Curiousity and Hopes

The Sight of Destiny

"Wait, there is something odd here. He is...."




Donghae glanced at his watch; 1PM. He sighed in relief. It’s rare happened; going out of school at this time. But when he thought about what happened on his class before, he just thankful. It’s nice to be able to go home this early. Finally that boring class ended quickly and he can rest. Donghae walked through the usual park on his way home. He turned his head at the view which is shocked him enough. So quite. There is no people at all. Maybe because the sun shines too brighter than usual makes those soccer boys lazy to going out and play. That was all doesn’t caught Donghae’s attention before finally he realized there is one person sitting under the big tree while crouching down hugging foot and rest the face on both knees. Donghae got shocked even more when he saw that. Without he realized, he find his feet already walked towards the person. When suddenly he hear a sobs, his eyes widened.

He sobs terribly, and his shoulders are shaking. Donghae went a little panick for a while and don’t know what to do. This is the first time he saw person crying this hard in public like this.

Donghae lowered his body, “Hey.. sorry, are you okay?” Donghae said under his control. The extra curiousity caused everything just blurted out of his mouth.

Suddenly the person got shock and almost jumped on his seat when hear Donghae.


Donghae jumped a bit to realized this was ‘the boy’. The boy that Donghae always meet alone under the tree almost every evening he came here.

“Nugu...” Eunhyuk quickly wiped his tears for a while and moved his head aside. Clearly avoiding Donghae; his voice. For a moment, Eunhyuk forget his sadness and anger when someone he doesn’t know freak his out with his sudden words.

“Why were you crying?” Once again Donghae asked because his panick and his heart feels like skipped a beat even more to see Eunhyuk’s red face.

“Aniyo. I’m fine, sorry” Eunhyuk shook his head quickly, still avoiding Donghae and slowly moved away from his seat.

Donghae frowned at the view. He clearly could realized Eunhyuk was stepped back even just a little. “You don’t need to be afraid of me. I’m not bad person.” Donghae said in disappointment. Actually, that wasn’t Eunhyuk fault to be scared. He doesn’t know Donghae at all at the first time, how he couldn’t freak out. Eunhyuk just stayed quite. Is bad person always admitting to people that he is bad? Of course they will say they’re know. Eunhyuk still try to calm and once again wiped away his wet face and fixed his seat.

Donghae sighed before he bit lower lip with furrowed eyebrows. “Fine. I know, we don’t know each other. No wonder you feel uncomfortable” He murmured, but Eunhyuk still can hear him. Who silently sigh in relief on his mind. Donghae just sounds like he talks to himself besides. Without any single signs, suddenly Donghae sit down instead. With a some space between them to each other. Eunhyuk who can feels that he is sitting there eventhough they’re not so close, directly turned his head to Donghae who already leaned on his back on the tree. Of course, Eunhyuk can’t see that. He only can feel.

“What…are you doing?” Eunhyuk said in a very low voice, not really sure whether he should ask or he should be just get the hell out of here.

Donghae turned at him, looking at Eunhyuk who has a red swollen eyes, “Take a rest. Waeyo?”

“Sorry. I want to be here alone”

“The few days back then I’m also sat here, and you don’t mind.” Donghae answered him flatly and confused. He frowning so hard.

Eunhyuk stunned in disbelief and squinted his eyes, “Really?” He mumbled with frowned eyebrows as well. All this time, he didn’t know that Donghae also often took a rest near him under the tree. Although Donghae always give a quite big gap between them. Maybe because he was too busy daydreaming, that’s why he couldn’t feel Donghae’s presence.

“Didn’t you never see me” Donghae asked shook his head and stared at Eunhyuk in confuse look.

See? Of course not.

Eunhyuk didn’t answer the question instead of just looking away straight forward and leaned on with his back. Donghae pouted. From the way Donghae talks, Eunhyuk has already can guess that Donghae isn’t bad person for sure and he has no bad things to do. He is too innocent, and almost sounds stupid. Eunhyuk has already started to scratch all bad impression and he doesn’t so freak out anymore. Instead, he even feel more comfortable now for the first time. Ignore it, he decide. Eunhyuk sigh, again, and let his eyes closed. Feeling the air around him as he imagine the scenery in front of him.

Donghae just could stayed quite staring at Eunhyuk who acted a little bit weird to him. Appearantly there is something he wants to know from Eunhyuk since the first time he saw Eunhyuk. But Eunhyuk always succeed hiding all those things so Donghae couldn’t find out. Donghae quickly shook his head. Maybe he should stop sneeking in and get so curious with people’s life. He knows it’s not a good thing and it’s not his business at all.

Finally Donghae just choose to ignore it as well. He took out his chocolate of his pocket and quickly eat them up. Feeling the chocolate melts in his mouth. While he play with his phone,  he chewing his favorite food non-stop. Donghae started busy with himself when suddenly he heard a small sniffs coming from the boy who sat not so far beside him. Donghae could hear it everytime he inhales with his nose. Donghae frowned his eyebrows and quickly turned his head to the boy beside him, and find Eunhyuk still sat peacefully with his eyes closed, but now there is a wet things rolling down his cheeks. He’s crying again. And then not long after that, Eunhyuk raised his hand slowly to wiped them away.

“Crying again...?” Donghae mumbled.


Without he realized that was said louder enough than he expected. He quickly covered his mouth his hand and mentally slapped his mind for being so stupid mumbling this and that under his control.

Eunhyuk quickly opened his eyes and looked surprise. He almost forget that he is not here alone. He forget, because usually he always come here alone and nobody sees him. So he could crying everytime he wants. Yeah. At least, that’s all he had thought, until now he guess that was all wrong. Eunhyuk quickly lowered his head and wiped his tears away with both hands.

Donghae lowered his eyebrows in pity. For some reason, he also feel upset to see people crying like this. Although it’s not even the people he knew.

“Umm, man. You wanna some?” Suddenly Donghae stretch out his chocolate waffer to Eunhyuk who directly stopped from wiping the tears. “This chocolate has some magic somehow. Maybe it could wiped away all of your sadness. It could help you to stop crying” Donghae added.

Eunhyuk surprised with Donghae’s words and he only can stayed quite without knowing actually what kind of chocolate Donghae offered to him. “Sorry, but we don’t know each other. I can’t take any food from you” Eunhyuk said without turned his head at Donghae.

“No, I don’t put drugs or something in it. See! Hmmmm~” Donghae took a bite at his chocolate deliciously to prove it’s not something bad to Eunhyuk, but Eunhyuk doesn’t even bother to looked at him.

Eunhyuk knows Donghae just intentionally to proving to him, but useless. Eunhyuk couldn’t even see it. He really wants to say that he is blind, but what if Donghae really bad person and dare to do bad things to him after Donghae knows he is blind. Finally Eunhyuk choose to shook his head and looked away again.

Donghae pouted in disappointment. Right, we shouldn’t accept any food people we don’t know. But Donghae just want to share his magic chocolate to Eunhyuk, so he might could stop crying. Although it sounds nonsense. Silly Donghae. He doesn’t understand himself why he cares a lot to people he doesn’t even know. He’s just can’t stand to see other people crying around him.

“Eo, I wanna go home already. Pick me up soon, okay” Eunhyuk’s voice heard on Donghae’s ear when he still busy pouting. Eunhyuk’s on the phone. Although he talks slowly, but the quite situation around them caused Donghae hear it.

He’s going home. Donghae pouted again even more. He knows, Eunhyuk must be so uncomfortable because of him. For some reason, Donghae felt a deep disappointment. He can’t deny that actually, he’s just as lonely as Eunhyuk right now. Donghae just need someone to talk. But none of them knows about each other’s feeling.

“Sorry, but I really not a bad person..”

Eunhyuk got surprised when Donghae said that with so innocent. For a moment, he regret that he might talking too loud until it bothers Donghae’s feeling. But Eunhyuk choose to stay quite and doesn’t even response.

A few minutes passed, already third times Donghae turned his head to look at Eunhyuk who just sit quietly forward with his usual gaze; empty. He always looks like that, like he all daydreaming. Thousand times Donghae hold himself for not saying things to Eunhyuk or he would be feel bothered again. Although actually, Donghae really really really wants to talk to him and ask him to be friend.


Donghae jumped a bit when he heard someone’s voice and saw the cute boy from yesterday coming towards them. The someone that Donghae thought it was Eunhyuk’s crush.

“Hyung” Eunhyuk said when he knew the voice and Donghae could see he beamed happily while tried to get up.

Wait.. Wait. There is something odd here.

“You wanna go home already? It’s fast, not like usual” Sungmin asked as he helped Eunhyuk to standing up with hold his arms quickly. Eunhyuk hummed and nodded. After that he tells Sungmin he’s just having a little headache. Big lie. Sungmin quickly frowned and touched his cheeks, checking him and asked if he’s okay or not. Eunhyuk will not ever wants to make him worry, he smiled and say he is okay.

Donghae still stunned scanning Eunhyuk from head to toe, and busy with his guess which he conclude from the way Eunhyuk acted. Which is looks pretty odd to him. He’s just too surprised and can’t believe.

That’s the time when suddenly Sungmin’s eyes caught Donghae looking at Eunhyuk with his innocent eyes. But he ignored it. “Ah arasseo, kajja.” Sungmin said as he wrapped his head around Eunhyuk’s shoulder like usual and leave. But before they left, for the last time suddenly Eunhyuk turned his head to Donghae’s direction. Who still have big eyes due to shock about his mind.

Those eyes. Those empty eyes. Donghae thinks he should have known it from the first place. How could he not realized it all this time. He’s just realized it all now. Especially when he saw Eunhyuk talked to the cute boy earlier. Donghae could see Eunhyuk’s eyes wasn’t looking at Sungmin like other people do. And then the short gaze he gave before he left too; empty. Those are literally empty. Donghae’s mind making his heart thumped for no reason because of too confused.

“He is blind….isn’t he?”


The curiousity rushing through all Donghae's body until tonight like this. It feels like he already can guess what makes that lonely guy have a gloomy aura everyday in the park. Poor him. He must be even more lonely than Donghae ever thought. Suddenly popped up another more of curiousity everytime Eunhyuk crossed Donghae's mind. Along with feels want to know Eunhyuk more and be his friend. But Donghae didn't know how to do. Maybe he just has to go to the park more often to meet Eunhyuk there. Yes.

"Eunhyuk... His name is Eunhyuk, right?" Eunhyuk mumbled in his room like a fool. "Why I have a feelings that he is..blind. Aish, why am I like this? I don't even know him! Um, I have to meet him again tomorrow" he said between his thoughts.

Not long after that, suddenly sound of the door opened wakes Donghae up from his thought. His mom's head peek in behind the door with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey, you're not sleeping yet? Are you talking with yourself just now? You crazy, Hae?" Mom asked continously, cause Donghae rolled his eyes lazily.

"Aish, Eomma. I'm not sleepy yet." Donghae said as he move a little bit motioned his mom to take a seat on his bed. "Um.. Mom, I wanna ask you something" He said while waving his hand and patted the empty space beside him.

His mom have a seat and stared at him, "Wae?"

"Um.. For blind people, are they really won't ever could see anymore forever?" Donghae asked while squinted his eyes and tilted his head in confuse look. Once again curiousity attack his brain.

"Of course they can. If they received a cornea donour from other people." Mom replied.

Donghae turned his head forward, nodding at his mom's words. "Cornea donour.. Umm, right"

"Wae??" Mom asked when she starts confused to look at Donghae nodding at himself.

"Eo? Ah..aniya. Just asking" he replied in lie while chuckled fakely.

His mom just could narrowed, not really satisfied with Donghae's answer. "That's why you should study more. How could you not know about that easy thing" Mom said and flicked Donghae's forehead slightly until makes him surprised and widened his eyes. And then he just palmed his forehead while pouted. His mom just laughed at his cuteness.

"Arasseo. It's late night now. Better you go sleep. You can't be late for school tomorrow" Mom said and start to get up. She patted Donghae's shoulder and he nodded in agree before finally his mom get out of his room.

Fine. Decision made. Donghae already decide to come to the park again tomorrow after school. To meet that Eunhyuk and hoping that it will turned out nicer than today; hoping they can be a good friends.


Who is he?

Why is he even keep tried to talk to me?

Is he really bad person?

Eunhyuk can’t deny, he thinks of Donghae as well right now. Those question start rushing though Eunhyuk’s mind on the night like this. He’s just can’t believe, since he lost his sight almost two years ago, there is no one who really tried to talk with him except his family. Especially when he sat on the park alone. He nearly have nobody to talk to since a long time. He’s not feel bothered actually, just confuse.

Scratch that, Eunhyuk. He’s just some random people.

 "Eunhyuk!! Eunhyuk!!"

Eunhyuk almost jumped out of his bed when his name called so loudly by the person who just arrived.  His thought crash in a second when his hyung come into his bedroom.

"Hyung? What are you doing here? Why are you screaming like mad?” Eunhyuk sat up and asked in confusion but Sungmin is just too excited to reply.

"Eunhyuk-ah. I got a good news for you." Sungmin sit in excitement right beside Eunhyuk on the bed. His smiled was so brightly showing ear to ear.

Eunhyuk has a mini heart attack right after hear that from his hyung with an unusual tone. Everybody knows, eventhough Sungmin is a cheerful one, he is barely act so exciting like this.

"Good... News?"

"Neh! I just got a phone call from hospital, and you know what?" Sungmin said, hanging his words in purpose to stare at Eunhyuk for a while with wide smile. Eunhyuk's heart feels like stop beating for a while, especially when finally his brother finished his sentences with one breath.

"They said hospital has a cornea donour and they ask you to come for doing some checks!"

In a second, without realize Eunhyuk's jaw drops to hear that, and his hand clenched a fist on the end of his shirt. His heart sucessfully stop beating for real now and he almost screamed out in happiness, "Really?!"

Finally. Today comes.

What a happy life!!

It means Eunhyuk will be able to see again with his own eyes, and everything is not so dark anymore. At least, that's what he expected. Hopefully!

I'm not dreaming, right?

"Jinjjaro. If this donour fits you, you will be able to see again, Hyuk!" Sungmin screamed out of joy as he shook Eunhyuk's shoulder and smiled wider. The happiness was really showed on his cute face. "I will accompany you to hospital for doing some checks tomorrow, ok?"

Eunhyuk only can stay quite with his gummy smile so wide. He suddenly can’t think about anything else right now. Just about this donour which finally comes and gives him a hope to run this life! His heart really feels like wanna throw out from its place. No words can describe his feelings right now. Eventhough he swear, he really want to say something, but he just can't find a word. There's too many butterflies fly here and there on his stomach. Too much happiness feels. After two years, this will end soon and everythings will shines again.

Eunhyuk can't stop his happy tears and with a quick moves he pulled Sungmin so deep to his hug, "Gomawo, Hyung!" He said with a crack voice.

This darkness and suffer will end soon, thank God!



A/N : I give you a longer chapter! Thanks for subscribing and comment! Tell me more what you think :D -arthie-

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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*