One Step Closer

The Sight of Destiny
"But right now, right here, we don't care.
We are just too happy."

Keeping a secret is not easy.


Yes, since I know about my departure a few months later, I just keep thinking about it. Furthermore, my head filled with worry everytime I hang out with Eunhyuk. I don’t even know whether I should tell him about this. He was just so happy these days, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so bright like that. It makes me feel like I never want to let him down.

“My dad called again last night” He says with his mp3 player on his hands. He put his headset on his one ear so he will still able to talk to me.

I turned my head to him. “Oh yeah?  And what was it about?” Without realize, a smile crept on my face. I don’t know why, I just do.

He’s humming for a while and adjust his sitting position, “Nothing, he’s just calling me so often now. Just asked about my condition, and how I’m doing, or telling me about my upcoming surgery. He is preparing everything for it”

In one way, I am so happy to hear him telling me about his upcoming surgery, but in other way, a burden starts to pop out again. I’m just afraid. I’m afraid he would disappointed if he knew that I wouldn’t be here anymore when he gets his sight back again. I’m afraid he would be sad to know that we wouldn’t be able to spend time together as much as we had ever done.

But once again I just smile, “I’m glad to hear that, to finally know that you will be able to see again. Isn’t that exciting?”

He laughs voicelessly, “Very.”

A few days later, I woke up with a noise coming out of my bedroom. Not usual noise that I’ve ever heard before, it’s different. I opened my bedroom with half-closed eyes because I’m still sleepy. But the next thing that I see makes my eyes fully open.

“Good morning” I see my mother busy packing things in the kitchen and put it into a big brown box.

“What are you doing?” Call me rude because I didn’t greet her back but I’m just too distracted by whatever she is doing.

“Packing our things” She hesitates and doesn’t dare to look at me even a second. She knows I really hate this. We had almost done this so freaking many times. I almost don’t understand what my father’s job until he always wants to make us move everywhere with him. But I don’t care, I hate this.

“I just want to pack little things from now, so we don’t have to do it in rush when we have to move out weeks later.” She says while he put whatever that is into a smaller box beside the big brown box.

I walk closer and squints my eyes in hateness, “Weeks later? Didn’t you guys say we will move out in months later?” I raise my voice just to make my mother stop her movement to finally looking at me with her worry eyes. I dislike that stare.

“Your father changes plan.” She says strictly but I can hear some pain in her voice. Eventhough she knows I hate this, but she can’t do anything if my father has decide.

I fist my hand to hold my annoyance, “Where is he?”

“He went to somewhere this early morning. He said there’s some business that he should take care before we move out.”

So this is all true. We will move this quick. I don’t know when the exact date but I’m sure it will be an early of the next month because it’s a middle of June. We might move out right after my final exam.

That fast. That fast, we will move out of here and live a new life, again.

Once again, Eunhyuk crosses my mind. For God’s sake why do I keep thinking about him?

My fist got weakened, my stare goes blank at nowhere on the floor. “Do we really have to go?” Before I realize, my voice sounds so pathetic. Just like someone begging.

My mother sighs once again and gives me a warm smile before she walks towards me. I know she was annoying sometimes when she kept teasing me, but she is one of the person who knows me too well. She always cares of me.

She stops right in front of me before looking at my eyes and my hair gently, “You know the answer, son”

Another gloomy Sunday. For me, bright Sunday is very rarely happen. I will thank God with all my heart if I had a bright Sunday just like everyone else. I ran out after my mother told me that we will move out weeks later this afternoon. Here I am laying on the long bench staring at the night sky. I had been fall asleep for two hours here and before I realize, the sky turns dark already.

Count the stars would be useless because there are so many up there. I just secretly one of them would fall so I can make a wish to stay longer in this place, just like everyone in the movie make a wish when they saw a shooting star. But still, none of those stars fall.

I still busy with my mind and the beautiful night sky above me when suddenly I hear someone screaming. Literally screaming out loud making me jump out of my seat and I almost fell over, gladly I didn’t.


I adjust my position and sit upon the bench to see who was screaming like a crazy dude.


And I find him there. Lee Eunhyuk.

His gums don’t stop showed up when he smiles so wide. He suddenly linked his hands together and put his head down until his forehead touch his hands.

“I’m happy that you finally answer my pray, thanks so much” He says again before he laughs voicelessly while his eyes still closed.

I’m just smiling to myself to see him like that. He looks so silly screaming at this hour alone at the park thinking that nobody see him. He looks so great with his blue-white strip sweater that he wore with his grey pants. He looks so adorable with that smile. I can’t stop smiling.

Is it the feeling when you see someone that you really like?

“Yah!” I raise my voice to surprise him and right, I succeed. He opens his eyes immediately and look at where my voice are without blinking. “Are you crazy? Screaming in the night like this and talking by yourself” I laugh as I stand up to walk towards him who froze like a statue.

I stop right in front of him and he still doesn’t move. That’s my chance to staring at him for a while once again before I finally broke the silence, “I’m asking you, are you crazy?” I slap a back of his head slightly while laughing and he finally realize who I am.

“Yah! How dare you!” He slaps me back at the same spot and I just laugh even more. “Why are you here? It’s late evening, I didn’t think anyone would be here at the time like this”

I smile in pain, “Just taking rest, and why are you here screaming like a weirdo thinking that nobody would saw you?”

He chuckles brightly and that looks in great I didn’t remember he looks this great before. The moonlight makes his flaws around his cheek can be seen in the night like this. But still looks great, how can he.

“I just had a great news” he says and my heart clenched for a while before excitement comes through again.

“Really? Another great news, what is it?” I ask, ready for whatever it is because I know it must be about his upcoming surgery.

He stares at me. Wait, no. He’s just trying to. He actually just look at something behind me with empty stare and un-blinked eyes. Those single eyelid almost invisible when once again he smiles so wide and says,

“My father called again this morning and informed me that he would come at the end of this month to do my surgery”

My eyes wide opened. My heart almost burst out.

“End of this month? End of June?!” I almost scream.

Oh, that fast. I think.

“Yes, Donghae!” He laughs and nods his head in excitement before I suddenly hug him so in tight because I’m just too happy for him.

“Oh my God, it’s the date. Finally. Finally.” I hug him even tighter and jump our bodies up and down like a weirdo. Great, seconds ago, I called him weirdo and now I am the weirdo too. If anyone would walk pass the street and see us like this now they might think we are a crazy guys who lives in the street together. But right now, right here, we don’t care. We are just too happy.

Right, I really am happy as well.

“Yes! It’s closer!” He hugs me back and this might be one of those moments that I would never forget all my lifetime. For the first time we hug each other so close like none of us wants to let go. He wraps his arm perfectly around my waist and I perfectly wrap my hands around his shoulders. Perfectly fit. That’s just feels so right.

But that doesn’t go forever, of course it doesn’t. We have to let go and see each other face again with a big smile still plastered on our face.

My worries have gone. I don’t think about anything anymore when he said that great news because it’s awesome to know he will get his sight back again not so long from now. I’m so happy that I finally can see his expression when he sees my face for the first time after the surgery.

I’m happy to realize that—at least—the surgery will be done before I move out of this town.

“I’m very happy for you” I say while I his arms with my both hands and staring at him with a smile.

“Thanks, me too. I’m so freaking happy until I don’t think anything would be able to bring me down anymore for now”

His words slap me hard for a while before his smiles crept in again and makes my worry gone little by little. He smiles and still focusing on nowhere on my face with his usual un-blinked eyes.

How I wish he could staring at my eyes just like I always do.



A/N: I'm so sorry for another late update. Furthermore, it's very short update. New semester giving me so much pressure and tasks because it's closer to my final semester. That's why I have no much time to write and no idea as well. You guys probably so tired to hear my sorry about giving late update but I really am. I do even think about abandoning this story :(

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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*