Beginning of Journey

The Sight of Destiny

"I can tell you more about me, do you wanna know?"





The sound of the rain heard from outside. Eunhyuk just sit on his bed like usual. Nothing to do. If rainy comes, he prefers not to listening a music from his ipod. Because he likes the noise that comes from rains. But he hates it when he can't see raindrops on his window. He used to love watching rains back then. Before the accident happened and caused him can't see anything.

"What are you doing?"

Eunhyuk turned his head a little when he heard someone greeted him.

"Hyung," Eunhyuk smiled when he recognize the lovely voice. "Just enjoy the rains singing" he said while giggling a little bit. Feeling silly with his answer.

Sungmin followed him giggled and sit on the corner of his bed. He stared at Eunhyuk for a while, realize how much he care of his brother a lot as he ruffled Eunhyuk's hair. "Singing, huh" he said in amusement at Eunhyuk's words. He slowly turned his head to the window, "Winter is approaching"

"You're right" Eunhyuk gave him a slightly nodded and sigh. "But I really hope it won't raining everyday, eventhough I love rain"

Sungmin turned to Eunhyuk again and raised his eyebrows, asking why. Eunhyuk just shrugged his shoulder and shook his head lightly, saying that he doesn't know.

"I just boring at home. I want to spend my spare time outside" he added right away, and Sungmin got it.

"It's Saturday, if it doesn't rain now, I bet you already go to the park at this hour."

Eunhyuk laughed inaudibly, admitting that was true as he nodded at himself. He just like being there. Calm, and peace. Warm, and he can feel safe just listening to music to relief stress or loneliness. But suddenly something popped on his mind,

We can meet tomorrow at the park, right?

Oh. Crap. Eunhyuk forget that yesterday Donghae said that to him. But knowing that today's rain is quite heavy, Eunhyuk quickly scratch the worriesthought. Hoping Donghae didn't wait for him at the park right now. Or else, he is really stupid and so silly.


She widened her eyes in furrowed eyebrows too look at him intensely. "Yah you're so silly! Are you crazy?" Mom said and looking at Donghae in silly.

"What?" Donghae asked innocently. Or you can say, stupidly.

"What are you wearing??"

He frowned. Lowered his head to looked at himself before back to his mom again and said, "Raincoat, mom. You don't know what it is?" Donghae really doesn't get it why his mom even ask about that eventhough it is clear.

"I know that!" His mom groaned. She palmed her face for realized that his son is seems like a stupid. "I mean, what will you doing? You wanna come out when it's raining so hard outside?" She said pointed at Donghae head to toe; he's ready with his raincoat.

Donghae just smiled and nodded quickly a few times enthusiastic. He has wearing a yellow raincoat until top of his head. As if he's ready to go. But the raincoat makes him looks like a silly. And stupid. And doesn't look good with his short body. "Do I look good on this? This is my new raincoat."

Oh. Hell. That's absolutely unimportant.

"Silly! You look like an angry bird!"

Donghae jaw dropped when he heard his mom said that and his eyes widened, hurts with his mom's words equating him with a bird who can fly faster when we tap it. The yellow one in a gang. "Angry bird?!" He raised his voice in dramatic one.

But his mom doesn't bother his protest, "It is raining! Why are you really want to go outside? Can't you wait until it stopped raining?" She asked in confuse look.

"I can't!" Donghae give a slightly pout. Honestly, he can. But he just doesn't want to. The problem is he doesn't know when the rains will stop. All he knew yesterday rain poured from noon until late night. What if he waited there alone. Waiting for Donghae. Donghae just thinking about that. Besides, Donghae also wants to see him today. "I have to go, okay! I won't be home late" Donghae quickly grab his umbrella. Without bothering his mom screaming calling his name, he opened the front door and run outside towards the park.

Donghae happily walked faster when he already can see the entrance of the little park. But when he is about to go in, his smile faded away. The park is empty. There is nobody. He pouted hard as he holding an umbrella with his both hands. He should've known. Eunhyuk won't come here in a rainy day. It's just him who stupid to think he would so.

Donghae felt a little bit disappointed to see the park is empty. There is no Eunhyuk. But still, he stepped in the park and walked towards his favorite spot; under that big tree. He leaned on the tree still holding an umbrella with his both hands. His yellow raincoat already getting soaked more each seconds as the rain poured so hard. The rained visible in front of him, falling together in a straight lines down to the dry leaves near his foot. 

Donghae sighed, "He's not coming.." He murmured almost inaudibly between the hard rainy. He let his body slide down and crounch, "And I will be made fun of mom if I come home now." He scratch his head which actually doesn't feel itchy at all while pouting his lips. He feels silly, just like his mom said.


Donghae get out of his room in Sunday morning, bird chirping playfully woke him up. What a happy, this morning he greeted by a chirping bird, not with a sound of poured rain. Somehow, the yesterday's incident makes him annoyed by rain. For the first time, he hates rainy.

"Hey good morning, baby" Donghae's mom greeted him when they sat together in the dining table. Everytime looking at Donghae, she will always smiled with full of means and Donghae knows what happened with her. His mom is evil. She always get what she wanted. "Feeling better, baby?"

"I'm not baby, mom."

She burst out laughing when Donghae said that with a straight face. He really looked like a baby. How could he not, with the facial expression like that. Also with all he did. "Oh, no kid. You're a baby. My baby." She kept making fun of him.

His dad who sitting beside her furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Of course, he doesn't know anything. He had to go to office yesterday, eventhough that was Saturday, and he came home too late last night. So he had no idea what happened. "What happened in here? What did I missed?" He asked.

"Your son. He didn't hear the words I say yesterday. Angry bird. Pffft." She answered.

Donghae raised his head from his plate to his mom in furious and puffed his cheeks cutely, "I'm not baby. And I'm not angry bird. I'm a cool guy." Donghae pouted without he realized.

His mom and dad constantly laughing to see him like that, plus with his nonsense thing he said. "Oh! Seriously boy, how old are you for saying that confidently!" His mom said and they continue laughing at Donghae, making him annoyed on purpose he guess.

"Just tell me what happened" Dad interrupted them between his laugh, and his mom ready to tell him everything about yesterday. Donghae doesn't care anymore if his mom will tell his dad everything though. Do it whatever she wants to do.

So yesterday, after Donghae's mom forbidded him to go, and he still went to the park, it's just around 15 minutes before finally Donghae comeback with a full sad face and soaked. He drenched fully eventhough his angry bird costumeraincoat already put neatly on him. But maybe the rained is just way too hard. At first to be honest, Donghae wants to say at the park a little bit more because if he came home this early, his mom will make a fun of him. But he is cold, and he couldn't stand it anymore so he went home.

At home, his mom greeted him with a slightly scolded him for being stubborn. Seeing Donghae full sad face yet so cute, she helped him take out all his raincoat and wrapped him with a towel. After that, she asked him what he is doing actually, Donghae said that he went outside to looked for something, but he couldn't find it. She couldn't help but felt him a little bit funny with that tone and facial expression. Poor boy. He looked like a lost child. He is so cute and his mom wondering how can her son could be so cute like this. So instead of soothe him and warmed him up with another things, she started to . And fortunately, it's fun. Making fun of Donghae is fun, because he would pouted at her words or puffed his cheeks eventhough he looked furious.

"Mom, stop it. Uh, you're not helping" Donghae said in embarassement. He is totally failed to be a cool guy.

"That's why you should hear what your mom said from now on, kiddo. Don't be naughty kid!" She said playfully before turned to her husband again, "And you know what, in the night, he said he catch a cold and came to my room. He asked me to take care of him. 'Mommy, I think I'm sick. May I sleep with you? I want you to take care of me, feed me a medicine~' can't you believe that?! He said that pretend to act so cute in front of me after he ignored my words" She continued, caused his husband laughing so hard to see her imitating Donghae very adorably.

"I didn't say that way!" Donghae furrowed his eyebrows.

But his mom keep teasing him, because it's so funny, "But sounds like that in my ear" She said while sticking her tongue out and giggling happily.

"Uh, I hate you!" Donghae pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest while looked away. He didn't mean it, he knows that. Everybody knows that. He's just too childish to act like he really mad with that.

"I love you too, baby" His mom replied only to caused him turned to her with wide eyes and his parents laughs to see his expression. Too adorable. Just like a bunch of white bunny doing jumped up and down together. He really needed to be pinched so hard on the cheek. Moreover, when he puffed his cheeks right away like that.

Finally they started to having a breakfast after Donghae decided to give up and didn't choose to fight his mom words back. Eventhough sometimes she will keep teasing him with such a question like,

"Do you want me to feed you again, baby? Aaa~"

Donghae just glared at her with a pouted lips. Making him more looks like a little kid. And his mom giggling in satisifed because her mission to annoyed Donghae was success. Her son is so cute when he annoyed.

"Um, Donghae. You go with me to supermarket this afternoon, okay."

Donghae raised his head quickly, "Dad is here!"

"I'm tired, Donghae. I've been so busy."

Donghae rolled his eyes. Knowing that his father is just lazy. He also really lazy too, he is about to giving an excuse when suddenly she says again, "Hey, trying to not listening what I said again, huh? Not afraid something bad will happen again?" After that, they both laughed together.

Ugh! Until when they will tease me for this thing!


Donghae ride his motorcycle home with his mom on the passanger seat. His expression still flat because during his mom shopping he must always by her side. He thought he was only need to dropped her on the market, but suddenly she told him to wait because she wouldn't be able to go home alone with every household things she will purchased. Once again, Donghae had no choice.

The road is start familiar, it means it's already near his house. Donghae snapped from is thought when suddenly he looked forward, he will pass by the park. He start to walk slowly suddenly, making his mom on the back frowned in confusion. Right when he pass by the park, he glance inside the park and his heart skipped a beat in joy when he spotted what he's looking for since yesterday. So suddenly, his mood a little bit lightened.

"Hey, what's wrong?" His mom asked but he ignored and just gas deeper so he can dropped his mom home quickly. Soon after that he arrived in front of his house and his mom hop off of his motorcycle. Donghae helped her managed to hold the things she purchased before he said again,

"I gotta go, see you later mom!"

Once again Donghae didn't bother when his mom yelled at him and asked where he will going. He just gas his motorcycle deeper and in second he already gone far from his mom who just shook her head in confuse look. Donghae straightly go towards the park and go inside the park. No worry, this park is quite big so his motorcycle could fit in the park so easily. He ride towards the big tree while he looked at someone sitting there with both eyes closed. As if he is sleeping.

Donghae parked his motorcycle near him and off the engine before he got off of it. He walked towards Eunhyuk who seems like not realize his presence.

"Hey are you sleeping?" Donghae take a seat right beside Eunhyuk with relaxed and sigh in joy.

Slowly Eunhyuk open his eyes, but he's no longer looks surprise just like previous times. He doesn't move, "...Donghae?"

"Yes! Glad you remember!" Donghae happily smiled at Eunhyuk eventhough he couldn't see it. Eunhyuk lifted his corner lips to make a invisible smile. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good" So glad someone asked, Eunhyuk thought. Beside his family of course.

"Feeling better than yesterday?" Donghae suddenly shifted closer to Eunhyuk while looking at his face intensely. Remember yesterday's incident somehow makes him feel bad for Eunhyuk.

"Actually, much better" Eunhyuk smiledvery almost invisibly before they back to silence for minutes. and Donghae breaks the ice for a nth times.

"Where have you been anyway? You know what? I came here yesterday. But there's no you."

Eunhyuk's eyes wide open in disbelief. He is surprised but he tried to act normal, "It was raining so hard. What makes you think I will go there? I'll just wetting myself." He said while shifted his seat to tried facing Donghae. So hard trying to start feel comfortable with Donghae.

Donghae glared at his blank face, "You can wear your raincoat. Or maybe umbrella!"

"Do you wear a raincoat?"

"Both! My transparant umbrella, and my big yellow one raincoat!" Donghae trying to describe how it looks like to Eunhyuk and Eunhyuk somehow glad because suddenly he start to imagining things. "And my mom said I looked like angry bird." Donghae pouted to remember that.



Eunhyuk laugh hard constantly inside his mind but he tried to managed it so he only says, "What? That's silly." As he giggled a little bit.

Donghae stunned to see Eunhyuk laughs for the first time since he knows Eunhyuk. It caused Donghae followed him giggled too but his own is inaudible, because he has a pride. He pretend to mad, "Yah, you laugh at me too now." He said.

But Eunhyuk couldn't take away his imagination off his mind and think that was so funny. How can a person looked like a fat bird with stern look. That was so funny. "Angry bird." He still laughing. His shoulder start to shaking in a cute way. "Why did your mom said you looked like one?" Eunhyuk said after successfully holding his laugh in.

Donghae tilted his head in confuse look. Staring at the air in front of him, "Yeah. Yellow. Big stretch at the body part. Because I'm short, I admit; I was so looked like one!" He lowered his head.

Eunhyuk back to his laughs for a second. How funny this kid, he thought. He can make Eunhyuk laughed at his words so easily without any effort. He's just naturally funny, or maybe cute. "Oh so, you're short" He said to Donghae and imagination start fullfil his mind again. Guy with a short body.

Donghae stayed quite for a second, he stared at Eunhyuk who seems like waiting for an answer. He realized, sometimes he could forget that Eunhyuk is blind. He cannot see. The statement Eunhyuk said just now somehow sounds like he is in sorrow. That's how blind people picture something; from what everyone said. He's just could only imagining and guessing, Donghae thought.

Donghae smiled and nodded quickly, "Yes." 

Eunhyuk smiled toothlessly and nodded a few times. Donghae still have an eyes on him, "I can tell you more about me." He said and smiled with eyebrow raised. "Do you wanna know?"

Eunhyuk felt a little bit joy and happiness for having a someone beside his family, finally. It's glad to know someone else, to be friend with someone else,


Donghae grinned widely as he suddenly breath out and stood from his seat quickly. Eunhyuk who can feel it got surprised and his smiled slowly disappear replaced with a confuse look. "Okay, now! Let's go" Donghae pulled Eunhyuk wrist to wake him up.

"W-wait! 'Let's go'? Where??"

Donghae still hold onto his wrist and dragged him gently towards his motorcycle, "You said you want me to tell you more about me. And I wanna know something more about you. So, we go now." Donghae hop on his motorcycle and then confuse when he still saw Eunhyuk standing there with a super confuse look plastered on his face.

"Hop on. It's not like I will kidnap you by the way." Donghae giggled in his own joke.

But Eunhyuk still doesn't get it, he surprised, not knowing what in front of him now "What?"

Donghae hold his wrist again and lead it to his motorcycle, "We ride together, hop on and be careful" He said softly and helped Eunhyuk to hop onto his back.

But so suddenly Eunhyuk's eyes widened in shock. He is surprised and Donghae could see him jolted away from Donghae's grip. He is trembling. Donghae wondering what's wrong with him until he looked really scared like that. But Donghae didn't asked, he just leads Eunhyuk's hand again, motion him to hop on and Eunhyuk obey this time.

"You can hold on me" Donghae said, still with frowned eyebrows while looking at Eunhyuk on his back. After that Eunhyuk grab Donghae's shirt so tight. Something's not right. Maybe it is the first time he ride with motorcycle after he lost his sight, that's why he is so afraid he would fall.

"Have you wore your helmet?" Eunhyuk asked try to keep his voice stable, but failed.

"We'll just having a near ride"

Eunhyuk tightened his grip when he can hear Donghae start the engine, "Put your helmet. Now." He said in a stern voice.

He just was really afraid, Donghae guess. It's no doubt; it must be his first ride with motorcycle after he lost his sight. Donghae listened to his order and put the helmet on, "O-okay..." And assured him everything will be okay.



A/N : I know I know, this story is goes really slowly! But I do usually giving late update, bad habit! so please bear with me. I just feel I have to give you new chapter, and then since today is a special day for me too so I'll give you this as a present, keke~ thanks for reading!♥ -arthie-


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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*