyuk’s forehead.
“It’s not funny, stubborn” Eunhyuk lowers his voice and sigh when they decide to sit on the couch and turns the TV on.
For the next minutes, they are just sitting side by side on the couch while watching some lame TV program. Donghae will usually tells Eunhyuk when he asks what the news anchor is talking about. But actually none of them are paying full attention to television.
"Donghae, do you like Sehun?" Then Eunhyuk suddenly blurts out unknowingly. After debating with his mind about this thing he had held all this hours, finally he has courage to ask this.
It snaps Donghae out and he stops playing through the TV channels. He looks at Eunhyuk for a while, Eunhyuk just staring at the TV without turning at all.
Donghae chuckles, "'s topic is Sehun, huh?"
"Shut up. If you don't want to answer, just leave it." Eunhyuk feels embarrassed for no reason that he can’t do anything except follows Donghae chuckles.
But Donghae just sighs and smiles at Eunhyuk’s question.
"Fine. What do you mean? What kind of like?" He asks.
"You know..” Eunhyuk starts open up and Donghae turns his head to the side to look at Eunhyuk talking slowly. More like carefully. “You and Sehun seemed really close and I kept laughed at your both joke, I heard he called you Hae, he hugged for a long time." He finish it.
"Wow, you really paid attention" Donghae surprised in disbelief. For some reason he claps unknowingly, makes Eunhyuk feels irritated. Eunhyuk just shrugs as feedback. "No, he is just a really bestfriend. It's hard to fall in love with your bestfriend because you already start afraid of losing them." Donghae says.
Eunhyuk frowns his eyebrows hard and glance at Donghae’s voice, "You are afraid of losing him?"
"It would be sounds cheesy if I answered that for Sehun" Donghae just laughs.
There is something odd that Eunhyuk doesn’t understand here. Yeah, he knows that Donghae is one of the weirdest person he has ever known, but this is strange. "You afraid of losing him but you just want to be a bestfriend?" He does actually confuse.
Donghae giggles, knowing that Eunhyuk will get his words strange. "If we're fall in love, there are just so many things that will try to tear us apart sometimes. It will always comes in a hard path. But if we stay as friend, true friend is lasts forever.” He explains, then he turns his head again to look at Eunhyuk nods in understood. Well, maybe he understands, at least for now. 
Donghae shifts in his seat and unintentionally his arm brushes against Eunhyuk’s own, “Besides, Sehun is not my type." He adds casually while looking at the TV again.
Eunhyuk nods in understands once again. For no reason, that was all he need to hear; his last sentence. There is a couple of silence before Donghae asks again,
"Why do ask anyway?" He furrows an eyebrow.
Eunhyuk just shrugs, "Nothing, I'm just curious." He gulps his strawberry milk from the bottle on his hand.
"Being curious is my job" Donghae elbows him softly, almost makes Eunhyuk chokes on his throat.
Eunhyuk gulp the milk and wipes his mouth before giggles, "Whatever, silly"
Another minutes passed. It’s actually a very good time for Eunhyuk and Donghae to get closer towards each other. Without their knowing, they become so close and Eunhyuk or Donghae doesn’t even need to think anymore to blurt out jokes at each other. Donghae sometimes stares at Eunhyuk without he knowing, just to see Eunhyuk with his little eyes doesn’t blink, and his jawline sharped perfectly, or looking at his adam apple bobbing up and down when he gulps his strawberry milk.
Donghae himself doesn’t even know how long he has been staring at Eunhyuk. The only thing he knows is just he is very happy today to realize that Eunhyuk has already being so open to him. He can feel Eunhyuk softened and he often smiles, or even laughs, better than when he knows Eunhyuk for the first time. And it makes him glad.
"Donghae I'm sorry" once again Eunhyuk breaks the comfy silence.
Donghae snapped out from his thought surprises. Almost chocked on his own saliva but he tries to look away and clears his throat awkwardly, "For what?" Donghae leans his head backward to the seat.
"For what I said yesterday"
For the first second, Donghae frowns. He tries to think what happened yesterday, when something pops up in his mind. "Oh, it's alright. It's just me who lacks of reading an atmosphere" He laughs at himself.
Eunhyuk lowers his head as if he could staring at the bottle above his laps that playing with his own hand. He looks hesitate for a moment before finally he sighs and decides to say it, "No, it just takes me for a while to realize something"
"About what?" Donghae tilts his head at Eunhyuk.
"That I actually just needed you" Eunhyuk says with a strange feeling on his head and also his stomach. Feel like he is going to throw up at any time, but he won’t. He is just trying to be honest here but it sounds totally strange since he usually keeps what’s on his mind just for himself.
Then with that, Donghae smile ear to ear toothlessly. God knows how cute he is when he does that. The slight feeling of happiness on his chest seems like bursting out of his heart sooner or later, he doesn’t even know. It’s too happy for once again prove something; he knows that Eunhyuk really getting softened already towards him now.
"Eunhyuk, I will be there if you need me. Just don't think negative, you're not burden me. You are my friend now, got it?” Donghae raises an eyebrows and lean closer on Eunhyuk’s shoulder. Of course Eunhyuk can feel that. And it’s just makes him nervous for some reason.
"Y-yeah I got it. Stop being cheesy" He tries to keep it cool like he used to, but this time, he fails. Donghae just giggles happily like a little kid. Eunhyuk chuckles softly to hear his bubbly giggle."But thanks anyway", earning nods from Donghae.
“Anytime, Hyuk”
Eunhyuk gets surprised for the way Donghae calls himself with a shorter nickname like that. But he doesn’t mind at all. He actually feels happy inside knowing both of them already feel comfortable towards each other. “Anyway, you’re not going home? What time is it?”
Suddenly Donghae’s face fell down, he looks at his watch, “7pm.” He answers, but he just keep silent and doesn’t answering Eunhyuk’s first question.
Eunhyuk realize something is not right, “Donghae, is there something wrong?” Eunhyuk turns his head at Donghae not to meet his eyes.
“Nothing” that’s all Eunhyuk got from Donghae. But he is not satisfied.
“Aren’t they fighting again?” Eunhyuk remembers how Donghae told him that his parents are often fight in front of him, yelling at each other, that makes him hate for being at home sometimes. Suddenly Eunhyuk feels so bad. “How could you say it’s nothing. You can talk to me if you want to”
Donghae just shrugs and smiles at Eunhyuk eventhough it’s clearly Eunhyuk can’t see it.
“Maybe next time. Thanks anyway!” Donghae just trying to giggles his pain out. But Eunhyuk is smart enough to know there is something wrong with this friend, even he’s trying to smile it away. Maybe someday he can make Donghae opens up.
Donghae roam through channels with a remote on his hand while he really doesn't know what actually he is watching.
It’s already an hour passed when Eunhyuk says that he is tired. But since he knows that Donghae haven’t really want to go home yet, he is just letting Donghae stay for a while. Eunhyuk pulled his ipod out from his pocket and starts listening to music with his headset. That’s when he realizes that it is not really impolite to put the headset on all by himself when there is someone beside him.
“Wanna listen to music?” Eunhyuk stretch half of his headset out towards Donghae. Which Donghae gladly take it without thinking. It ends up they talked about their favorite music genres, what band they like, or anything else.
But now, Donghae starts to get bored. He turns his head to the left, to find a sleeping figure beside him. He doesn’t even know when this kid starts falling on his dreamland. Eunhyuk is sleeping with a headset still put on his one ear and his head tiltled a little backwards exposing his milky skin on his neck. Donghae can't lie he is staring at him for a while.
But then something snaps him out from his reverie. His phone ringing loudly making him jolts in surprise and panick. He quickly takes out his phone from the pocket as he afraid Eunhyuk will awake because of his ringtone.
He quickly answers it, "Hello?"
"Hi, big boy!" says the boys on the other line. Too loud and too annoying, for real.
Donghae grimace and glances at Eunhyuk for a while before he stood up carefully to get away from Eunhyuk so he wouldn't get awake by Donghae's voice.
"Who is this?" He asks when he reaches the kitchen.
"The almighty Oh Sehun. Don't say you don't recognize my voice"
Donghae crosses his hands on the chest while leaning on the sink with his back, "Oh. I usually don't recognize people's voice who abandoned me and leaft me for another town" He glares at Sehun audibly.
Sehun just annoyingly chuckles, "Shut up, sweetheart."
Donghae cringe hard at Sehun’s words in disgust, "Ewww!!" While keeps trying not to set his voice too high. Sehun just laughs at his respond. "Why do you call by the way?" Donghae asks then.
"I reach Seoul already" Sehun informs, Donghae nods and says that’s great. That’s when Sehun asks him where he is right now. Donghae was trying to find an answer when he find out himself just being too honest, like he used to.
"Eunhyuk's house"
Donghae can hear Sehun gasp dramatically, "What?? Sleep over already? Wow I don't know your relationship is already going this far" Really, for God’s sake if this kid was really standing in front of Donghae right know, Donghae is sure Sehun will at least having a bruise on his beautiful face.
"What the hell are you talking about, I'm just coming to visit!" Donghae hisses at him.
"Yeah yeah, I believe you" Sehun says in his thypical sarcasm and Donghae rolls his eyes.
Next ten minutes they just end up talking about their times today. But in the end, it’s all about Eunhyuk. Sehun says that he is a little bit uncomfortable with Eunhyuk at first, but after he kept trying to talk to him, the awkwardness started faded away. 
Donghae sighs quietly while putting his hand on his waist. Looking down at his feet above the cold floor. "Sehun, do you like him?" Donghae finally asks in a low voice. He doesn’t know why but he’s just has the feeling he should asks Sehun that.
"Umm.. He is a great guy. He is handsome too.." Sehun just humming. Then Donghae starts feeling something. He knows Sehun too well, until he knows Sehun’s habit which is like someone that catch his attention too easily.
"Just answer me, so you like him?" Suddeny Donghae being impatient.
But hearing Donghae being strange like that, Sehun just get confuse and ask him back, "Why do you ask?" It makes Donghae turns quite for a few seconds.
He doesn’t even know why he asks.
He chooses to shrugs it off, "Nothing. I'm just curious.." He answers casually.
"You and your curiousity are always together making a perfect couple since you were born, huh" Sehun chuckles at him.
Donghae ignores Sehun’s chuckles and once again asking him to answer his question. He is anticipating Sehun’s answer with uneasy feeling. He doesn't know why he’s acting like this. Well, he’s just curious.
"Well ...." Sehun starts answering his question, and without Donghae knowing, he holds his breath as Sehun going to answer his question.
Donghae wakes up with a blanket covers his whole body up to his neck. He carefully sit up and realize he was fall asleep last night. Damn. For a moment he curses on his mind. He knows why he curses at himself. Feel a little regret for being fall asleep until morning.
"Sir, you're awake.” The maid comes out of nowhere, waking up Eunhyuk fully. “Want me to help you to go to your room?" She asks.
But Eunhyuk doesn’t answer her, "Why am I here?"
"You were sleeping on the couch last night. I was afraid to wake you up so I just bring your blanket to covered you." She answers carefully and softly.
Oh, so it's the maid's work.
Eunhyuk looks down and touch the part of sofa beside him. It’s cold already and it’s simply because Donghae is not there anymore. A sofa where he spends his time with Donghae yesterday night. He smiles a little bit for a second just to think about it again but suddenly some feelings bothers him. Once again a little bit annoying feeling comes rushing through his blood to wondering why he should fell asleep. He just palms his face and sighs those feeling away.
Eunhyuk softly pulls his head up when he remember something, "Uh, auntie." That's how he calls the maid.
"Yes sir?" She responds.
"Don't tell anyone about someone who were coming over last night" Eunhyuk says while he stands up while holding the blanket and just walks slowly towards his own room passes the maid when she answers him with a nod.
"I understand, sir"
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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*