
The Sight of Destiny

"I’m still busy crying hard without any sound, and that’s the time when suddenly I heard someone"




Eunhyuk's POV


"Is there any news from hospital?" I can hear my mom talked softly from outside. Maybe she purposely talks very slowly because she doesn't want I hear that, but that was useless.

I can’t hear anything after that. Silent for a seconds before suddenly I hear a small sobs. My heartbeat goes fastened. This is not good, I know.

"Should we wait longer than this??” Suddenly she raised her voice. “I can't take it anymore. I can't stand to see him suffering like that!" That was all I heard from my mom with a shaky voice. In second, my heart torn apart.

"Sssh! Lowered your voice. He may could hear us." Then Appa said. But once again; useless. I still can hear it already and this is breaking my heart so bad.

This time, I choose not to overheard anything. I walked carefully towards my bed, trying not to make any sound. My chest tightened in pain and deep disappointment. I laid on my bed with my tummy and buried deep my face on pillow. The next thing I know, my tears flows uncontrollably. I have no intention to cry, seriously. That’s all just making me seems so crybaby. But this, I really just can’t take it anymore and I just feel so hopeless.

Minutes passed after I finally stop crying on pillow. I quickly take my phone from the table before I hold number one and put on my ear.

“Eo, Eunhyuk-ah?” The person on the other line finally answer my call not long after.

“You go home today, won’t you?” I asked straightly.

“Neh, wae? You missed me?”

Oh. I really have no mood to joking right now. “I just.. want to see you...” I said slowly, trying hard to keep my voice stable.

But then, the person on the other line stay quite for a seconds. I can imagine he frowned right there with his cute eyebrows.

“Yah, why? Something else happened?” He asked in worry.

“Just go home. I’ll tell when I see you”

He started to scolded me like a mom, I know he must be so worried because of my sudden phone call. He said he won’t be able to work properly because he keep thinking of me there. I’m trying hard to make him sure everything’s okay and I just want to see him but he didn’t believe me at first. I don’t want to talk about it right now. Only thinking about it makes my heart aches again. Then finally when I started to sobbing again, he gave up.

“Arasseo.” He doesn’t ask anymore. “I’ll just go home directly a few hours later. Wait for me and don’t you dare to cry” He said, I know I can always count on him.


“Sungmin Hyung, thank you for dropping me here again” I said to my brother as he helped me to my favourite place; under the tree on the park.

“You really want to be here alone?” He asked and I nodded. “You don’t want to tell me what makes you like this?” Once again he asked. With full of concern in his tone, I feel pity if I didn’t tell him and I know he would be so worry.

“I did overhear mom and dad talking. Dad said, there is no news again from hospital. For God’s sake, Hyung, this is too long. Two years, and I think I can help it anymore!” My voice suddenly raised without I realized. The pain in my heart goes wide enough to tightened my chest again. Sungmin Hyung take my hands and squeezed them while calm me down.

“Hey hey hey sssh, calm down.” He said and I can’t help but lowered my face and crying again. Such a freaking crybaby. Suddenly Sungmin Hyung who can’t look at me crying like this, pulled me into a deep hug. He rubbed my back and soothe me once again, “This won’t take too long.. Trust me.”

“I thought so.. But this is already too long, Hyung”

Sungmin Hyung suddenly pulled our hug and hold my wet cheeks making me face him. Oh i wish i could see his face too. I miss him so much. “Yah, listen to me.” He said. “Just a little bit more, I promise you. It’s almost two years you have been waited, what’s so hard to wait a little bit more?” Sungmin Hyung said softly to me. I know for sure, to be honest he is also so heavy to said that. We both don’t know when the hospital will come to give us a good news. But he’s just can’t say anything more to comfort me but those words. Which actually sounds bull.

I don’t response him.

“You can’t give up now, okay? You must be cheer up and fight this. Don’t you miss to see my handsome face?” Sungmin Hyung said again, trying to break the ice. But this time, I really have no mood to joking. Caused me just stayed quite while trying to stop my tears with all my best. But at least, I’m happy with his effort, eventhough it’s not really helping me. I’m way too upset.

But I can’t let him disappointed, so I raised my head and faked a smile, “Thanks, Hyung. Thanks too for dropping me here. If I already want to go home, I’ll call you like usual.” I said sudden enough to make him surprised. I know, he must be pouting right now. He rubbed my head for a while softly. Maybe he stared at me, hating me for being like this in front of him. The tears that makes his heart also aches. But he know he can't do anything, and he know he’s not so clever for cheering someone up.

Finally Sungmin Hyung say goodbye to me after he rubbed my head for the last time. He left, I could hear his footsteps gone far. I’m alone again, and when I’m alone, toughts start rushing on my mind. I stunned like a statue while resting my back on the tree like usual. Almost full quite, no sound at all. Maybe because it’s still early noon, that’s why all the soccer boy has not come to play yet. I just keep staring straight forward. I can feel the sun on my face. But I still can’t see the shines at all. This afternoon is bright enough, but everything still so dark to me.

It’s almost been two years since the accident that caused me lost my sight. I’m getting frustrated now. I still have to patiently waiting for a donour that fit my eyes. But what if it didn’t come? That question always haunting me for these years and making me afraid to wake up every morning. I want to see colours around me again. I’m also lonely, I’m freaking have no friends at all. This incident caused me to do home-schooling and just spent my time at home all day long. Even Sungmin Hyung can’t accompany me all the time and cure every loneliness.

My chest goes tightened again in second, I hate it. I quickly searched something on my jakcet's pocket. Took out my cellphone, and also looking for my beloved earphone; the only thing which able to wiped away all of my sadness on the time like this. But wait, I searched everywhere on all the pockets, but I found nothing.

“Haishhh!!” I just realized that I put my earphone on the table at my room. I cursed again. Great, now I can’t cheer myself up. Now this heart, not only filled with sadness but also anger. I hate this. Why at the time like this, always there is a reason that makes my heart getting worse. Disappointment, anger, upset, all at once full in my heart. Not a single thing goes right. This feeling really makes me feel like screaming out loud, cursing at all people! I hate this!

I didn’t realized, I’m crying again. And the worse is; I don’t freaking care anymore. I just wanna let it out. I hugged my foot in front of my chest and buried deep my face above my knees as I crying harder. Hoping that with crying so hard, everything will be feel better. But I guess I’m wrong. I can’t stop this.

My eyes filled with tears, my head spinning in aches, My chest tightened in pain, I’m still busy crying hard without any sound, and that’s the time when suddenly I heard someone said,

“Hey... sorry, are you okay?”



A/N : Sorry for left it hanging! Wait for it ;P -arthie-

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[TSD-01/02] 2nd January!! Happy Anniversary to this story lol although I don't update this often. Sorry! I'll comeback soon!


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 20: OOOhhh poor hyuk, hae will leave soon...
please update again, this story is great :)
Chapter 20: Just got back to aff huhuhu pls continued ;(
Chapter 20: Oh my shisus OMG yes Hyukkie I'm so happy for him but Hae
Don't worry Hae we'll find a solution
Chapter 20: I don't want them both to separate please please stay!! My heart breaks for them.
Chapter 20: aish... they just need to change number and donghae to know Hyuk addresse..
Chapter 20: Aww... :( I wish Hae didn't have to move....

Thanks for updating!
257471 #7
Chapter 19: NoOOOO please don't separate them....
please update soon
Chapter 19: Oh my god no you have to update like today like now like please omg this was one of the best stories I've ever read so far
Don't do this to me please!! Update soon I loved this story so much
Chapter 19: why????? why hae's father let him stay.... :'(
Chapter 19: uuuhhh T_T.... andweeeeee don't go haeeeeeeeeee , thank u for update *sobs*