Lots of Things

The Sight of Destiny
A/N : It's our Lee Donghae's birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! And guys did you see Eunhyuk's tweets for Donghae's birthday?! I'm tearing up seeing those tweets! :') Since it's Donghae's birthday I just think I should give you guys an update. Then here it is a fluffy update :3


"There are a lot of things in this world
that makes me feel I should be here"
There are a lot of things in this world that makes me feel like I didn’t need to be here anymore, especially since I got an accident. I am blind, I got no friend, my parents are busy people, I only have one brother that always right beside me but when he had to do his own business; I couldn’t do anything.
But everything started to change when he comes into a picture. He gave me a light. Not just a bright white light but it’s colorful. He makes me able to feel anything in this world again when I thought I couldn’t feeling anything completely. For a thousand times since eight months ago, I admit it; I like him very much.
“Eunhyuk-ah happy birthday!” He said and wrap his arm around my shoulder on that April afternoon. I widened my eyes in shock wondering how he knew my birthday that time.
“I’m a good friend, okay? I know your birth date even though I didn’t ask you. I’m not like you who didn’t know when my birthday is..” He answered when I ask him.
“Of course I didn’t know! We had only known each other for three months at that time, I have no idea everything about you” I protested but deep inside I feel bad too for not knew his birthday. He always full of surprises.
“You should’ve found out though” He said with a weak voice. Makes me want to see his expression because he sounded so hurt, but maybe it’s just my feeling.
“Well, I will give you present on your birthday next year” I said bluntly before lean on the tree again leaving him who punch my arms so hard.
I remember we go on another trip that day. We go to the beach; the first place we had ever gone on our first trip together. He treated me a food and when I said I was the one who supposed to pay it for him since I was the birthday boy, he insisted; said that it was a gift since he didn’t brought any present for my birthday.
He is a crazy person. He always found something when I had not even thought about it before. One day, he told me to climb our tree. Yes, our tree.
“Come up!!” He screamed from the top of the leaves of the big tree.
“Are you a fool? You want me to die?” I asked in annoyance while he was just laughing harder. I hardly could hear his laughter because he was too way high up there.
“Don’t be such a coward, I know you can do it. You said to me earlier you liked hiking, right?” He said and I bet he was grinning like a fool at that time.
I stood up from my seat and face him with head up; ready to yell at him before I felt something was thrown over my head, “Aw! What’s that?” I said completely irritated. I know that was a fruit, it is cherry tree after all.
“Don’t talking too much, just try. It won’t hurt”
I scoffed and put my head low down with a mumble, “Yeah right. It won’t hurt if I wouldn’t ing fall from it and broke my legs” Donghae must be heard it all because once again I felt the cherry was thrown again on my head. I yelled at him but he was just release another laughter.
There I was, climbing the tree with eyes opened but felt like it was completely closed. I was scared at that time but his voice makes me want to keep climbing. I tried to remember the structure of the tree just like when I climb this up when I was a child. Yes, I like this tree since I was a child. I had ever climb this a few times too before. But because I lost my sight now, it kinda freaked me out.
I tried to find something I could grip to hold on, and tried to find something to stepped on. Half way passed and luckily I wasn’t fall.
“A little bit more!” Donghae’s voice heard closer and I was having urge to laugh. I gained confident. “Step on the hole on your right feet and take my hand.”
I keep balance with a steep breath coming out from my mouth. It’s been a quite long time I didn’t do sports; I didn’t know it would be this tiring just to climb a cherry tree. I hugged the tree tighter and straightened my position while my feet was looking for the hole Donghae said earlier and I found it. I stepped on it and brought my body higher just to hear Donghae told me to take his hand once again.
I raised my hand up, looking for his hand like an idiot. He chuckled and it irritated me a lot.
“You want to help me or not?” I said in annoyance that makes him laughing harder. His voice is beautiful when he laughs. I could fall from this tree at any second by heard it.
“I’m here, dork” He said, and my stomach felt a tingly to hear what he called me. I follow his voice and brought my hand to his own and he grabbed me faster. He helped me to pulled my body up and finally I was sitting right in front of him above the biggest leaves on the tree.
I stunned in shock.
I did it.
“You did it!!” He said so cheerfully and then he laughed again. I didn’t know why he laughs a lot today. It seems like he had a very good mood.
I tried to release a deep breath and breathing properly again. I’m still tired but I managed to respond him, “I’m awesome, I know” I said in ignorant and Donghae quickly pushed my shoulder. “Hey! You want me to fall out of this tree?!” I said in panicked, he laughed again beautifully.
“You will show up on a book of records! Climbing a tree with eyes closed!” He said with his silly thought and I couldn’t help but laughed along with him because I was thinking the same thing.
He made me do something I hadn’t ever thought before.
“Well now,” I sighed with a breeze air blew all over my face. It felt good up there, he wasn’t lying. But I couldn’t help thinking another problem, “Figure out the way how will I climb this tree down?” 
“You will find a way” He answered casually and I couldn’t do anything but slapped my forehead.
I remember we spent a lot of hours above the tree that day and I thought it wouldn’t be just a mere moments that I will forget so easily. I will never forget that. We talked about so many things, about his school, about my childhood friend, and for the first time I finally thought that his favorite chocolate bar he used to call paradise was indeed delicious.
I rarely liked chocolate before. But he made me to eat it, or even liked it.
“This is June 26th, it’s Lee Donghae talking. We’re on the top of the most beautiful tree in the world—“ Donghae’s voice heard as soon as I press the play button on my recoder.
“Excessive.” My voice heard blurry.
“Yah! Stop it, I’m trying to give a live report here.” He protested and I can’t help but giggling to hear it now after two weeks we recorded it. He continued his silly report, “I told Lee Eunhyuk to climb up here and at first he was scared like a cat.”
“I’m not!”
“Shut up. Yeah he was scared, ladies and gentleman. But he did it! Whoah, I can’t believe this. We should come up here more often in the future. It’s so beautiful in here and the sky is just looks so wide, and the air is so refreshing.”
Yes it was. I could feel it.
“Lee Eunhyuk is leaning there with his back with eyes closed, pretend not to amazed but I know he’s amazed by everything on up here too. Right, Eunhyuk?”
I giggle to remember that time when I and he immediately kick my foot slightly.
“Well, I report from the top of the tree. Once again, it’s June 26th, Lee Donghae and Lee Eunhyuk. Have a nice day!” He ended his silly report with a silly giggle.
I don’t know how many times already I play this audio in two weeks. I’m just so happy listening to it. He was right, this recorder never let me to feel lonely anymore. He got me a very useful present. I like it.
And I like him.
“Are you seeing someone lately?” It is Sunday morning and that’s the first question which I get from Sungmin’s mouth.
“What?” I frown hard and walk towards the dining table where he is sitting.
He stays quite and I think he eyed me from head to toe because I just can feel it. But I choose to ignore it.
“You seem happier than usual lately”
I chuckle to hear his reason why he asked me the question. Am I too obvious?
“Well, I’m just trying to accept my condition, Hyung. That makes me feel a lot better”
Yes, I do.
Sungmin Hyung pats my shoulder and giving me a slight squeeze, I liked the feeling his warm hand on me. He always be the first person who cares. He does even know I become so bright these days.
“I’m happy to see you happy.” He says while ruffling my hair. I smile at him and we start our breakfast.
The phone is ringing when I and Sungmin Hyung relaxing on the couch together watching movie. Well, it’s not called watching for me. But I can hear the story, right? Sungmin Hyung immediately stands up from the couch and run towards the phone to pick it up.
For a moment, I just busy pay attention to the movie. But my focus got torn apart when I hear Sungmin Hyung talking with a person on the other line very seriously.
“Oh my God. Really…?” He sounds shock. I frown and my heart suddenly beats faster.
“Hyung, who is it?” I ask but he still talking on the phone so I choose to wait.
“I will tell him.. and I’ll make sure he will call you back.” He says weakly and hang up the phone.
I hear him walk towards me on the couch again with a heavy step and I can’t stand it anymore but ask once again.
“What’s the matter, Hyung? Who is it?” I hold his hand on the couch and squeeze it as my heart can’t calm at all.
“It’s Dad..” He answers.
“What happened?” My eyes stared at my brother with an empty look. It doesn’t blink at all.
He sighed and sniffle a bit, making me frown and wondering because he sounds like he is crying. I get frustrated to know what actually happening.
“Father said that he and mom already found a doctor who has a cornea donour for you in US. He agreed to do a surgery for you so you will be able to see again in a few months.” Sungmin Hyung says very quickly.
I drop my jaw.
Is this really happening? Oh my God.
“Hyung.. is this serious?” I ask like an idiot. I just don’t want to be given an empty hope anymore. That was just too hurtful, I could even cry again just thinking about it. “Have they checked that the donour is really fit me?”
“They have, Eunhyuk!” He squeals in joy.
“Oh my God.” That’s all I can say between these mixed feeling inside my heart. Damn I’m so happy I will be able to see again in a few months! My dream comes true! 
But suddenly something creep out on my mind. One name crosses my head.
“Hyung, is that means I have to go to US to have the surgery?” I ask slowly.
Please no. Please say no. Please. Say no.
“No.” and that’s when my heart burst. I hold my breath in, “The doctor and the team will come to Korea and you just have to wait for them preparing for everything. Just wait, a little bit more.” Sungmin Hyung says and after that he hugs me so tight.
My jaw drop once again and I can’t help but feel my eyes got teary. At any seconds I feel salt water falling on my cheek so hard. I still get shocked from what just happen.
“Oh my God, Hyung I’m so happy!!” I cry harder in his hug. He hugs me tighter and ruffling my hair with a laugh. But I can hear he is crying too when he said he is very happy too.
“I’m happy to see you happy, I said” He says again for second times today and I feel like crying harder.
There are a lot of things in this world that makes me feel like I didn’t need to be here anymore, especially since I got an accident. But now, there are a lot of things in this world that makes me feel I should be here like I always do.
There are a lot of things my parents have done to me. They worked hard to find a cornea donour even they had to go to another country. There are a lot of things my brother has done to me since he never leave me when I need him so much.
And there are a lot of things Donghae has done to me even though mostly of them are a crazy things. I will see him soon. I will freaking see his face soon, looking at his short body, silky hair, nice eyes, and all the silly things he would do again in the future.
There a lot of things I want to do with Donghae after I can see the world again. I can’t wait to tell him about this news.
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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*